
Function Import-JCUsersFromCSV () {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'GUI')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'GUI', HelpMessage = 'The full path to the CSV file you wish to import. You can use tab complete to search for .csv files.')]
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf })]
        [ValidatePattern( '\.csv$' )]

        [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'force', HelpMessage = 'The full path to the CSV file you wish to import. You can use tab complete to search for .csv files.')]
        [ValidateScript( { Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Leaf })]
        [ValidatePattern( '\.csv$' )]

        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'force', HelpMessage = 'A SwitchParameter which suppresses the GUI and data validation when using the Import-JCUsersFromCSV command.')]

    begin {
        $UserUpdateParams = @{ }
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("Username", "Username")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("FirstName", "FirstName")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("LastName", "LastName")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("Email", "Email")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("Password", "Password")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("alternateEmail", "alternateEmail")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("manager", "manager")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("managedAppleId", "managedAppleId")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("middlename", "middlename")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("preferredName", "preferredName")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("jobTitle", "jobTitle")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("employeeIdentifier", "employeeIdentifier")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("department", "department")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("costCenter", "costCenter")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("company", "company")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("employeeType", "employeeType")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("description", "description")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("location", "location")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("work_streetAddress", "work_streetAddress")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("work_poBox", "work_poBox")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("work_locality", "work_locality")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("work_region", "work_region")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("work_city", "work_city")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("work_state", "work_state")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("work_postalCode", "work_postalCode")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("work_country", "work_country")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("home_poBox", "home_poBox")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("home_locality", "home_locality")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("home_region", "home_region")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("home_city", "home_city")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("home_state", "home_state")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("home_postalCode", "home_postalCode")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("home_country", "home_country")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("home_streetAddress", "home_streetAddress")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("mobile_number", "mobile_number")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("home_number", "home_number")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("work_number", "work_number")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("work_mobile_number", "work_mobile_number")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("work_fax_number", "work_fax_number")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("account_locked", "account_locked")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("allow_public_key", "allow_public_key")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("enable_managed_uid", "enable_managed_uid")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("enable_user_portal_multifactor", "enable_user_portal_multifactor")# MFA
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("EnrollmentDays", "EnrollmentDays")# MFA
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("externally_managed", "externally_managed")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("ldap_binding_user", "ldap_binding_user")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("passwordless_sudo", "passwordless_sudo")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("sudo", "sudo")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("unix_guid", "unix_guid")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("unix_uid", "unix_uid")
        $UserUpdateParams.Add("password_never_expires", "password_never_expires")

        Write-Verbose "$($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName)"

        if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'GUI') {

            Write-Verbose 'Verifying JCAPI Key'
            if ($JCAPIKEY.length -ne 40) {

            $Banner = @"
       __ ______ __ __
      / /__ __ ____ ___ ____ / ____// /____ __ __ ____/ /
 __ / // / / // __ __ \ / __ \ / / / // __ \ / / / // __ /
/ /_/ // /_/ // / / / / // /_/ // /___ / // /_/ // /_/ // /_/ /
\____/ \____//_/ /_/ /_// ____/ \____//_/ \____/ \____/ \____/
                                                  User Import

            If (!(Get-PSCallStack | Where-Object { $_.Command -match 'Pester' })) {
            Write-Host $Banner -ForegroundColor Green
            Write-Host ""

            $NewUsers = Import-Csv -Path $CSVFilePath

            $CustomAttributes = $NewUsers | Get-Member | Where-Object Name -Like "*Attribute*" | Select-Object Name

            $ExistingUserHash = Get-DynamicHash -Object User -returnProperties username, employeeIdentifier, email

            foreach ($attr in $CustomAttributes ) {
                $UserUpdateParams.Add($, $

            Write-Host ""
            Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Validating $($NewUsers.count) Usernames"

            foreach ($User in $NewUsers) {
                if ($ExistingUserHash.Values.Username -contains ($User.Username)) {
                    Write-Warning "A user with username: $($User.Username) already exists this user will not be created."
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "$($User.Username) does not exist"

            $UsernameDup = $NewUsers | Group-Object Username

            ForEach ($U in $UsernameDup ) {
                if ($U.count -gt 1) {

                    Write-Warning "Duplicate username for username $($ in import file. Usernames must be unique. To resolve eliminate the duplicate username and then retry import."

            Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Username check complete"
            Write-Host ""

            Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Validating $($NewUsers.count) Emails Addresses"

            foreach ($User in $NewUsers) {
                if ($ExistingUserHash.Values.Email -contains ($ {
                    Write-Warning "The user $($ExistingUserHash.GetEnumerator().Where({$ -contains $}).username) has the email address: $($ $($User.username) will not be created."
                } else {
                    Write-Verbose "$($ does not exist"

            $EmailDup = $NewUsers | Group-Object Email

            ForEach ($U in $EmailDup) {
                if ($U.count -gt 1) {

                    Write-Warning "Duplicate email for email $($ in import file. Emails must be unique. To resolve eliminate the duplicate emails."

            Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Email check complete"

            $employeeIdentifierCheck = $NewUsers | Where-Object { ($_.employeeIdentifier -ne $Null) -and ($_.employeeIdentifier -ne "") }

            if ($employeeIdentifierCheck.Count -gt 0) {
                Write-Host ""
                Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Validating $($employeeIdentifierCheck.employeeIdentifier.Count) employeeIdentifiers"

                foreach ($User in $employeeIdentifierCheck) {
                    if ($ExistingUserHash.Values.employeeIdentifier -contains ($User.employeeIdentifier)) {
                        Write-Warning "The user $($ExistingUserHash.GetEnumerator().Where({$_.Value.employeeIdentifier -contains $User.employeeIdentifier}).username) has the employeeIdentifier: $($User.employeeIdentifier). User $($User.username) will not be created."
                    } else {
                        Write-Verbose "$($User.employeeIdentifier) does not exist"

                $employeeIdentifierDup = $employeeIdentifierCheck | Group-Object employeeIdentifier

                ForEach ($U in $employeeIdentifierDup) {
                    if ($U.count -gt 1) {

                        Write-Warning "Duplicate employeeIdentifier: $($ in import file. employeeIdentifier must be unique. To resolve eliminate the duplicate employeeIdentifiers."

                Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "employeeIdentifier check complete"

            $SystemCount = $NewUsers.SystemID | Where-Object Length -gt 1 | Select-Object -unique

            if ($SystemCount.count -gt 0) {
                Write-Host ""
                Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Validating $($SystemCount.count) Systems"
                $SystemCheck = Get-DynamicHash -Object System -returnProperties hostname

                foreach ($User in $SystemCount) {
                    if (($User.SystemID).length -gt 1) {

                        if ($SystemCheck[$User.SystemID]) {
                            Write-Verbose "$($User.SystemID) exists"
                        } else {
                            Write-Warning "A system with SystemID: $($User.SystemID) does not exist and will not be bound to user $($User.Username)"
                    } else {
                        Write-Verbose "No system"

                $Permissions = $NewUsers.Administrator | Where-Object Length -gt 1 | Select-Object -unique

                foreach ($Value in $Permissions) {

                    if ( ($Value -notlike "*true" -and $Value -notlike "*false") ) {

                        Write-Warning "Administrator must be a boolean value and set to either '`$True/True' or '`$False/False' please correct value: $Value "



                Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "System check complete"
                Write-Host ""
                #Group Check

            $GroupArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

            ForEach ($User in $NewUsers) {

                $Groups = $User | Get-Member -Name Group* | Select-Object Name

                foreach ($Group in $Groups) {
                    $CheckGroup = [pscustomobject]@{
                        Type  = 'GroupName'
                        Value = $User.($Group.Name)

                    if ($CheckGroup.Value.Length -gt 1) {

                        $GroupArrayList.Add($CheckGroup) | Out-Null


                    else {



            $UniqueGroups = $GroupArrayList | Select-Object Value -Unique

            if ($UniqueGroups.count -gt 0) {
                Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Validating $($UniqueGroups.count) Groups"
                $GroupCheck = Get-DynamicHash -Object Group -GroupType User -returnProperties name

                foreach ($GroupTest in $UniqueGroups) {

                    if ($ -contains ($GroupTest.Value)) {
                        Write-Verbose "$($GroupTest.Value) exists"
                    } else {
                        Write-Host "The JumpCloud Group:" -NoNewLine
                        Write-Host " $($GroupTest.Value)" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewLine
                        Write-Host " does not exist. Users will not be added to this Group."

                Write-Host -BackgroundColor Green -ForegroundColor Black "Group check complete"
                Write-Host ""

            $ResultsArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

            $NumberOfNewUsers = $

            $title = "Import Summary:"

            $menu = @"
    Number Of Users To Import = $NumberOfNewUsers
    Would you like to import these users?

