<# .Synopsis Lists all apps for macOS devices. For Windows devices, use [List System Insights Programs](#operation/systeminsights_list_programs). Valid filter fields are `system_id` and `bundle_name`. .Description Lists all apps for macOS devices. For Windows devices, use [List System Insights Programs](#operation/systeminsights_list_programs). Valid filter fields are `system_id` and `bundle_name`. .Example PS C:\> Get-JcSdkSystemInsightApp ---- ---------- ApplescriptEnabled String BundleExecutable String BundleIdentifier String BundleName String BundlePackageType String BundleShortVersion String BundleVersion String Category String CollectionTime String Compiler String Copyright String DevelopmentRegion String DisplayName String Element String Environment String InfoString LastOpenedTime System.Nullable[float] LastOpenedTime {get;set;} MinimumSystemVersion String Name String Path String SystemId String .Example PS C:\> {{ Add code here }} {{ Add output here }} .Outputs JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Models.ISystemInsightsApps .Link #> Function Get-JcSdkSystemInsightApp { [OutputType([JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Models.ISystemInsightsApps])] [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='List', PositionalBinding=$false)] Param( [Parameter()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Category('Query')] [System.String[]] # A filter to apply to the query. # # **Filter structure**: `<field>:<operator>:<value>`. # # **field** = Populate with a valid field from an endpoint response. # # **operator** = Supported operators are: eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le, between, search, in. # _Note: v1 operators differ from v2 operators._ # # **value** = Populate with the value you want to search for. # Is case sensitive. # Supports wild cards. # # **EX:** `GET /api/v2/groups?filter=name:eq:Test+Group` ${Filter}, [Parameter()] [AllowEmptyCollection()] [JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Category('Query')] [System.String[]] # The comma separated fields used to sort the collection. # Default sort is ascending, prefix with `-` to sort descending. ${Sort}, [Parameter(DontShow)] [JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Category('Runtime')] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] # Wait for .NET debugger to attach ${Break}, [Parameter(DontShow)] [ValidateNotNull()] [JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Category('Runtime')] [JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Runtime.SendAsyncStep[]] # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be appended to the front of the pipeline ${HttpPipelineAppend}, [Parameter(DontShow)] [ValidateNotNull()] [JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Category('Runtime')] [JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Runtime.SendAsyncStep[]] # SendAsync Pipeline Steps to be prepended to the front of the pipeline ${HttpPipelinePrepend}, [Parameter(DontShow)] [JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Category('Runtime')] [System.Uri] # The URI for the proxy server to use ${Proxy}, [Parameter(DontShow)] [ValidateNotNull()] [JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Category('Runtime')] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] # Credentials for a proxy server to use for the remote call ${ProxyCredential}, [Parameter(DontShow)] [JumpCloud.SDK.V2.Category('Runtime')] [System.Management.Automation.SwitchParameter] # Use the default credentials for the proxy ${ProxyUseDefaultCredentials}, [Parameter(DontShow)] [System.Boolean] # Set to $true to return all results. This will overwrite any skip and limit parameter. $Paginate = $true ) Begin { $Results = @() $PSBoundParameters.Add('HttpPipelineAppend', { param($req, $callback, $next) # call the next step in the Pipeline $ResponseTask = $next.SendAsync($req, $callback) $global:JCHttpRequest = $req $global:JCHttpRequestContent = If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($req.Content)) { $req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() } $global:JCHttpResponse = $ResponseTask # $global:JCHttpResponseContent = If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResponseTask.Result.Content)) { $ResponseTask.Result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() } Return $ResponseTask } ) } Process { If ($Paginate -and $PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -in ('List')) { $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Paginate') | Out-Null If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($PSBoundParameters.Limit)) { $PSBoundParameters.Add('Limit', 100) } If ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($PSBoundParameters.Skip)) { $PSBoundParameters.Add('Skip', 0) } Do { Write-Debug ("Limit: $($PSBoundParameters.Limit); "); Write-Debug ("Skip: $($PSBoundParameters.Skip); "); $maxRetries = 4 $resultCounter = 0 :retryLoop do { $resultCounter++ $Result = JumpCloud.SDK.V2.internal\Get-JcSdkInternalSystemInsightApp @PSBoundParameters -errorAction SilentlyContinue -errorVariable sdkError If ($sdkError){ If ($resultCounter -eq $maxRetries){ throw $sdkError } If ($JCHttpResponse.Result.StatusCode -eq "503") { Write-Warning ("503: Service Unavailable - retrying in " + ($resultCounter * 5) + " seconds.") } else { throw $sdkError } } else { break retryLoop } Start-Sleep -Seconds ($resultCounter * 5) } while ($resultCounter -lt $maxRetries) Write-Debug ('HttpRequest: ' + $JCHttpRequest); Write-Debug ('HttpRequestContent: ' + $JCHttpRequestContent.Result); Write-Debug ('HttpResponse: ' + $JCHttpResponse.Result); # Write-Debug ('HttpResponseContent: ' + $JCHttpResponseContent.Result); $Result = If ('Results' -in $Result.PSObject.Properties.Name) { $Result.results } Else { $Result } If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Result)) { $ResultCount = ($Result | Measure-Object).Count; $Results += $Result; $PSBoundParameters.Skip += $ResultCount } } While ($ResultCount -eq $PSBoundParameters.Limit -and -not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Result)) } Else { $PSBoundParameters.Remove('Paginate') | Out-Null $maxRetries = 4 $resultCounter = 0 :retryLoop do { $resultCounter++ $Result = JumpCloud.SDK.V2.internal\Get-JcSdkInternalSystemInsightApp @PSBoundParameters -errorAction SilentlyContinue -errorVariable sdkError If ($sdkError){ If ($resultCounter -eq $maxRetries){ throw $sdkError } If ($JCHttpResponse.Result.StatusCode -eq "503") { Write-Warning ("503: Service Unavailable - retrying in " + ($resultCounter * 5) + " seconds.") } else { throw $sdkError } } else { break retryLoop } Start-Sleep -Seconds ($resultCounter * 5) } while ($resultCounter -lt $maxRetries) Write-Debug ('HttpRequest: ' + $JCHttpRequest); Write-Debug ('HttpRequestContent: ' + $JCHttpRequestContent.Result); Write-Debug ('HttpResponse: ' + $JCHttpResponse.Result); # Write-Debug ('HttpResponseContent: ' + $JCHttpResponseContent.Result); $Result = If ('Results' -in $Result.PSObject.Properties.Name) { $Result.results } Else { $Result } If (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Result)) { $Results += $Result; } } } End { # Clean up global variables $GlobalVars = @('JCHttpRequest', 'JCHttpRequestContent', 'JCHttpResponse','JCHttpResponseContent') $GlobalVars | ForEach-Object { If ((Get-Variable -Scope:('Global')).Where( { $_.Name -eq $_ })) { Remove-Variable -Name:($_) -Scope:('Global') } } Return $Results } } |