#requires -module Az.Accounts,Microsoft.Graph.Authentication function Connect-MgGraphAz { <# .SYNOPSIS Connect to Microsoft Graph using an "Az" powershell module context .DESCRIPTION This function saves you from logging in twice to both mggraph and the az powershell module by fetching a token using your azure context. .EXAMPLE Connect-MgGraphAz Connects with your current default Azure context .EXAMPLE $context = get-azcontext -ListAvailable | where name -match 'Development' | select -first 1 Connect-MgGraphAz -DefaultProfile $context Connects to Microsoft Graph using the first profile in your context list that matches the name 'Development' .EXAMPLE get-azcontext -ListAvailable | where name -match 'Development' | select -first 1 | Connect-MgGraphAz Uses the pipeline to connect to Microsoft Graph using the first profile in your context list that matches the name 'Development' #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( #The Az Module Context to use for the connection. You can get a list with Get-AzContext -ListAvailable. Note this parameter only accepts one context and if multiple are supplied it will only connect to the last one supplied [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)][Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Common.Authentication.Abstractions.Core.IAzureContextContainer]$DefaultProfile, #Specify Process to use this token to authenticate just this process, or CurrentUser for all sessions started by this user [Microsoft.Graph.PowerShell.Authentication.ContextScope]$ContextScope, #Dont register the global refresh handler workaround. This is required if you want to use HttpPipelinePrepend [Switch]$NoRefresh, #Suppress the welcome messages [Switch]$Quiet ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $mgVarScope = if ($NoRefresh) {'Script'} else {'Global'} [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Profile.Models.PSAccessToken]$tokenInfo = $( if ($DefaultProfile) { #Used for access token refresh Set-Variable '__MgAzContext' -Scope $mgVarScope -Value $DefaultProfile Get-AzAccessToken -DefaultProfile $DefaultProfile -ResourceUrl '' } else { Get-AzAccessToken -ResourceUrl '' } ) Set-Variable '__MgAzTokenExpires' -Scope $mgVarScope -Value $TokenInfo.ExpiresOn $connectMgParams = @{ AccessToken = $tokenInfo.Token } if ($contextScope) { $connectMgParams.ContextScope = $ContextScope } $result = Connect-MgGraph @connectMgParams if ($result -eq 'Welcome To Microsoft Graph!') { if (-not $Quiet) { Write-Host -Fore Cyan "Microsoft Graph: Connected using Azure Context as $($tokenInfo.UserId) to Tenant $($tokenInfo.TenantId)." if ($NoRefresh) { Write-Host -Fore Cyan "-NoRefresh was specified. You will need to run this command again after $($tokeninfo.ExpiresOn.LocalDateTime.ToString())"} else { } } } else { throw [InvalidOperationException]'Connect-MgGraph: Access token setup did not return the expected response.' } if (-not $NoRefresh) { $RefreshScriptBlock = { param ($req, $callback, $next) Write-Debug 'JGroteMgExtension: Checking if access token refresh required' #Check if global timer has expired and refresh if so if ($GLOBAL:__MgAzTokenExpires -lt [DateTime]::Now) { Write-Host -Fore DarkCyan "Token Expired! Refreshing before executing command." if ($GLOBAL:__MgAzContext) { Connect-MgGraphAz -Quiet -DefaultProfile $GLOBAL:__MgAzContext } else { Connect-MgGraphAz -Quiet } } return } if (-not $GLOBAL:PSDefaultParameterValues['*-Mg*:HttpPipelinePrepend']) { Write-Host -Fore DarkCyan "The HttpPipelinePrepend parameter now has a default that checks for refresh tokens. You should not use this parameter while using this module" $GLOBAL:PSDefaultParameterValues['*-Mg*:HttpPipelinePrepend'] = $RefreshScriptBlock } } } |