            Write-Host $title -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host $menu -ForegroundColor Yellow

            while ($Confirm -ne 'Y' -and $Confirm -ne 'N') {
                $Confirm = Read-Host "Press Y to confirm or N to quit"

            if ($Confirm -eq 'Y') {

                Write-Host ''
                Write-Host "Hang tight! Creating your users. " -NoNewline
                Write-Host "DO NOT shutdown the console." -ForegroundColor Red
                Write-Host ''
                Write-Host "Feel free to watch your user count increase in the JumpCloud admin console!"
                Write-Host ''
                Write-Host "It takes ~ 1 minute per 100 users."


            elseif ($Confirm -eq 'N') {


        elseif ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'force') {

            $NewUsers = Import-Csv -Path $CSVFilePath

            $CustomAttributes = $NewUsers | Get-Member | Where-Object Name -Like "*Attribute*" | Select-Object Name

            foreach ($attr in $CustomAttributes ) {
                $UserUpdateParams.Add($, $
            $ResultsArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
            $NumberOfNewUsers = $


    } #begin block end

    process {
        [int]$ProgressCounter = 0

        foreach ($UserAdd in $NewUsers) {
            $UniqueAttrValues = @()
            $UpdateParamsAttrValidate = $ | Where-Object { ($_.Name -match "Attribute") } |  Select-Object Name, Value
            foreach ($Param in $UpdateParamsAttrValidate) {
                If (($Param.Name -match "_name") -And (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Param.Value))) {
                    $matchingValueField = $Param.Name.Replace("_name", "_value")
                    $matchingValue = $UpdateParamsAttrValidate | Where-Object { ($_.Name -eq $matchingValueField) }
                    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($matchingValue.Value)) {
                        Throw "A Custom Attribute name: $($Param.Name):$($Param.Value) was specified but is missing a corresponding value: $($matchingValue.Name):$($matchingValue.Value). Null attribute values are not supported"
                    } else {
                        $UniqueAttrValues += $matchingValue.Value
            $UpdateParamsRaw = $ | Where-Object { ($_.Value -ne $Null) -and ($_.Value -ne "") } | Select-Object Name, Value
            $UpdateParams = @{ }
            foreach ($Param in $UpdateParamsRaw) {
                if ($UserUpdateParams.$($ -eq "ldap_binding_user") {
                } elseif ($UserUpdateParams.$($ -eq "ldapserver_id") {
                } elseif ($UserUpdateParams.$($ {
                    $UpdateParams.Add($, $Param.value)



            $GroupAddProgressParams = @{

                Activity        = "Adding $($UserAdd.username)"
                Status          = "User import $ProgressCounter of $NumberOfNewUsers"
                PercentComplete = ($ProgressCounter / $NumberOfNewUsers) * 100


            Write-Progress @GroupAddProgressParams

            $NewUser = $Null
            $Status = $Null
            $UserGroupArrayList = $Null
            $SystemAddStatus = $Null
            $FormatGroupOutput = $Null
            $CustomGroupArrayList = $Null

            $CustomAttributes = $UserAdd | Get-Member | Where-Object Name -Like "*Attribute*" | Where-Object { $_.Definition -NotLike "*=" -and $_.Definition -NotLike "*null" } | Select-Object

            Write-Verbose $

            if ($ -gt 1) {
                try {
                    # Counter is used to create a clean list of attributes
                    $counter = 1
                    # Create a clean list of attributes
                    $CustomAttributes | ForEach-Object {
                        # Current value of the attribute from Definition property
                        $value = $_.Definition -split '=' | Select-Object -Last 1

                        # If attribute has a name
                        if ($_.Name -like "*_name") {
                            # If current attribute is the same as counter, skip since it is already in the UpdateParams
                            if ($_.Name -eq "Attribute$($counter)_name") {
                            } else {
                                # Add the new AttributeName and current value to the UpdateParams
                                $UpdateParams.Add("Attribute$($counter)_name", $value)
                                # Remove the Current AttributeName from the UpdateParams since we overwrote it with the new name

                        # If attribute has a value
                        if ($_.Name -like "*_value") {
                            # If current attribute is the same as counter, skip since it is already in the UpdateParams
                            if ($_.Name -eq "Attribute$($counter)_value") {
                            } else {
                                # Add the new AttributeValue and current value to the UpdateParams
                                $UpdateParams.Add("Attribute$($counter)_value", $value)
                                # Remove the Current AttributeValue from the UpdateParams since we overwrote it with the new value

                    Write-Verbose "Attributes are $($UpdateParams)"

                    $NumberOfCustomAttributes = $UpdateParams.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -like "*Attribute*" } | Measure-Object | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Count

                    $UpdateParams.Add("NumberOfCustomAttributes", $NumberOfCustomAttributes / 2)

                    $JSONParams = $UpdateParams | ConvertTo-Json

                    Write-Verbose "$($JSONParams)"
                    $NewUser = New-JCUser @UpdateParams

                    if ($NewUser._id) {

                        $Status = 'User Created'

                    elseif (-not $NewUser._id) {
                        $Status = 'User Not Created'

                    try {
                        #User is created
                        if ($UserAdd.ldapserver_id) {

