function Invoke-DwBulkImportDeviceFeedDataTable{ <# .Synopsis Loops a correctly formatted data table inserting all of the rows it contains. .Description Takes a System.Data.Datatable object with the columns required for the DwAPI device. Inserts these devices one at a time. .Parameter Instance The URI to the Dashworks instance being examined. .Parameter APIKey The APIKey for a user with access to the required resources. .Parameter FeedName The name of the feed to be searched for and used. .Parameter ImportId The id of the device feed to be used. .Parameter DWDataTable [System.Data.DataTable] Data table containing the fields required to insert data into the DW Device API. .Outputs Output type [string] Text confirming the number of rows to be inserted. .Example # Get the device feed id for the named feed. Write-DeviceFeedData -Instance $Instance -DWDataTable $dtDashworksInput -ImportId $DeviceImportID -APIKey $APIKey #> [OutputType([string])] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$Instance, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [System.Data.DataTable]$DWDeviceDataTable, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string]$APIKey, [parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$FeedName = $null, [parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [string]$ImportId, [parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [array]$CustomFields = @(), [parameter(Mandatory=$False)] [int]$BatchSize = 500 ) if (-not $ImportId) { if (-not $FeedName) { return 'Device feed not found by name or ID' } $ImportId = (Get-JuribaImportDeviceFeed -Instance $Instance -ApiKey $APIKey -Name $FeedName).id if (-not $ImportId) { return 'Device feed not found by name or ID' } else { $Deleteheaders = @{ "X-API-KEY" = "$APIKey" } $Deleteuri = "{0}/apiv2/imports/devices/{1}/items" -f $Instance, $ImportId Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Deleteheaders -Uri $Deleteuri -Method Delete| out-null Write-Debug ("$(get-date -format 'o'):INFO: Deleted records for ImportID $ImportID, $Feedname") } } $Postheaders = @{ "content-type" = "application/json" "X-API-KEY" = "$APIKey" } $uri = '{0}/apiv2/imports/devices/{1}/items/$bulk' -f $Instance, $ImportId $ExcludeProperty = @("ItemArray", "Table", "RowError", "RowState", "HasErrors") if ($CustomFields.count -gt 0) {$ExcludeProperty += $CustomFields} $BulkUploadObject = @() $RowCount = 0 foreach($Row in $DWDeviceDataTable){ $RowCount++ $Body = $null $Body = $Row | Select-Object *,CustomFieldValues -ExcludeProperty $ExcludeProperty $CustomFieldValues = @() $CFVtemplate = 'if ($Row.### -ne [dbnull]::value) { $CustomField = @{ name = "###" value = $Row.### } $CustomField }' foreach($CustomFieldName in $CustomFields) { $ScriptBlock = $null $ScriptBlock=$CFVtemplate.Replace('###',$CustomFieldName) $ScriptBlock = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock($ScriptBlock) $CustomFieldValues += & $ScriptBlock } $Body.CustomFieldValues = $CustomFieldValues $BulkUploadObject += $Body if ($BulkUploadObject.Count -eq $BatchSize -or $RowCount -eq $DWDeviceDataTable.Rows.Count) { $JSONBody = $BulkUploadObject | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10 $ByteArrayBody = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($JSONBody) try{ Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $Postheaders -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $ByteArrayBody -MaximumRetryCount 3 -RetryIntervalSec 20 | Out-Null write-debug "$(Get-date -Format 'o'):$RowCount rows processed" }catch{ $timeNow = (Get-date -Format 'o') write-error "$timeNow;$_" } $BulkUploadObject = @() } } Return ("{0} devices sent" -f $DWDeviceDataTable.Rows.Count) } |