enum Ensure { Present Absent } [DscResource()] class JeaRoleCapabilities { [DscProperty()] [Ensure]$Ensure = [Ensure]::Present # Where to store the file. [DscProperty(Key)] [String]$Path # Specifies the modules that are automatically imported into sessions that use the role capability file. # By default, all of the commands in listed modules are visible. When used with VisibleCmdlets or VisibleFunctions, # the commands visible from the specified modules can be restricted. Hashtable with keys ModuleName, ModuleVersion and GUID. [DscProperty()] [string[]]$ModulesToImport # Limits the aliases in the session to those aliases specified in the value of this parameter, # plus any aliases that you define in the AliasDefinition parameter. Wildcard characters are supported. # By default, all aliases that are defined by the Windows PowerShell engine and all aliases that modules export are # visible in the session. [DscProperty()] [String[]]$VisibleAliases # Limits the cmdlets in the session to those specified in the value of this parameter. # Wildcard characters and Module Qualified Names are supported. [DscProperty()] [String[]]$VisibleCmdlets # Limits the functions in the session to those specified in the value of this parameter, # plus any functions that you define in the FunctionDefinitions parameter. Wildcard characters are supported. [DscProperty()] [String[]]$VisibleFunctions # Limits the external binaries, scripts and commands that can be executed in the session to those specified in # the value of this parameter. Wildcard characters are supported. [DscProperty()] [String[]]$VisibleExternalCommands # Limits the Windows PowerShell providers in the session to those specified in the value of this parameter. # Wildcard characters are supported. [DscProperty()] [String[]]$VisibleProviders # Specifies scripts to add to sessions that use the role capability file. [DscProperty()] [string[]]$ScriptsToProcess # Adds the specified aliases to sessions that use the role capability file. # Hashtable with keys Name, Value, Description and Options. [DscProperty()] [string[]]$AliasDefinitions # Adds the specified functions to sessions that expose the role capability. # Hashtable with keys Name, Scriptblock and Options. [DscProperty()] [string[]]$FunctionDefinitions # Specifies variables to add to sessions that use the role capability file. # Hashtable with keys Name, Value, Options. [DscProperty()] [string[]]$VariableDefinitions # Specifies the environment variables for sessions that expose this role capability file. # Hashtable of environment variables. [DscProperty()] [string[]]$EnvironmentVariables # Specifies type files (.ps1xml) to add to sessions that use the role capability file. # The value of this parameter must be a full or absolute path of the type file names. [DscProperty()] [string[]]$TypesToProcess # Specifies the formatting files (.ps1xml) that run in sessions that use the role capability file. # The value of this parameter must be a full or absolute path of the formatting files. [DscProperty()] [String[]]$FormatsToProcess # Specifies the assemblies to load into the sessions that use the role capability file. [DscProperty()] [String[]]$AssembliesToLoad Hidden [Boolean] ValidatePath() { $FileObject = [System.IO.FileInfo]::new($this.Path) if ($FileObject.Extension -ne '.psrc') { return $false } if ($FileObject.Directory.Name -ne 'RoleCapabilities') { return $false } if ($FileObject.FullName -notmatch (([Regex]::Escape($env:PSModulePath)) -replace ';', '|')) { return $false } return $true } [JeaRoleCapabilities] Get() { if (Test-Path -Path $this.Path) { $CurrentState = Import-PowerShellDataFile -Path $this.Path 'Copyright','GUID','Author','CompanyName' | Foreach-Object { $CurrentState.Remove($_) } foreach ($Property in $CurrentState.Keys) { $this.$Property = $CurrentState[$Property] } $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Present } else { $this.Ensure = [Ensure]::Absent } return $this } [void] Set() { if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present) { $Parameters = ConvertObjectToHashtable($this) $Parameters.Remove('Ensure') Foreach ($Parameter in $Parameters.Keys.Where({$Parameters[$_] -match '@{'})) { $Parameters[$Parameter] = ConvertStringToArrayOfHashtable $Parameters[$Parameter] } $null = New-Item -Path $this.Path -ItemType File -Force New-PSRoleCapabilityFile @Parameters } elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent -and (Test-Path -Path $this.Path)) { Remove-Item -Path $this.Path -Confirm:$False } } [bool] Test() { if (-not ($this.ValidatePath())) { Write-Error -Message "Invalid path specified. It must point to a Module folder, be a psrc file and the parent folder must be called RoleCapabilities" return $false } if ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present -and -not (Test-Path -Path $this.Path)) { return $false } elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Present -and (Test-Path -Path $this.Path)) { $CurrentState = $this.Get() $Parameters = ConvertObjectToHashtable($this) $Compare = Compare-Hashtable -ActualValue $CurrentState -ExpectedValue $Parameters if ($null-eq $Compare) { return $true } else { return $false } } elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent -and (Test-Path -Path $this.Path)) { return $false } elseif ($this.Ensure -eq [Ensure]::Absent -and -not (Test-Path -Path $this.Path)) { return $true } return $false } } function Compare-Hashtable($ActualValue, $ExpectedValue) { # Based on FindMisMatchedHashtableValue by Stuart Leeks # https://github.com/stuartleeks/PesterMatchHashtable foreach($expectedKey in $ExpectedValue.Keys) { if (-not($ActualValue.Keys -contains $expectedKey)){ return "Expected key: {$expectedKey}, but missing in actual" } $expectedItem = $ExpectedValue[$expectedKey] $actualItem = $ActualValue[$expectedKey] if (-not ($actualItem -eq $expectedItem)) { return "Value differs for key {$expectedKey}. Expected value: {$expectedItem}, actual value: {$actualItem}" } } foreach($actualKey in $ActualValue.Keys) { if (-not($ExpectedValue.Keys -contains $actualKey)){ return "Actual key: {$actualKey}, but missing in expected" } $expectedItem = $ExpectedValue[$actualKey] $actualItem = $ActualValue[$actualKey] if (-not ($actualItem -eq $expectedItem)) { return "Value differs for key {$actualKey}. Expected value: {$expectedItem}, actual value: {$actualItem}" } } } |