                            try {
                                $LdapAdd = Set-JcSdkLdapServerAssociation -LdapserverId $UserAdd.ldapserver_id -id $NewUser._id -op "add" -type "user"
                            } catch {
                                $LdapBindStatus =
                                if ($_.ErrorDetails) {
                                } elseif ($_.Exception) {
                            try {
                                $ldap_bind_boolean = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($UserAdd.ldap_binding_user)
                                $ldap_bind = Set-JCUser -UserID $NewUser._id -ldap_binding_user $ldap_bind_boolean
                                $LdapBindStatus = $ldap_bind.ldap_binding_user

                            } catch {
                                $LdapBindStatus =
                                if ($_.ErrorDetails) {
                                } elseif ($_.Exception) {

                        if ($UserAdd.SystemID) {

                            if ($UserAdd.Administrator) {

                                if ($UserAdd.Administrator -like "*True") {

                                    Write-Verbose "Admin set to true"

                                    try {
                                        $SystemAdd = Add-JCSystemUser -SystemID $UserAdd.SystemID -UserID $NewUser._id -Administrator $true
                                        $SystemAddStatus = $SystemAdd.Status
                                    } catch {
                                        $SystemAddStatus = $_.ErrorDetails

                                elseif ($UserAdd.Administrator -like "*False") {

                                    Write-Verbose "Admin set to false"

                                    try {
                                        $SystemAdd = Add-JCSystemUser -SystemID $UserAdd.SystemID -UserID $NewUser._id -Administrator $false
                                        $SystemAddStatus = $SystemAdd.Status
                                    } catch {
                                        $SystemAddStatus = $_.ErrorDetails



                            else {

                                Write-Verbose "No admin set"

                                try {
                                    $SystemAdd = Add-JCSystemUser -SystemID $UserAdd.SystemID -UserID $NewUser._id
                                    Write-Verbose  "$($SystemAdd.Status)"
                                    $SystemAddStatus = $SystemAdd.Status
                                } catch {
                                    $SystemAddStatus = $_.ErrorDetails

                        $CustomGroupArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

                        $CustomGroups = $UserAdd | Get-Member | Where-Object Name -Like "*Group*" | Where-Object { $_.Definition -NotLike "*=" -and $_.Definition -NotLike "*null" } | Select-Object Name

                        foreach ($Group in $CustomGroups) {
                            $GetGroup = [pscustomobject]@{
                                Type  = 'GroupName'
                                Value = $UserAdd.($Group.Name)

                            $CustomGroupArrayList.Add($GetGroup) | Out-Null


                        $UserGroupArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

                        foreach ($Group in $CustomGroupArrayList) {
                            try {

                                $GroupAdd = Add-JCUserGroupMember -ByID -UserID $NewUser._id -GroupName $Group.value

                                $FormatGroupOutput = [PSCustomObject]@{

                                    'Group'  = $Group.value
                                    'Status' = $GroupAdd.Status

                                $UserGroupArrayList.Add($FormatGroupOutput) | Out-Null

                            catch {

                                $FormatGroupOutput = [PSCustomObject]@{

                                    'Group'  = $Group.value
                                    'Status' = $_.ErrorDetails

                                $UserGroupArrayList.Add($FormatGroupOutput) | Out-Null
                    } catch {


                    $FormattedResults = [PSCustomObject]@{

                        'Username'     = $NewUser.username
                        'Status'       = $Status
                        'UserID'       = $NewUser._id
                        'GroupsAdd'    = $UserGroupArrayList
                        'SystemID'     = $UserAdd.SystemID
                        'SystemAdd'    = $SystemAddStatus
                        'LdapUserBind' = $LdapBindStatus



                catch {
                    If ($_.ErrorDetails) {

                        $Status = $_.ErrorDetails
                    } elseif ($_.Exception) {
                        $Status = $_.Exception.Message

                    $FormattedResults = [PSCustomObject]@{

                        'Username'       = $UserAdd.username
                        'Status'         = "Not created, CSV format issue?"
                        'AdditionalInfo' = $Status.Message
                        'UserID'         = $Null
                        'GroupsAdd'      = $Null
                        'SystemID'       = $Null
                        'SystemAdd'      = $Null
                        'LdapUserBind'   = $Null



                $ResultsArrayList.Add($FormattedResults) | Out-Null
                $SystemAddStatus = $null


            else {
                try {
                    $JSONParams = $UpdateParams | ConvertTo-Json

                    Write-Verbose "$($JSONParams)"

