
function Get-JiraComponent
       Returns a Component from Jira
       This function returns information regarding a specified component from Jira.
       If -InputObject is given via parameter or pipe all components for
       the given project are returned.
       It is not possible to get all components with this function.
       Get-JiraComponent -Id 10000 -Credential $cred
       Returns information about the component with ID 10000
       Get-JiraComponent 20000 -Credential $cred
       Returns information about the component with ID 20000
       Get-JiraProject Project1 | Get-JiraComponent -Credential $cred
       Returns information about all components within project 'Project1'
       [String[]] Component ID
       [PSCredential] Credentials to use to connect to Jira

        # The Component ID
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   Position = 0,
                   ParameterSetName = 'ID')]
        [String[]] $Id,

        # Credentials to use to connect to Jira
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
        [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential] $Credential,

        # Credentials to use to connect to Jira
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,
                   ParameterSetName = 'InputObject')]
        [PSObject] $InputObject

        Write-Debug "[Get-JiraComponent] Reading server from config file"
            $server = Get-JiraConfigServer -ConfigFile $ConfigFile -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            $err = $_
            Write-Debug "[Get-JiraComponent] Encountered an error reading the Jira server."
            throw $err

        $uri = "$server/rest/api/latest/component"

        if ($InputObject -and ($InputObject.PSObject.TypeNames[0] -eq 'JiraPS.Project')) {
            $Id = @($InputObject.Components | select -ExpandProperty id)
        if ($Id)
            foreach ($i in $Id)
                Write-Debug "[Get-JiraComponent] Processing project [$i]"
                $thisUri = "$uri/${i}"

                Write-Debug "[Get-JiraComponent] Preparing for blastoff!"

                $result = Invoke-JiraMethod -Method Get -URI $thisUri -Credential $Credential
                if ($result)
                    Write-Debug "[Get-JiraComponent] Converting to object"
                    $obj = ConvertTo-JiraComponent -InputObject $result

                    Write-Debug "[Get-JiraComponent] Outputting result"
                    Write-Output $obj
                } else {
                    Write-Debug "[Get-JiraComponent] No results were returned from Jira"
                    Write-Debug "[Get-JiraComponent] No results were returned from Jira for component [$i]"

        Write-Debug "Complete"