# culture="en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @' GetCrumbMessage = Get a Crumb from '{0}'. CrumbResponseFormatError = The crumb response '{0}' was invalid. UsingCrumbMessage = Using Crumb '{0}'. InvokingRestApiCommandMessage = Invoking Rest Api Command '{0}'. InvokingCommandMessage = Invoking Command '{0}'. InvokeRestApiCommandError = Rest Api Command '{0}' returned '{1}'. UpdateListBadFormatError = The {0} update list file downloaded from '{1}' was in an unexpected format. SuppressingRedirectMessage = Suppressing redirect-after-command to target URL '{0}'. NewJobMessage = Create the job '{0}' NewFolderMessage = Create the folder '{0}' DisableJobMessage = Disable the job '{0}' EnableJobMessage = Enable the job '{0}' RenameJobMessage = Rename the job '{0}' to '{1}' RemoveJobMessage = Delete the job '{0}' SetJobDefinitionMessage = Set the job definition for job '{0}' UpdateJenkinsPluginMessage = Update Jenkins cached plugin '{0}' to version '{1}' CreateJenkinsUpdateListMessage = Create Jenkins update list file '{0}' UpdateJenkinsCoreMessage = Update Jenkins core file to version '{0}' DownloadingRemoteUpdateListMessage = Downloading the remote plugin list from '{0}'. ProcessingRemoteUpdateListMessage = Processing the remote plugin list from '{0}'. ProcessingLocalUpdateListMessage = Processing the local plugin list from '{0}'. ProcessingPluginMessage = Processing plugin '{0}' version '{1}'. RemovingPluginFileMessage = Removing plugin file '{0}'. DownloadingPluginMessage = Downloading plugin '{0}' from '{1}' to '{2}'. ExistingPluginFoundMessage = Existing plugin '{0}' version '{1}' found in the cache - won't download. ExistingJenkinsCoreFoundMessage = Existing Jenkins Core version '{0}' found in the cache - won't download. RemovingJenkinsCoreFileMessage = Removing Jenkins core file '{0}'. DownloadingJenkinsCoreMessage = Downloading Jenkins Core from '{0}' to '{1}'. '@ |