
function Add-IWDApp{
        Adds applications to a repository and, if desired, creates IntuneWin packages.

        This function allows you to add applications to a repository, either using Chocolatey or Winget as the package manager.
        It provides an interactive selection process for adding applications and optionally creating IntuneWin packages.

    .PARAMETER AppName
        An array of application names to add.

    .PARAMETER type
        Specifies the package manager to use, either "choco" for Chocolatey or "winget" for Winget.

    .PARAMETER PropertyName3
        A switch parameter. If provided, it indicates whether to create IntuneWin packages for the added applications.

        Example 1:
        Add-IWDApp -AppName @("app1", "app2") -type "choco" -PropertyName3

        This command adds the Chocolatey applications "app1" and "app2" to the repository and creates IntuneWin packages for them.

        Example 2:
        Add-IWDApp -AppName "app3" -type "winget"

        This command adds the Winget application "app3" to the repository.

        Author: Florian Salzmann (@FlorianSLZ)
        Version: 1.0
        Date: 2023-09-12


    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "The name of the app.")]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specifies the package manager to use, either 'choco' for Chocolatey or 'winget' for Winget.")]
        [ValidateSet("choco", "winget", "custom")]

        switch ($Type) {
        "choco"  {

            # Test local Chocolatey

            # Chocolatey
            $ChocoSearch = choco search $AppName
            $ChocoApp = $ChocoSearch | Out-GridView -OutputMode Single -Title "Select Applications to add"
            # parameter mapping
            $ChocoApp_ID = $($ChocoApp.split(' ')[0])
            $rulesJSON = @"
    "ruleType": "detection",
    "path": "C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\lib",
    "fileOrFolderName": "$ChocoApp_ID",
    "check32BitOn64System": false,
    "operationType": "exists",
    "operator": "notConfigured",
    "comparisonValue": null
 | ConvertFrom-Json
            # get frendly name
            $ChocoDetails = '(' + $((choco search $ChocoApp_ID --by-id-only --exact -v) -join '|') + ')'
            $pos = $ChocoDetails.IndexOf("Title:")
            $ChocoDescriptionPlus = $ChocoDetails.Substring($pos+7)
            $pos = $ChocoDescriptionPlus.IndexOf(" |")
            $Choco_Name = $ChocoDescriptionPlus.Substring(0, $pos)

            # get frendly description
            $ChocoDetails = '(' + $((choco search $ChocoApp_ID --by-id-only --exact -v) -join '|') + ')'
            $pos = $ChocoDetails.IndexOf("Description:")
            $ChocoDescriptionPlus = $ChocoDetails.Substring($pos+13)
            $pos = $ChocoDescriptionPlus.IndexOf("|")
            $Choco_Description = $ChocoDescriptionPlus.Substring(0, $pos)

            # Create App array
            $ChocoApp_new = New-Object PsObject -Property @{ 
                id = "$ChocoApp_ID"; 
                Type = "choco"; 
                displayName = $Choco_Name;
                Version = "choco auto";
                Description = $Choco_Description;
                rules = $rulesJSON;
                Dependency = "Chocolatey"
                InstallFile = "install.ps1"
                installCommandLine = "PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File install.ps1"
                uninstallCommandLine = "PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File uninstall.ps1"

            # Create App localy
            Save-IWDWin32App -Type winget -AppPackage $ChocoApp_new

            # xy added, wanna deploy?
            $deployYN = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
            if($($deployYN.Popup("Winget App *$AppName* added. `n`nDo you want to create and upload the intunewin?",0,"Create App",64+4)) -eq 6){
                # Check/Create dependency
                # Publish App
                $NewApp = Get-IWDLocalApp -displayName $Choco_Name -Meta
                Publish-IWDWin32App -AppInfo $NewApp

        "winget"   {

            # Test/install local winget
            # Winget
            $winget2add = winget search --id $AppName --exact --accept-source-agreements
            if($winget2add -like "*$AppName*"){

                # parameter mapping
                $rulesJSON = @"
    "ruleType": "detection",
    "check32BitOn64System": false,
    "enforceSignatureCheck": false,
    "scriptContent": "winget-detection.ps1"
 | ConvertFrom-Json
                # get frendly name
                $WingetDetails = $(winget search --id $($AppName) --exact)
                $WingetDetails = '(' + $($WingetDetails -join '|') + ')'
                $pos = $WingetDetails.IndexOf("-|")
                $WingetDescriptionPlus = $WingetDetails.Substring($pos+2)
                $pos = $WingetDescriptionPlus.IndexOf(" $($AppName)")
                $winget_name = $WingetDescriptionPlus.Substring(0, $pos)

                # set Description
                $winget_Description = "Installation via Windows Package Manager (winget)"

                # Create App array
                $winget_new = New-Object PsObject -Property @{ 
                    id = "$AppName"; 
                    Type = "winget"; 
                    displayName = $winget_name;
                    Version = "winget auto";
                    Description = $winget_Description;
                    rules = $rulesJSON;
                    Dependency = "Windows Package Manager"
                    InstallFile = "install.ps1"
                    installCommandLine = "PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File install.ps1"
                    uninstallCommandLine = "PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File uninstall.ps1"

                # Create App localy
                Save-IWDWin32App -Type winget -AppPackage $winget_new

                # xy added, wanna deploy?
                $deployYN = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
                if($($deployYN.Popup("Winget App *$AppName* added. `n`nDo you want to create and upload the intunewin?",0,"Create App",64+4)) -eq 6){
                    # