function Invoke-JiraMethod { #Requires -Version 3 [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory )] [Uri] $URI, [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestMethod] $Method = "GET", [String] $Body, [Switch] $RawBody, [Hashtable] $Headers = @{}, [String] $InFile, [String] $OutFile, [Switch] $StoreSession, [PSCredential] $Credential, $Caller = $PSCmdlet ) begin { Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Function started" # pass input to local variable # this allows to use the PSBoundParameters for recursion $_headers = @{ # Set any default headers "Accept" = "application/json" "Accept-Charset" = "utf-8" } foreach ($item in $Headers.Key) { $_headers[$item] = $Headers[$item] } } process { Write-DebugMessage "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] ParameterSetName: $($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName)" Write-DebugMessage "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] PSBoundParameters: $($PSBoundParameters | Out-String)" # load DefaultParameters for Invoke-WebRequest # as the global PSDefaultParameterValues is not used $PSDefaultParameterValues = $global:PSDefaultParameterValues $splatParameters = @{ Uri = $Uri Method = $Method Headers = $_headers ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8" UseBasicParsing = $true Credential = $Credential ErrorAction = "Stop" Verbose = $false } if ($_headers.ContainsKey("Content-Type")) { $splatParameters["ContentType"] = $_headers["Content-Type"] $_headers.Remove("Content-Type") $splatParameters["Headers"] = $_headers } if ($Body) { if ($RawBody) { $splatParameters["Body"] = $Body } else { # Encode Body to preserve special chars # $splatParameters["Body"] = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($Body) } } if ($StoreSession) { $splatParameters["SessionVariable"] = "newSessionVar" $splatParameters.Remove("WebSession") } if ($session = Get-JiraSession -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { if (-not ($Credential)) { $splatParameters["WebSession"] = $session.WebSession $splatParameters.Remove("Credential") } } if ($InFile) { $splatParameters["InFile"] = $InFile } if ($OutFile) { $splatParameters["OutFile"] = $OutFile } # Invoke the API Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] $($splatParameters.Method) $($splatParameters.Uri)" Write-Debug "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Invoke-WebRequest with `$splatParameters: $($splatParameters | Out-String)" try { $webResponse = Invoke-WebRequest @splatParameters } catch { Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Failed to get an answer from the server" # Invoke-WebRequest is hard-coded to throw an exception if the Web request returns a 4xx or 5xx error. # This is the best workaround I can find to retrieve the actual results of the request. $webResponse = $_ if ($webResponse.ErrorDetails) { # In PowerShellCore (v6+), the response body is available as string $responseBody = $webResponse.ErrorDetails.Message } else { $webResponse = $webResponse.Exception.Response } } # Test response Headers if Confluence requires a CAPTCHA Test-Captcha -InputObject $webResponse -Caller $Caller Write-Debug "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Executed WebRequest. Access `$webResponse to see details" if ($webResponse) { # In PowerShellCore (v6+) the StatusCode of an exception is somewhere else if (-not ($statusCode = $webResponse.StatusCode)) { $statusCode = $webresponse.Exception.Response.StatusCode } Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Status code: $($statusCode)" if ($statusCode.value__ -ge 400) { Write-Warning "Jira returned HTTP error $($statusCode.value__) - $($statusCode)" if ((!($responseBody)) -and ($webResponse | Get-Member -Name "GetResponseStream")) { # Retrieve body of HTTP response - this contains more useful information about exactly why the error occurred $readStream = New-Object -TypeName System.IO.StreamReader -ArgumentList ($webResponse.GetResponseStream()) $responseBody = $readStream.ReadToEnd() $readStream.Close() # Clear the body in case it is not a JSON (but rather html) if ($responseBody -match "^[\s\t]*\<html\>") { $responseBody = '{"errorMessages": "Invalid server response. HTML returned."}' } Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Retrieved body of HTTP response for more information about the error (`$responseBody)" Write-Debug "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Got the following error as `$responseBody" $result = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $responseBody } } else { if ($StoreSession) { return ConvertTo-JiraSession -Session $newSessionVar -Username $Credential.UserName } if ($webResponse.Content) { $result = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $webResponse.Content } else { # No content, although statusCode < 400 # This could be wanted behavior of the API Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] No content was returned from." } } } else { Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] No Web result object was returned from. This is unusual!" } if ($result) { if (Get-Member -Name "Errors" -InputObject $result -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { Resolve-JiraError $result -WriteError -Caller $Caller } else { Write-Output $result } } } end { Write-Verbose "[$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)] Function ended" } } |