
function Show-RegEx
        Shows a Regular Expression and it's output.
        Displays Regular Expressions, with their match output.
        Show-Regex -Pattern ?<Digits> -Match abc123def456

    # The regular expression. If the pattern starts with a saved capture name, it will use the saved pattern.

    # One or more strings to match.

    # If set, will remove the regular expression matches from the text.

    # If set, will replace the text with a replacement string.
    # For more information about replacement strings, see:

    # If provided, will transform each match with a replacement string.
    # For more information about replacement strings, see:

    # The regular expression options, by default, MultiLine, IgnoreCase and IgnorePatternWhitespace
    #|Default Multiline,IgnoreCase,IgnorePatternWhitespace
    $Option = 'IgnoreCase, IgnorePatternWhitespace',

    # Indicates that the cmdlet makes matches case-sensitive. By default, matches are not case-sensitive.

    # The match timeout. By default, one second.
    $Timeout = "00:00:01"

    process {
        if ($Pattern -match '^\?\<(?<Name>\w+)\>' -and $script:_RegexLibrary) {
            $Pattern = $script:_RegexLibrary.($matches.Name)

        #region Display RegEx
        if (-not $Match) {
            $regOut =
                try {
                    [psobject]::new([Regex]::new($Pattern, $option, $timeout))
                } catch {
            if (-not $regOut) { return }
            if ($regOut -is [Management.Automation.ErrorRecord]) {

                $o = [PSCustomObject]@{Pattern=$Pattern;PSTypeName='Irregular.Regular.Expression'}
                $o | Add-Member ScriptMethod ToString { return $this.Pattern } -PassThru -Force
            } else {

        #endregion Display RegEx

        #region Use RegEx
        $useRegexSplat = @{} + $PSBoundParameters
        $useRegexSplat.Pattern = $Pattern

        $out = Use-RegEx @useRegexSplat
            PSTypeName = 'Irregular.RegEx.Output'
            Method =
                if ($Replace -or $Remove) { 'Replace' }
                elseif ($Transform) { 'Transform' }
                else { 'Matches' }
            Input = $useRegexSplat
            Output = $out
            Pattern = $Pattern
        #endregion Use RegEx