function Remove-JiraGroupMember { <# .Synopsis Removes a user from a JIRA group .DESCRIPTION This function removes a JIRA user from a JIRA group. .EXAMPLE Remove-JiraGroupMember -Group testUsers -User jsmith This example removes the user jsmith from the group testUsers. .EXAMPLE Get-JiraGroup 'Project Admins' | Remove-JiraGroupMember -User jsmith This example illustrates the use of the pipeline to remove jsmith from the "Project Admins" group in JIRA. .INPUTS [JiraPS.Group[]] Group(s) from which users should be removed .OUTPUTS If the -PassThru parameter is provided, this function will provide a reference to the JIRA group modified. Otherwise, this function does not provide output. .NOTES This REST method is still marked Experimental in JIRA's REST API. That means that there is a high probability this will break in future versions of JIRA. The function will need to be re-written at that time. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true, ConfirmImpact = 'High')] param( # Group Object or ID from which to remove the user(s). [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true)] [Alias('GroupName')] [Object[]] $Group, # Username or user object obtained from Get-JiraUser [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [Alias('UserName')] [Object[]] $User, # Credentials to use to connect to JIRA. # If not specified, this function will use anonymous access. [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [PSCredential] $Credential, # Whether output should be provided after invoking this function [Switch] $PassThru, # Suppress user confirmation. [Switch] $Force ) begin { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Reading information from config file" try { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Reading Jira server from config file" $server = Get-JiraConfigServer -ConfigFile $ConfigFile -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $err = $_ Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Encountered an error reading configuration data." throw $err } $restUrl = "$server/rest/api/latest/group/user?groupname={0}&username={1}" if ($Force) { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] -Force was passed. Backing up current ConfirmPreference [$ConfirmPreference] and setting to None" $oldConfirmPreference = $ConfirmPreference $ConfirmPreference = 'None' } } process { foreach ($g in $Group) { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Obtaining reference to group [$g]" $groupObj = Get-JiraGroup -InputObject $g -Credential $Credential if ($groupObj) { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Obtaining members of group [$g]" $groupMembers = Get-JiraGroupMember -Group $g -Credential $Credential | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name foreach ($u in $User) { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Obtaining reference to user [$u]" $userObj = Get-JiraUser -InputObject $u -Credential $Credential if ($userObj) { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Retrieved user reference [$userObj]" if ($groupMembers -contains $userObj.Name) { $thisRestUrl = $restUrl -f $groupObj.Name, $userObj.Name Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] REST URI: [$thisRestUrl]" Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Checking for -WhatIf and Confirm" if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$groupObj", "Remove $userObj from group")) { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Preparing for blastoff!" Invoke-JiraMethod -Method Delete -URI $thisRestUrl -Credential $Credential } else { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Runnning in WhatIf mode or user denied the Confirm prompt; no operation will be performed" } } else { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] User [$u] is not currently a member of group [$g]" Write-Verbose "User [$u] is not currently a member of group [$g]" } } else { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Could not identify user [$u]. Writing error message." Write-Error "Unable to identify user [$u]. Check the spelling of this user and ensure that you can access it via Get-JiraUser." } } if ($PassThru) { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] -PassThru specified. Obtaining a final reference to group [$g]" $groupObjNew = Get-JiraGroup -InputObject $g -Credential $Credential Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Outputting group [$groupObjNew]" Write-Output $groupObjNew } } else { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Could not identify group [$g]" Write-Error "Unable to identify group [$g]. Check the spelling of this group and ensure that you can access it via Get-JiraGroup." } } } end { if ($Force) { Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Restoring ConfirmPreference to [$oldConfirmPreference]" $ConfirmPreference = $oldConfirmPreference } Write-Debug "[Remove-JiraGroupMember] Complete" } } |