Using Module ..\..\JeaDsc.psd1 Describe "Integration testing JeaRoleCapabilities" -Tag Integration { BeforeAll { $ModulePath = Resolve-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\..\..\ $OldPsModulePath = $Env:PSModulePath $Env:PSModulePath += ";$ModulePath" [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath',$Env:PSModulePath,[EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) $Env:PSModulePath += ";TestDrive:\" $BuildBox = $true if ($Env:SYSTEM_DEFAULTWORKINGDIRECTORY) { &winrm quickconfig -quiet -force $BuildBox = $false } } AfterAll { [Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath',$OldPsModulePath,[EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) } BeforeEach { $class = [JeaRoleCapabilities]::New() $class.Path = 'TestDrive:\ModuleFolder\RoleCapabilities\ExampleRole.psrc' } Context "Testing Get method when Ensure is Present" { It "Should return an object of JeaRoleCapabilities type" { $null = New-Item -Path $class.Path -Force $null = New-PSRoleCapabilityFile -Path $class.Path -VisibleCmdlets 'Get-Command' $Result = $class.Get() $Result.GetType().Name | Should -Be 'JeaRoleCapabilities' } It "Should remove Copyright, GUID, Author and CompanyName from the object after importing the psrc" { $null = New-Item -Path $class.Path -Force $null = New-PSRoleCapabilityFile -Path $class.Path -VisibleCmdlets 'Get-Command' $Result = $class.Get() $Result.PSObject.Properties | Should -Not -Contain 'Copyright' $Result.PSObject.Properties | Should -Not -Contain 'GUID' $Result.PSObject.Properties | Should -Not -Contain 'Author' $Result.PSObject.Properties | Should -Not -Contain 'CompanyName' } It "Should return an object with property Ensure set to Present" { $null = New-Item -Path $class.Path -Force $null = New-PSRoleCapabilityFile -Path $class.Path -VisibleCmdlets 'Get-Command' $Result = $class.Get() $Result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Present' } It "Should populate returned properties from VisibleCmdlets in psrc file" { $null = New-Item -Path $class.Path -Force $null = New-PSRoleCapabilityFile -Path $class.Path -VisibleCmdlets 'Get-Command' $Result = $class.Get() $Result.VisibleCmdlets | Should -Be 'Get-Command' } } Context "Testing Get method when Ensure is Absent" { It "Should return an object of JeaRoleCapabilities type" { $Result = $class.Get() $Result.GetType().Name | Should -Be 'JeaRoleCapabilities' } It "Should return an object with property Ensure set to Present" { $Result = $class.Get() $Result.Ensure | Should -Be 'Absent' } } Context "Testing Set method when Ensure is Present" { It "Should create a new RoleCapbailities folder and populate with a psrc file with 1 visible function" { $class.VisibleFunctions = 'Get-Service' $class.Set() Test-Path -Path $class.Path | Should -Be $true $result = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $class.Path $result.VisibleFunctions | Should -Be 'Get-Service' } It "Should create a new psrc with 1 visible function and all Get cmdlets visible" { $class.VisibleCmdlets = 'Get-*' $class.VisibleFunctions = 'New-Example' $class.Set() Test-Path -Path $class.Path | Should -Be $true $result = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $class.Path $result.VisibleFunctions | Should -Be 'New-Example' $result.VisibleCmdlets | Should -Be 'Get-*' } It "Should create a new psrc from an array of strings with 1 visible function and all cmdlets in DnsServer module and Restart-Service visible" { $class.VisibleCmdlets = 'DnsServer\*', "@{'Name' = 'Restart-Service';'Parameters' = @{'Name' = 'Name';'ValidateSet' = 'Dns' } }" $class.VisibleFunctions = 'New-Example' $class.Set() Test-Path -Path $class.Path | Should -Be $true $result = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $class.Path $result.VisibleFunctions | Should -Be 'New-Example' $result.VisibleCmdlets[0] | Should -Be 'DnsServer\*' $result.VisibleCmdlets[1] | Should -BeOfType [Hashtable] $result.VisibleCmdlets[1].Name | Should -Be 'Restart-Service' $result.VisibleCmdlets[1].Parameters.Name | Should -Be 'Name' $result.VisibleCmdlets[1].Parameters.ValidateSet | Should -Be 'Dns' } It "Should create a new psrc from a single string with 1 visible function and all cmdlets in DnsServer module and Restart-Service visible" { $class.VisibleCmdlets = 'DnsServer\*, @{"Name" = "Restart-Service";"Parameters" = @{"Name" = "Name";"ValidateSet" = "Dns" } }' $class.VisibleFunctions = 'New-Example' $class.Set() Test-Path -Path $class.Path | Should -Be $true $result = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $class.Path $result.VisibleFunctions | Should -Be 'New-Example' $result.VisibleCmdlets[0] | Should -Be 'DnsServer\*' $result.VisibleCmdlets[1] | Should -BeOfType [Hashtable] $result.VisibleCmdlets[1].Name | Should -Be 'Restart-Service' $result.VisibleCmdlets[1].Parameters.Name | Should -Be 'Name' $result.VisibleCmdlets[1].Parameters.ValidateSet | Should -Be 'Dns' } It "Should create a psrc with a function definition and a visible function for that custom function" { $class.FunctionDefinitions = "@{Name = 'Get-ExampleFunction'; ScriptBlock = {Get-Command} }" $class.VisibleFunctions = 'Get-ExampleFunction' $class.Set() Test-Path -Path $class.Path | Should -Be $true $result = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $class.Path $result.VisibleFunctions | Should -Be 'Get-ExampleFunction' $result.FunctionDefinitions.Name | Should -Be 'Get-ExampleFunction' $result.FunctionDefinitions.Scriptblock | Should -Be '{Get-Command}' $result.FunctionDefinitions.Scriptblock | Should -BeOfType [ScriptBlock] } It "Should create a psrc with 2 function definitions and 2 visible function for those custom function" { $class.FunctionDefinitions = "@{Name = 'Get-ExampleFunction'; ScriptBlock = {Get-Command} }","@{Name = 'Get-OtherExample'; ScriptBlock = {Get-Command} }" $class.VisibleFunctions = 'Get-ExampleFunction','Get-OtherExample' $class.Set() Test-Path -Path $class.Path | Should -Be $true $result = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $class.Path $result.VisibleFunctions | Should -Be 'Get-ExampleFunction','Get-OtherExample' $result.FunctionDefinitions[0].Name | Should -Be 'Get-ExampleFunction' $result.FunctionDefinitions[0].Scriptblock | Should -Be '{Get-Command}' $result.FunctionDefinitions[0].Scriptblock | Should -BeOfType [ScriptBlock] $result.FunctionDefinitions[1].Name | Should -Be 'Get-OtherExample' $result.FunctionDefinitions[1].Scriptblock | Should -Be '{Get-Command}' $result.FunctionDefinitions[1].Scriptblock | Should -BeOfType [ScriptBlock] } } Context "Testing Set method when Ensure is Absent" { It "Should remove the role capabilities file" { New-Item -Path 'TestDrive:\RemoveMe\RoleCapabilities\ExampleRole.psrc' -Force $class.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent $class.Path = 'TestDrive:\RemoveMe\RoleCapabilities\ExampleRole.psrc' $class.Set() Test-Path -Path 'TestDrive:\RemoveMe\RoleCapabilities\ExampleRole.psrc' | Should -Be $false } } Context "Testing Applying BasicVisibleCmdlets Configuration File" { It "Should apply the example BasicVisibleCmdlets configuration without throwing" -Skip:$BuildBox { $ConfigFile = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'TestConfigurations\BasicVisibleCmdlets.config.ps1' . $ConfigFile $MofOutputFolder = 'TestDrive:\Configurations\BasicVisibleCmdlets' $PsrcPath = Join-Path (Get-Item TestDrive:\).FullName -ChildPath 'BasicVisibleCmdlets\RoleCapabilities\BasicVisibleCmdlets.psrc' &BasicVisibleCmdlets -OutputPath $MofOutputFolder -Path $PsrcPath { Start-DscConfiguration -Path $MofOutputFolder -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } It "Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing" -Skip:$BuildBox { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Not -Throw } It "Should have created the psrc file and set the VisibleCmdlets to