
function ConvertTo-JeaCapability
        Converts the input into JEA Capabilities.
        Converts the input into JEA Capabilities.
        This is a multitool conversion command, accepting a wide range of input objects.
        Whether it is a simple command name, the output of Get-Command, items returned by Read-JeaScriptFile or a complex hashtable.
        Example hashtable:
            'Get-Service' = @{
                Name = 'Restart-Service'
                Parameters = @{
                    Name = 'Name'
                    ValidateSet = 'dns', 'spooler'
    .PARAMETER InputObject
        The object(s) to convert into a capability object.
        PS C:\> Get-Command Get-AD* | ConvertTo-JeaCapability
        Retrieves all ad commands that read data and converts them into capabilities.

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        foreach ($inputItem in $InputObject)
            # Skip empty entries
            if ($null -eq $inputItem) { continue }
            # Pass through finished capabilities
            if ($inputItem -is [JEAnalyzer.Capability])
            #region Decide based on input type
            switch ($inputItem.GetType().FullName)
                #region Get-Command data
                    New-Object -TypeName JEAnalyzer.CapabilityCommand -Property @{
                        Name = $inputItem.ResolvedCommand.Name
                        CommandType = 'Alias'
                    New-Object -TypeName JEAnalyzer.CapabilityCommand -Property @{
                        Name = $inputItem.Name
                        CommandType = 'Function'
                    New-Object -TypeName JEAnalyzer.CapabilityCommand -Property @{
                        Name = $inputItem.Name
                        CommandType = 'Cmdlet'
                #endregion Get-Command data
                #region String
                    if (Test-Path $inputItem) { Import-JeaScriptFile -Path $inputItem }
                    else { Get-Command -Name $inputItem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ConvertTo-JeaCapability }
                #endregion String
                #region Hashtable
                    #region Plain Single-Item hashtable
                    if ($inputItem.Name)
                        $parameter = @{
                            Name = $inputItem.Name
                        if ($inputItem.Parameters) { $parameter['Parameter'] = $inputItem.Parameters }
                        if ($inputItem.Force) { $parameter['Force'] = $true }
                        New-JeaCommand @parameter
                    #endregion Plain Single-Item hashtable
                    #region Multiple Command Hashtable
                        foreach ($valueItem in $inputItem.Values)
                            $parameter = @{
                                Name = $valueItem.Name
                            if ($valueItem.Parameters) { $parameter['Parameter'] = $valueItem.Parameters }
                            if ($inputItem.Force -or $valueItem.Force) { $parameter['Force'] = $true }
                            New-JeaCommand @parameter
                    #endregion Multiple Command Hashtable
                #endregion Hashtable
                #region JEAnalyzer: Command Info
                    $inputItem.CommandObject | ConvertTo-JeaCapability
                #endregion JEAnalyzer: Command Info
                    Write-PSFMessage -String 'ConvertTo-Capability.CapabilityNotKnown' -StringValues $inputItem -Level Warning
            #endregion Decide based on input type