function Set-JiraConfigServer { <# .Synopsis Defines the configured URL for the JIRA server .DESCRIPTION This function defines the configured URL for the JIRA server that JiraPS should manipulate. By default, this is stored in a config.xml file at the module's root path. .EXAMPLE Set-JiraConfigServer '' This example defines the server URL of the JIRA server configured in the JiraPS config file. .EXAMPLE Set-JiraConfigServer -Server '' -ConfigFile C:\jiraconfig.xml This example defines the server URL of the JIRA server configured at C:\jiraconfig.xml. .INPUTS This function does not accept pipeline input. .OUTPUTS [System.String] .NOTES Support for multiple configuration files is limited at this point in time, but enhancements are planned for a future update. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( # The base URL of the Jira instance. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [Alias('Uri')] [String] $Server, [String] $ConfigFile ) # Using a default value for this parameter wouldn't handle all cases. We want to make sure # that the user can pass a $null value to the ConfigFile parameter...but if it's null, we # want to default to the script variable just as we would if the parameter was not # provided at all. if (-not ($ConfigFile)) { # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] ConfigFile was not provided, or provided with a null value" # This file should be in $moduleRoot/Functions/Internal, so PSScriptRoot will be $moduleRoot/Functions $moduleFolder = Split-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Module folder: $moduleFolder" $ConfigFile = Join-Path -Path $moduleFolder -ChildPath 'config.xml' # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Using default config file at [$ConfigFile]" } if (-not (Test-Path -Path $ConfigFile)) { # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Creating config file '$ConfigFile'" $xml = [XML] '<Config></Config>' } else { # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Loading config file '$ConfigFile'" $xml = New-Object -TypeName XML $xml.Load($ConfigFile) } $xmlConfig = $xml.DocumentElement if ($xmlConfig.LocalName -ne 'Config') { throw "Unexpected document element [$($xmlConfig.LocalName)] in configuration file. You may need to delete the config file and recreate it using this function." } # Check for trailing slash and strip it if necessary $fixedServer = $Server.Trim() if ($fixedServer.EndsWith('/') -or $fixedServer.EndsWith('\')) { $fixedServer = $Server.Substring(0, $Server.Length - 1) } if ($xmlConfig.Server) { # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Changing the existing Server element to the provided value '$Server'" $xmlConfig.Server = $fixedServer } else { # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Creating new element Server" $xmlServer = $xml.CreateElement('Server') # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Writing InnerText property with provided value '$Server'" $xmlServer.InnerText = $fixedServer # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Adding element to existing XML file" [void] $xmlConfig.AppendChild($xmlServer) } # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Saving XML file" try { $xml.Save($ConfigFile) } catch { $err = $_ # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Encountered an error saving the XML file" # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Throwing exception" throw $err } # Write-Debug "[Set-JiraConfigServer] Complete" } |