
.VERSION 1.0.1
.GUID 4f32a59d-1cc5-4d06-a762-c7fc5028f662
.AUTHOR Kalichuza
.TAGS SysInternals Admin Security Live

 Run SysInternals in memory. Use the -List flag to list all tools as they are mapped or the -DriveLetter flag to change the defaul from the Z: drive. Cleans itself upon close of PS session.

function Invoke-SysInternals {
    param (
        [string]$DriveLetter = "Z",

    # Define SysInternals Tools
    $tools = @(
        "accesschk", "accesschk64", "AccessEnum", "ADExplorer", "ADExplorer64",
        "ADInsight", "ADInsight64", "adrestore", "adrestore64", "Autologon",
        "Autologon64", "Autoruns", "Autoruns64", "autorunsc", "autorunsc64",
        "Bginfo", "Bginfo64", "Cacheset", "Cacheset64", "Clockres", "Clockres64",
        "Contig", "Contig64", "Coreinfo", "Coreinfo64", "CPUSTRES", "CPUSTRES64",
        "ctrl2cap", "Dbgview", "Dbgview64", "Desktops", "Desktops64", "disk2vhd",
        "disk2vhd64", "diskext", "diskext64", "Diskmon", "Diskmon64", "DiskView",
        "DiskView64", "du", "du64", "efsdump", "FindLinks", "FindLinks64",
        "handle", "handle64", "hex2dec", "hex2dec64", "junction", "junction64",
        "ldmdump", "Listdlls", "Listdlls64", "livekd", "livekd64", "LoadOrd",
        "LoadOrd64", "LoadOrdC", "LoadOrdC64", "logonsessions", "logonsessions64",
        "movefile", "movefile64", "notmyfault", "notmyfault64", "notmyfaultc",
        "notmyfaultc64", "ntfsinfo", "ntfsinfo64", "pendmoves", "pendmoves64",
        "pipelist", "pipelist64", "portmon", "procdump", "procdump64", "procexp",
        "procexp64", "procmon", "procmon64", "PsExec", "PsExec64", "psfile",
        "psfile64", "PsGetsid", "PsGetsid64", "PsInfo", "PsInfo64", "pskill",
        "pskill64", "pslist", "pslist64", "PsLoggedon", "PsLoggedon64",
        "psloglist", "psloglist64", "pspasswd", "pspasswd64", "psping",
        "psping64", "PsService", "PsService64", "PsShutdown", "PsShutdown64",
        "pssuspend", "pssuspend64", "RAMMap", "RAMMap64", "RDCMan", "RegDelNull",
        "RegDelNull64", "Reghide", "regjump", "RootkitRevealer",
        "sdelete", "sdelete64", "ShareEnum", "ShareEnum64", "ShellRunas",
        "sigcheck", "sigcheck64", "streams", "streams64", "strings", "strings64",
        "sync", "sync64", "Sysmon", "Sysmon64", "tcpvcon", "tcpvcon64",
        "tcpview", "tcpview64", "Testlimit", "Testlimit64", "Vmmap", "Vmmap64",
        "Volumeid", "Volumeid64", "whois", "whois64", "Winobj", "Winobj64",
        "ZoomIt", "ZoomIt64"

    # If -List is used, display tools and exit immediately
    if ($List) {
        Write-Host "`n[+] Available SysInternals Tools:"
        $tools | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { Write-Host " $_" }

    # Check if the drive is already mapped
    if (Test-Path "$DriveLetter`:") {
        Write-Host "[!] SysInternals drive already mapped as $DriveLetter`:. Skipping..."
    } else {
        # Map SysInternals Live Share in the current session only
        Write-Host "[+] Mapping SysInternals Live to $DriveLetter`:"
        New-PSDrive -Name $DriveLetter -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\\tools" -Persist:$false -Scope Global | Out-Null

        if (Test-Path "$DriveLetter`:\") {
            Write-Host "[+] Successfully mapped SysInternals Live."
        } else {
            Write-Host "[!] Failed to map SysInternals Live. Check network connectivity."

    # Temporarily Add SysInternals to Path for this session
    $sysinternalsPath = "$DriveLetter`:\"
    $env:Path = "$env:Path;$sysinternalsPath"

    # Create Hardcoded Aliases for Each Tool
    foreach ($tool in $tools) {
        Set-Alias -Name $tool -Value "$DriveLetter`:\$tool.exe" -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

    Write-Host "[+] Hardcoded SysInternals tools are now accessible globally."

    # Cleanup Function: Unmap drive on session close
    $cleanupScript = {
        if (Test-Path "$DriveLetter`:") {
            Remove-PSDrive -Name $DriveLetter -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
            Write-Host "[+] SysInternals drive $DriveLetter`: has been unmapped."

    # Register Cleanup Event
    Register-EngineEvent -SourceIdentifier PowerShell.Exiting -Action {
        & $cleanupScript $using:DriveLetter
    } | Out-Null

# Run function with arguments
Invoke-SysInternals @args