
# Matches Output from git log
(?m)^commit # Commits start with 'commit'
) # The CommitHash is all hex digits after whitespace
\s+ # More whitespace (includes the newline)
(?:(?:Merge: # Next is the optional merge
)[\s-[\n\r]]{0,} # Which is hex digits, followed by optional whitespace
){2,} [\n\r]+ # followed by a newline
))?Author: # New is the author line
\s+(?<GitUserName>(?:.|\s){0,}?(?=\z|\s\<)) # The username comes before whitespace and a <
\s+\< # The email is enclosed in <>
(?<GitUserEmail>(?:.|\s){0,}?(?=\z|>))\>(?:.|\s){0,}?(?=\z|^date:)Date: # Next comes the Date line
\s+(?<CommitDate>(?:.|\s){0,}?(?=\z|\n)) # Since dates can come in many formats, capture the line
\n(?<CommitMessage>(?:.|\s){0,}?(?=\z|(?>\r\n|\n){2,2})) # Anything until two newlines is the commit message