
#requires -Version 7
function Get-JuribaImportFeed {
        Gets universal imports.

        Gets one or more universal feeds.
        Use ImportId to get a specific feed or omit for all feeds.

        .PARAMETER ImportId

        Optional. The id for the universal feed. Omit to get all universal feeds.

        .PARAMETER Name

        Optional. Name of universal feed to find. Can only be used when ImportId is not specified.

        .PARAMETER Instance

        Optional. DPC instance to be provided if not authenticating using Connect-Juriba. For example,


        Optional. API key to be provided if not authenticating using Connect-Juriba.


        PS> Get-JuribaImportFeed -ImportId 1


        PS> Get-JuribaImportFeed -Name "My Universal Feed"


    param (

    if ((Get-Variable 'dwConnection' -Scope 'Global' -ErrorAction 'Ignore') -and !$APIKey -and !$Instance) {
        $APIKey = ConvertFrom-SecureString -SecureString $dwConnection.secureAPIKey -AsPlainText
        $Instance = $dwConnection.instance

    if ($APIKey -and $Instance) {
        try {
            # Retrieve Juriba product version
            $versionUri = "{0}/apiv1/" -f $Instance
            $versionResult = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $versionUri -Method GET
            # Regular expression to match the version pattern
            $regex = [regex]"\d+\.\d+\.\d+"

            # Extract the version
            $version = $regex.Match($versionResult).Value
            $versionParts = $version -split '\.'
            $major = [int]$versionParts[0]
            $minor = [int]$versionParts[1]

            # Check if the version is 5.13 or older
            if ($major -lt 5 -or ($major -eq 5 -and $minor -le 13)) {
                throw "This function is only supported on Juriba DPC 5.14 and later."
            } else {
                $uri = "{0}/apiv2/imports" -f $Instance
            if ($ImportId) {$uri += "/{0}" -f $ImportId}
            if ($Name) {
                $uri += "?filter="
                $uri += [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode("eq(name,'{0}')" -f $Name)
            $headers = @{'x-api-key' = $APIKey}
            $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method GET -Headers $headers
            return $result
        catch {
            Write-Error $_
    } else {
        Write-Error "No connection found. Please ensure `$APIKey and `$Instance is provided or connect using Connect-Juriba before proceeding."