
function Invoke-Dsc
Invokes Dsc resources
Passes PSCustomObjects to Invoke-DscResource by invoking the Test method and
if the Test method fails invokes the Set method.
Specifies the PSCustomObject to be passed to Invoke-DscResource
$r = ConvertTo-Dsc -Path 'c:\Config\NewFile.json'
Invoke-Dsc -Resource $r
Wraps around the native Invoke-DscResource cmdlet and invokes them as native Dsc would
by running the test method first and if the test method fails it invokes the set method.


        foreach ($r in $Resource) {

                $splat = @{
                    Name = $r.dscResourceName
                    Property = $r.Property
                    ErrorAction = 'SilentlyContinue'

                if ($null -ne $r.ModuleVersion)
                    if ($r.ModuleName -eq 'PSDesiredStateConfiguration' -and $r.dscResourceName -eq 'File')
                        $latestVersion = Get-LatestModuleVersion -Name $r.ModuleName

                Write-Output "[Start Test] [[$($r.dscResourceName)]$($r.ResourceName)]"                    
                $testResults = Invoke-DscResource @splat -Method Test -ErrorVariable TestError -Verbose:$false  

                if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Invoking Set Method")){
                    if ($TestError) {
                        Write-Error ("Failed to Invoke $($r.resourceName)" + ($TestError[0].Exception.Message))
                    elseif (($testResults.InDesiredState) -ne $true) {
                        Write-Output "[Start Set] [[$($r.dscResourceName)]$($r.ResourceName)]"
                        Invoke-DscResource @splat -Method Set -ErrorVariable SetError -Verbose:$false
                    if ($SetError) {
                        Write-Error "Failed to invoke [$($r.resourceName)] ($SetError[0].Exception.Message)"