                    $NewUser = New-JCUser @UpdateParams

                    if ($NewUser._id) {

                        $Status = 'User Created'

                    elseif (-not $NewUser._id) {
                        $Status = 'User Not Created'

                    try {
                        if ($UserAdd.ldapserver_id) {

                            try {
                                $LdapAdd = Set-JcSdkLdapServerAssociation -LdapserverId $UserAdd.ldapserver_id -id $NewUser._id -op "add" -type "user"
                            } catch {
                                $LdapBindStatus =
                                if ($_.ErrorDetails) {
                                } elseif ($_.Exception) {
                            try {
                                $ldap_bind_boolean = [System.Convert]::ToBoolean($UserAdd.ldap_binding_user)
                                $ldap_bind = Set-JCUser -UserID $NewUser._id -ldap_binding_user $ldap_bind_boolean
                                $LdapBindStatus = $ldap_bind.ldap_binding_user

                            } catch {
                                $LdapBindStatus =
                                if ($_.ErrorDetails) {
                                } elseif ($_.Exception) {


                        #User is created
                        if ($UserAdd.SystemID) {
                            if ($UserAdd.Administrator) {

                                Write-Verbose "Admin set"

                                if ($UserAdd.Administrator -like "*True") {

                                    Write-Verbose "Admin set to true"

                                    try {
                                        $SystemAdd = Add-JCSystemUser -SystemID $UserAdd.SystemID -UserID $NewUser._id -Administrator $true
                                        $SystemAddStatus = $SystemAdd.Status
                                    } catch {
                                        $SystemAddStatus = $_.ErrorDetails

                                elseif ($UserAdd.Administrator -like "*False") {

                                    Write-Verbose "Admin set to false"

                                    try {
                                        $SystemAdd = Add-JCSystemUser -SystemID $UserAdd.SystemID -UserID $NewUser._id -Administrator $false
                                        $SystemAddStatus = $SystemAdd.Status
                                    } catch {
                                        $SystemAddStatus = $_.ErrorDetails



                            else {

                                Write-Verbose "No admin set"

                                try {
                                    $SystemAdd = Add-JCSystemUser -SystemID $UserAdd.SystemID -UserID $NewUser._id
                                    Write-Verbose  "$($SystemAdd.Status)"
                                    $SystemAddStatus = $SystemAdd.Status
                                } catch {
                                    $SystemAddStatus = $_.ErrorDetails



                        $CustomGroupArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

                        $CustomGroups = $UserAdd | Get-Member | Where-Object Name -Like "*Group*" | Where-Object { $_.Definition -NotLike "*=" -and $_.Definition -NotLike "*null" } | Select-Object Name

                        foreach ($Group in $CustomGroups) {
                            $GetGroup = [pscustomobject]@{
                                Type  = 'GroupName'
                                Value = $UserAdd.($Group.Name)

                            $CustomGroupArrayList.Add($GetGroup) | Out-Null


                        $UserGroupArrayList = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

                        foreach ($Group in $CustomGroupArrayList) {
                            try {

                                $GroupAdd = Add-JCUserGroupMember -ByID -UserID $NewUser._id -GroupName $Group.value

                                $FormatGroupOutput = [PSCustomObject]@{

                                    'Group'  = $Group.value
                                    'Status' = $GroupAdd.Status

                                $UserGroupArrayList.Add($FormatGroupOutput) | Out-Null

                            catch {

                                $FormatGroupOutput = [PSCustomObject]@{

                                    'Group'  = $Group.value
                                    'Status' = $_.ErrorDetails

                                $UserGroupArrayList.Add($FormatGroupOutput) | Out-Null
                    } catch {


                    $FormattedResults = [PSCustomObject]@{

                        'Username'     = $NewUser.username
                        'Status'       = $Status
                        'UserID'       = $NewUser._id
                        'GroupsAdd'    = $UserGroupArrayList
                        'SystemID'     = $UserAdd.SystemID
                        'SystemAdd'    = $SystemAddStatus
                        'LdapUserBind' = $LdapBindStatus



                catch {

                    If ($_.ErrorDetails) {
                        $Status = $_.ErrorDetails
                    } elseif ($_.Exception) {
                        $Status = $_.Exception.Message
                    $FormattedResults = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        'Username'     = $UserAdd.username
                        'Status'       = "$Status"
                        'UserID'       = $Null
                        'GroupsAdd'    = $Null
                        'SystemID'     = $Null
                        'SystemAdd'    = $Null
                        'LdapUserBind' = $Null


                $ResultsArrayList.Add($FormattedResults) | Out-Null
                $SystemAddStatus = $null


    end {
        return $ResultsArrayList