
function Merge-DataTable {
    param (
        [System.Data.DataTable] $primaryTable,
        [System.Data.DataTable] $secondaryTable,
        [string] $LeftjoinKeyProperty,
        [string] $rightjoinkeyproperty,
        [hashtable] $AddColumns

    Takes an input of two tables and adds column data from the second table to the first where they can perform a join.

    Takes an input of two PSObject tables from Get-ServiceNowTable, then uses the join keys to iterate through the second table and add column data as values to the first.

    Outputs the same PSObject table with the additional properties

    # add user_name from sys_user to cmdb_ci_computer
     Merge-ServiceNowTable -primaryTable $CMDB_CI_Data -secondaryTable $sysUser -LeftjoinKeyProperty "assigned_to" -LeftjoinKeySubProperty "link" -rightjoinkeyproperty "sys_id" -AddColumn "user_name"

    Write-Debug ("INFO: Starting merge between data tables.")
    $secondaryTable | Out-Null #Added to get past the analyzer. The table is only used in the dynamic scripting.
    $dtMerge = $primaryTable.Copy()
    $LeftJoinField= '$Row.''' + $LeftjoinKeyProperty + ''''
    $ScriptBlock = '$joinRow = $"['+ $rightjoinkeyproperty + ']=''$(' + $LeftJoinField + ')''")' + "`n"
    $AddedColumnList = ''
    Foreach ($AddColumn in $AddColumns.GetEnumerator()) {
        if (!$dtMerge.Columns.Contains($AddColumn.Value))
            $dtMerge.Columns.Add($AddColumn.Value) | Out-Null
        $ScriptBlock += 'if ($joinRow.length -gt 0) {$Row.''' + $($AddColumn.Value) + ''' = $joinRow.''' + $($AddColumn.Name) + "'}`n"
        if ($AddColumn.Value -eq $AddColumn.Name) {
            $AddedColumnList += ", $($AddColumn.Name)"
        else {
            $AddedColumnList += ", $($AddColumn.Name) as $($AddColumn.Value)"
    $AddedColumnList = $AddedColumnList.Substring(2)

    $ScriptBlock = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock($ScriptBlock)

    Foreach ($Row in $dtMerge) {
        . $ScriptBlock

    Write-Debug ("INFO: Finished merge between data tables. $AddedColumnList added to primary table.")
    return @(,($dtMerge)) 