Function Invoke-JCAssociation { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'ById')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The verb of the command calling it. Different verbs will make different parameters required.')][ValidateSet('add', 'get', 'new', 'remove', 'set')][System.String]$Action , [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'The type of the object.')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][ValidateSet('command', 'ldap_server', 'policy', 'application', 'radius_server', 'system_group', 'system', 'user_group', 'user', 'g_suite', 'office_365')][Alias('TypeNameSingular')][System.String]$Type , [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Bypass user prompts and dynamic ValidateSet.')][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()][Switch]$Force ) DynamicParam { # Build dynamic parameters $RuntimeParameterDictionary = Get-DynamicParamAssociation -Action:($Action) -Type:($Type) -Force:($true) Return $RuntimeParameterDictionary } Begin { # Debug message for parameter call $PSBoundParameters | Out-DebugParameter | Write-Debug $Results = @() } Process { # For DynamicParam with a default value, set that value and then convert the DynamicParam inputs into new variables for the script to use Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock:($ScriptBlock_DefaultDynamicParamProcess) -ArgumentList:($PsBoundParameters, $PSCmdlet, $RuntimeParameterDictionary) -NoNewScope Try { # All the bindings, recursive , both direct and indirect $Command_Template_Associations_MemberOf = 'JumpCloud.SDK.V2\Get-JcSdk{0}Member -{0}Id:("{1}")' $Command_Template_Associations_Membership = 'JumpCloud.SDK.V2\Get-JcSdk{0}Membership -{0}Id:("{1}")' $Command_Template_Associations_TargetType = 'JumpCloud.SDK.V2\Get-JcSdk{0}Traverse{2} -{0}Id:("{1}")' # Only direct bindings and don’t traverse through groups $Command_Template_Associations_Targets_Get = 'JumpCloud.SDK.V2\Get-JcSdk{0}Association -{0}Id:("{1}") -Targets:("{2}")' $Command_Template_Associations_Targets_Post = 'JumpCloud.SDK.V2\Set-JcSdk{0}Association -{0}Id:("{1}") -Id:("{2}") -Op:("{3}") -Type:("{4}") -Attributes:("{5}")' $Command_Template_Associations_Members = 'JumpCloud.SDK.V2\Set-JcSdk{0}Member -{0}Id:("{1}") -Id:("{2}") -Op:("{3}")' # Determine to search by id or name but always prefer id If ($Id) { $SourceItemSearchByValue = $Id $SourceSearchBy = 'ById' } ElseIf ($Name) { $SourceItemSearchByValue = $Name $SourceSearchBy = 'ByName' } Else { Write-Error ('-Id or -Name parameter must be populated.') -ErrorAction:('Stop') } # Get SourceInfo $Source = Get-JCObject -Type:($Type) -SearchBy:($SourceSearchBy) -SearchByValue:($SourceItemSearchByValue) If ($Source) { ForEach ($SourceItem In $Source) { $SourceItemId = $SourceItem.($SourceItem.ById) $SourceItemName = $SourceItem.($SourceItem.ByName) $SourceItemTypeName = $SourceItem.TypeName $SourceItemTypeNameSingular = $SourceItemTypeName.TypeNameSingular $SourceItemTargets = $SourceItem.Targets | Where-Object { $_.TargetSingular -in $TargetType -or $_.TargetPlural -in $TargetType } ForEach ($SourceItemTarget In $SourceItemTargets) { $SourceItemTargetSingular = $SourceItemTarget.TargetSingular # Build Command based upon source and target combinations If (($SourceItemTypeNameSingular -eq 'system' -and $SourceItemTargetSingular -eq 'system_group') -or ($SourceItemTypeNameSingular -eq 'user' -and $SourceItemTargetSingular -eq 'user_group')) { $Command_Associations_GET = $Command_Template_Associations_MemberOf -f $SourceItemTypeNameSingular.Replace('_', ''), $SourceItemId } ElseIf (($SourceItemTypeNameSingular -eq 'system_group' -and $SourceItemTargetSingular -eq 'system') -or ($SourceItemTypeNameSingular -eq 'user_group' -and $SourceItemTargetSingular -eq 