
    Creates an IIS website and sets the configuration

function New-IISWebsite
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [string]  $name     = $null,

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]
        [string]  $root     = $null,

        [string]  $appPool  = "DefaultAppPool",
        [Object[]]$bindings = $null
    Begin {
        # IIS Directory Settings
        [string]$iisSite = "IIS:\Sites\$($name)\"
    Process {
        Write-Log "Creating IIS Website: $name"
            New-Item $iisSite -Type Site -Bindings $bindings -PhysicalPath $root
            # New-Item is not possible without a Binding, we add one here, you need to remove it later on
            New-Item $iisSite -Type Site -PhysicalPath $root -Bindings @{protocol='http';bindingInformation=':80:'}
        Set-ItemProperty $iisSite -Name ApplicationPool -Value $appPool
    End { 

    Removes the IIS Website installation for the given site name.
    The application pool gets only removed if the -appPoolName parameter is supplied.

function Remove-IISWebsite
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [string]$name    = $null
    Begin {
        # IIS Directory Settings
        [string]$iisSite = "IIS:\Sites\$($name)"
    Process {
        # Remove Website
        if(Test-Path $iisSite)
            Write-Log "Deleting IIS Website: $name"
            Remove-Website $name
    End { 

    Create an application pool an set the configuration.

function New-IISApplicationPool
        # Application Pool Settings
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [string]$Name                  = $null,
        [bool]  $Enable32Bit           = $false,
        [string]$StartMode             = $null, # AlwaysRunning,
        [string]$ManagedRuntimeVersion = $null,
        [string]$IdleTimeout           = $null,
        [string]$PeriodicRestartTime   = $null,
                $IdentityType          = $null, # 0 = LocalSystem, 1 = LocalService, 2 = NetworkService, 3 = SpecificUser, 4 = ApplicationPoolIdentity
        [string]$User                  = $null,
        [string]$Password              = $null,
        [bool]  $LoadUserProfile       = $true
    Begin {
        # IIS Directory Settings
        [string]$IisPool = "IIS:\AppPools\$($name)\"
        # Sets the application pool settings for the given parameter
        function Set-AppPoolProperties([PSObject]$Pool)
            if(-not $pool) { throw "Empty application pool, Argument -Pool is missing" }
            Write-Log "Configuring ApplicationPool properties"
            if ($StartMode            ) { $Pool.startMode                      = $StartMode             }
            if ($ManagedRuntimeVersion) { $Pool.managedRuntimeVersion          = $ManagedRuntimeVersion }
            if ($IdleTimeout          ) { $Pool.processModel.idleTimeout       = $IdleTimeout           }
            if ($PeriodicRestartTime  ) { $Pool.recycling.periodicRestart.time = $PeriodicRestartTime   }
            if ($IdentityType -ne $null)
                $Pool.processModel.identityType = $IdentityType
                if($IdentityType -eq 3) # 3 = SpecificUser
                    if(-not $User    ) { throw "Empty user name, Argument -User is missing"  }
                    if(-not $Password) { throw "Empty password, Argument -Password is missing" }
                    Write-Log "Setting AppPool to run as $User"
                    $Pool.processmodel.username = $User
                    $Pool.processmodel.password = $Password
            $Pool.processModel.loadUserProfile = $LoadUserProfile
            $Pool | Set-Item
                Set-ItemProperty $IisPool -Name enable32BitAppOnWin64 -Value "True"
                Set-ItemProperty $IisPool -Name enable32BitAppOnWin64 -Value "False"
    Process {
        Write-Log "Creating IIS ApplicationPool: $Name"
        $Pool = New-WebAppPool $Name
        Set-AppPoolProperties $Pool
    End { 

    Removes the IIS application pool for the given name.

function Remove-IISApplicationPool
        # Application Pool Settings
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [string]$name = $null
    Begin {
        # IIS Directory Settings
        [string]$iisPoolPath = "IIS:\AppPools\$($name)\"
    Process {
        if(Test-Path $iisPoolPath)
            Write-Log "Removing Application Pool: $name"
            Stop-IISAppPool $name
            Remove-WebAppPool $name
    End {

    Stop the AppPool if it exists and is running, and throws no error if it doesn't.

function Stop-IISAppPool
        # Application Pool Settings
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
        [string]$name  = $null,
        [bool]  $sleep = $false # seconds
    Begin {
        # IIS Directory Settings
        [string]$iisPoolPath = "IIS:\AppPools\$($name)\"
    Process {
        Write-Log "Trying to stop the AppPool: $name"
        if (Test-Path $iisPoolPath)
            if ((Get-WebAppPoolState -Name $name).Value -ne "Stopped")
                Stop-WebAppPool -Name $name
                if (-not [string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($sleep))
                    Start-Sleep -s $sleep
                Write-Log "Stopped AppPool: $name"
                Write-Log "WARNING: AppPool $name was already stopped. Have you already run this?"
            Write-Log "WARNING: Could not find an AppPool called: $name to stop. Assuming this is a new installation."
    End { 

function Use-WebAdministration () {
    if (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name WebAdministration)) {
        throw "WebAdministration Module not available, please install IIS Powershell Snap-in"

    if (!(Get-Module WebAdministration))
        ## Load it nested, and we'll automatically remove it during clean up.
        Import-Module WebAdministration -ErrorAction Stop
        Sleep 2 #see