Get-Service" -Skip:$BuildBox { Test-Path -Path 'TestDrive:\BasicVisibleCmdlets\RoleCapabilities\BasicVisibleCmdlets.psrc' | Should -Be $true $results = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path 'TestDrive:\BasicVisibleCmdlets\RoleCapabilities\BasicVisibleCmdlets.psrc' $results.VisibleCmdlets | Should -Be 'Get-Service' } } Context "Testing Applying WildcardVisibleCmdlets Configuration File" { It "Should apply the example WildcardVisibleCmdlets configuration without throwing" -Skip:$BuildBox { $ConfigFile = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'TestConfigurations\WildcardVisibleCmdlets.config.ps1' . $ConfigFile $MofOutputFolder = 'TestDrive:\Configurations\WildcardVisibleCmdlets' $PsrcPath = Join-Path (Get-Item TestDrive:\).FullName -ChildPath 'WildcardVisibleCmdlets\RoleCapabilities\WildcardVisibleCmdlets.psrc' &WildcardVisibleCmdlets -OutputPath $MofOutputFolder -Path $PsrcPath { Start-DscConfiguration -Path $MofOutputFolder -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } It "Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing" -Skip:$BuildBox { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Not -Throw } It "Should have created the psrc file and set the VisibleCmdlets to Get-* and DnsServer\*" -Skip:$BuildBox { Test-Path -Path 'TestDrive:\WildcardVisibleCmdlets\RoleCapabilities\WildcardVisibleCmdlets.psrc' | Should -Be $true $results = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path 'TestDrive:\WildcardVisibleCmdlets\RoleCapabilities\WildcardVisibleCmdlets.psrc' $results.VisibleCmdlets | Should -Be 'Get-*','DnsServer\*' } } Context "Testing Applying FunctionDefinitions Configuration File" { It "Should apply the example FunctionDefinitions configuration without throwing" -Skip:$BuildBox { $ConfigFile = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'TestConfigurations\FunctionDefinitions.config.ps1' . $ConfigFile $MofOutputFolder = 'TestDrive:\Configurations\FunctionDefinitions' $PsrcPath = Join-Path (Get-Item TestDrive:\).FullName -ChildPath 'FunctionDefinitions\RoleCapabilities\FunctionDefinitions.psrc' &FunctionDefinitions -OutputPath $MofOutputFolder -Path $PsrcPath { Start-DscConfiguration -Path $MofOutputFolder -Wait -Force } | Should -Not -Throw } It "Should be able to call Get-DscConfiguration without throwing" -Skip:$BuildBox { { Get-DscConfiguration -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Not -Throw } It "Should have created the psrc file and set the FunctionDefinitions and VisibleFunctions to Get-ExampleData" -Skip:$BuildBox { Test-Path -Path 'TestDrive:\FunctionDefinitions\RoleCapabilities\FunctionDefinitions.psrc' | Should -Be $true $results = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path 'TestDrive:\FunctionDefinitions\RoleCapabilities\FunctionDefinitions.psrc' $results.FunctionDefinitions.Name | Should -Be 'Get-ExampleData' $results.FunctionDefinitions.ScriptBlock | Should -Be '{Get-Command}' $results.FunctionDefinitions.ScriptBlock | Should -BeOfType [ScriptBlock] } } Context "Testing Applying FailingFunctionDefinitions Configuration File" { It "Should throw when attempting to apply the example FunctionDefinitions configuration" -Skip:$BuildBox { $ConfigFile = Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'TestConfigurations\FailingFunctionDefinitions.config.ps1' . $ConfigFile $MofOutputFolder = 'TestDrive:\Configurations\FailingFunctionDefinitions' $PsrcPath = Join-Path (Get-Item TestDrive:\).FullName -ChildPath 'FailingFunctionDefinitions\RoleCapabilities\FailingFunctionDefinitions.psrc' &FailingFunctionDefinitions -OutputPath $MofOutputFolder -Path $PsrcPath { Start-DscConfiguration -Path $MofOutputFolder -Wait -Force -ErrorAction Stop } | Should -Throw } It "Should not have created the psrc file" -Skip:$BuildBox { Test-Path -Path 'TestDrive:\FailingFunctionDefinitions\RoleCapabilities\FailingFunctionDefinitions.psrc' | Should -Be $false } } } |