'user')) { $Command_Associations_GET = $Command_Template_Associations_Membership -f $SourceItemTypeNameSingular.Replace('_', ''), $SourceItemId } ElseIf (($SourceItemTypeNameSingular -eq 'activedirectory' -and $SourceItemTargetSingular -eq 'user') -or ($SourceItemTypeNameSingular -eq 'user' -and $SourceItemTargetSingular -eq 'activedirectory')) { $Command_Associations_GET = $Command_Template_Associations_Targets_Get -f $SourceItemTypeNameSingular.Replace('_', ''), $SourceItemId, $SourceItemTargetSingular.Replace('_', '') } Else { $Command_Associations_GET = $Command_Template_Associations_TargetType -f $SourceItemTypeNameSingular.Replace('_', ''), $SourceItemId, $SourceItemTargetSingular.Replace('_', '') } $Command_Associations_GET = $Command_Associations_GET.Replace('usergroupId', 'GroupId').Replace('systemgroupId', 'GroupId') # Call endpoint If ($Action -eq 'get') { $AssociationOut = @() # If switches are not passed in, set them to be false so they can be used with Format-JCAssociation If (!($IncludeInfo)) { $IncludeInfo = $false; } If (!($IncludeNames)) { $IncludeNames = $false; } If (!($IncludeVisualPath)) { $IncludeVisualPath = $false; } If (!($Raw)) { $Raw = $false; } # Get associations and format the output $Association = Format-JCAssociation -Command:($Command_Associations_GET) -Source:($SourceItem) -IncludeInfo:($IncludeInfo) -IncludeNames:($IncludeNames) -IncludeVisualPath:($IncludeVisualPath) -Raw:($Raw) If ($Direct -eq $true) { $AssociationOut += $Association | Where-Object { $_.associationType -eq 'direct' -or $_.associationType -eq "direct`/indirect" } } If ($Indirect -eq $true) { $AssociationOut += $Association | Where-Object { $_.associationType -eq 'indirect' -or $_.associationType -eq "direct`/indirect" } } If (!($Direct) -and !($Indirect)) { $AssociationOut += $Association } If ($Raw) { $Result = $AssociationOut | Select-Object -Property:('*') -ExcludeProperty:('associationType') $Results += $Result } Else { $Result = $AssociationOut $Results += $Result | Select-Object * ` , @{Name = 'action'; Expression = { $Action } } } } Else { # For target determine to search by id or name but always prefer id If ($TargetId) { $TargetSearchByValue = $TargetId $TargetSearchBy = 'ById' } ElseIf ($TargetName) { $TargetSearchByValue = $TargetName $TargetSearchBy = 'ByName' } Else { Write-Error ('-TargetId or -TargetName parameter must be populated.') -ErrorAction:('Stop') } If ($associationType -ne 'indirect') { # Get Target object $Target = Get-JCObject -Type:($SourceItemTargetSingular) -SearchBy:($TargetSearchBy) -SearchByValue:($TargetSearchByValue) If ($Target) { ForEach ($TargetItem In $Target) { $TargetItemId = $TargetItem.($TargetItem.ById) $TargetItemName = $TargetItem.($TargetItem.ByName) $TargetItemTypeNameSingular = $TargetItem.TypeName.TypeNameSingular # Build the attributes for the json body string $AttributesValue = If ($Action -eq 'add' -and $Attributes) { $foundAttributes = $Attributes | ConvertTo-Json -Depth:(99) -Compress $foundAttributes = $foundAttributes | ConvertFrom-Json $additionalProperties = $foundAttributes.AdditionalProperties # Determine: AttributeSudoEnabled / AttributeSudoWithoutPassword $attributeDictionary = New-Object 'system.collections.generic.dictionary[System.String, System.object]' if ($additionalProperties.sudo.enabled -And -Not $additionalProperties.sudo.withoutPassword) { $attributeDictionary.sudo = @{'enabled' = $true; 'withoutPassword' = $false } $Command_Template_Associations_Targets_Post = 'JumpCloud.SDK.V2\Set-JcSdk{0}Association -{0}Id:("{1}") -Id:("{2}") -Op:("{3}") -Type:("{4}") -Attributes:("{5}")' } if ($additionalProperties.sudo.withoutPassword -And -Not $additionalProperties.sudo.enabled) { $attributeDictionary.sudo = @{'enabled' = $false; 'withoutPassword' = $true } $Command_Template_Associations_Targets_Post = 'JumpCloud.SDK.V2\Set-JcSdk{0}Association -{0}Id:("{1}") -Id:("{2}") -Op:("{3}") -Type:("{4}") -Attributes:("{5}")' } if ($additionalProperties.sudo.enabled -And $additionalProperties.sudo.withoutPassword) { $attributeDictionary.sudo = @{'enabled' = $true; 'withoutPassword' = $true } $Command_Template_Associations_Targets_Post = 'JumpCloud.SDK.V2\Set-JcSdk{0}Association -{0}Id:("{1}") -Id:("{2}") -Op:("{3}") -Type:("{4}") -Attributes:("{5}")' } if (-Not $additionalProperties.sudo.enabled -And -Not $additionalProperties.sudo.withoutPassword) { $Command_Template_Associations_Targets_Post = 'JumpCloud.SDK.V2\Set-JcSdk{0}Association -{0}Id:("{1}") -Id:("{2}") -Op:("{3}") -Type:("{4}")' } # Return Attributes $attributeDictionary } Else { 'null' } # Validate that the association exists $TestAssociation = Format-JCAssociation -Command:($Command_Associations_GET) -Source:($SourceItem) -TargetId:($TargetItemId) -IncludeNames:($true) $IndirectAssociations = $TestAssociation | Where-Object { $_.associationType -eq 'indirect' } $DirectAssociations = $TestAssociation | Where-Object { $_.associationType -eq 'direct' -or $_.associationType -eq "direct`/indirect" } If ($DirectAssociations.associationType -eq "direct`/indirect") { $DirectAssociations.associationType = 'direct' } # If the target is not only an indirect association If ($TargetItemId -in $DirectAssociations.targetId -or $Action -eq 'add') { If (($SourceItemTypeNameSingular -eq 'system' -and $SourceItemTargetSingular -eq 'system_group') -or ($SourceItemTypeNameSingular -eq 'user' -and $SourceItemTargetSingular -eq 'user_group')) { $Command_Associations_POST = $Command_Template_Associations_Members -f $TargetItemTypeNameSingular.Replace('_', ''), $TargetItemId, $SourceItemId, $Action } ElseIf (($SourceItemTypeNameSingular -eq 'system_group' -and $SourceItemTargetSingular -eq 'system') -or ($SourceItemTypeNameSingular -eq 'user_group' -and $SourceItemTargetSingular -eq 'user')) { $Command_Associations_POST = $Command_Template_Associations_Members -f $SourceItemTypeNameSingular.Replace('_', ''), $SourceItemId, $TargetItemId, $Action } Else { $Command_Associations_POST = $Command_Template_Associations_Targets_Post -f $SourceItemTypeNameSingular.Replace('_', ''), $SourceItemId, $TargetItemId, $Action, $TargetItemTypeNameSingular, $AttributesValue } $Command_Associations_POST = $Command_Associations_POST.Replace('usergroupId', 'GroupId').Replace('systemgroupId', 'GroupId').Replace(' -Attributes:("null")', '').Replace(' -Attributes:("{}")', '') # Send body to endpoint. Write-Verbose ('"' + $Action + '" the association between the "' + $SourceItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $SourceItemName + '" and the "' + $TargetItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $TargetItemName + '"') Write-Debug ('[CommandTemplate]:' + $Command_Associations_POST + ';') If (!($Force)) { Do { $HostResponse = Read-Host -Prompt:('Are you sure you want to "' + $Action + '" the association between the "' + $SourceItemTypeNameSingular + '" called "' + $SourceItemName + '" and the "' + $TargetItemTypeNameSingular + '" called "' + $TargetItemName + '"?[Y/N]') } Until ($HostResponse -in ('y', 'n')) } If ($HostResponse -eq 'y' -or $Force) { Try { $Error.Clear() $JCApi = if ($Action -in ('add', 'new')) { if ( -not $TestAssociation ) { $sdkFunction = $Command_Associations_POST.split(" ") | Select-Object -First 1 # Get Parameters $regex = [regex]'-(.*):(\(\"(.