
# Matches an HTML ID attribute
(?<= # We only want to match an ID if it's in a tag
                 # but we don't want to match the tag itself, so we use a lookbehind
    <[\w-]+ # to find the tag
    [^>]+?(?= # and anything but closing carets
        \z|id # until the end of the string or 'id'
id # now we match the id itself
\s{0,} # and optional whitespace
= # and the equal
\s{0,} # and more optional whitespace
(?> # Then, there are 3 ways we can have an ID
    ' # Between single quotes
    (?<ID> # The ID is...
            ''| # any double paired quote OR
            \\'| # any slash-escaped single quote
            [^'] # any non-quote
    ' # followed by the closing quote
    | # OR
    " # double quotes
    (?<ID> # The ID is...
    .*? # anything until
    (?<!(\\)) # a not-escape
    )" # double-quote
    | # OR
    (?<ID> # The ID is..
        [\w-]+ # any number of word characters or dashes.