function Get-MyId ($user) { <# Retrieves the GUID of the current user in a cached manner #> #module scoped cache of the user's GUID if (-not $SCRIPT:_MyIDCache) { $SCRIPT:_MyIDCache = [Collections.Generic.Dictionary[String, Guid]]@{} } if (-not $user) { $context = Get-MgContext if (-not $context) { throw 'You are not connected to Microsoft Graph. Please run connect-mggraph first.' } $user = $context.Account } #Cache Hit $result = $SCRIPT:_MyIDCache[$user] if ($null -ne $result) { return $result } #Cache Miss $response = Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri 'v1.0/me' -Body @{select = 'userPrincipalName,id' } if ($response.userprincipalname -notmatch $context.account) { throw 'The userPrincipalName in the response does not match your Mg context. This is probably a bug, please report it.' } $SCRIPT:_MYIDCache[$response.userPrincipalName] = $ return [guid]($ } |