*)\"\))' $Params = $Command_Associations_POST.split(" ") | Select-Object -Skip 1 $paramHash = @{} foreach ($item in $params) { # Get the params & values $patterns = (Select-String -inputObject $item -pattern $regex) $paramHash.Add($patterns.matches.groups[1].value, $patterns.matches.groups[3].value) } if ('Attributes' -in $paramHash.keys) { $paramHash['Attributes'] = $AttributesValue } Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { Param ($sdkFunction, $paramHash) # Invoke Command Expression: . "$sdkFunction" @paramHash } -ArgumentList ($sdkFunction, $paramHash) } else { Write-Verbose ('" The association between the "' + $SourceItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $SourceItemName + '" and the "' + $TargetItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $TargetItemName + '"' + '" Already exists "') $TestAssociation } } elseif ($Action -in ('remove')) { if ( $TestAssociation ) { Invoke-Expression -Command:($Command_Associations_POST) } else { Write-Verbose ('" The association between the "' + $SourceItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $SourceItemName + '" and the "' + $TargetItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $TargetItemName + '"' + '" Does not exist "') $TestAssociation } } else { Write-Error(" Unknown Action; $action ") } If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Error)) { $RetryCounter = 0 # Validate that the new association has been created If ($Action -in ('add', 'new')) { Do { $AddAssociationValidation = Format-JCAssociation -Command:($Command_Associations_GET) -Source:($SourceItem) -TargetId:($TargetItemId) -IncludeNames:($true) | Where-Object { $_.TargetId -eq $TargetItemId } $RetryCounter += 1 Write-Debug ("[Validation]Retrying $Action association validation: $RetryCounter") } While ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AddAssociationValidation) -or $RetryCounter -le 5) If ($AddAssociationValidation) { $Result = $AddAssociationValidation } Else { Write-Error ('Association not found. Unable to validate that the association between "' + $SourceItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $SourceItemSearchByValue + '" and "' + $TargetItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $TargetSearchByValue + '" was created.') } } # Validate that the old association has been removed If ($Action -eq 'remove') { Do { $RemoveAssociationValidation = Format-JCAssociation -Command:($Command_Associations_GET) -Source:($SourceItem) -TargetId:($TargetItemId) -IncludeNames:($true) $RetryCounter += 1 Write-Debug ("[Validation]Retrying $Action association validation: $RetryCounter") } While (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($RemoveAssociationValidation) -or $RetryCounter -le 5) If (!($RemoveAssociationValidation) -or $RemoveAssociationValidation.associationType -eq 'indirect') { $Result = $DirectAssociations } Else { Write-Error ('Association found. Unable to validate that the association between "' + $SourceItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $SourceItemSearchByValue + '" and "' + $TargetItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $TargetSearchByValue + '" has been removed.') } } # Append record status $Results += If ($Result) { $Result | Select-Object * ` , @{Name = 'action'; Expression = { $Action } } } } } Catch { Write-Error ($_) } } } } } Else { Write-Error ('Unable to find the target "' + $SourceItemTargetSingular + '" called "' + $TargetSearchByValue + '".') } } Else { Write-Verbose ('Association is ' + $associationType + ' between "' + $SourceItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $SourceItemSearchByValue + '" and "' + $TargetItemTypeNameSingular + '" "' + $TargetSearchByValue + '".') } } } } } Else { Write-Error ('Unable to find the "' + $Type + '" called "' + $SourceItemSearchByValue + '".') } } Catch { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock:($ScriptBlock_TryCatchError) -ArgumentList:($_, $true) -NoNewScope } } End { If ($Results) { Return $Results } } } |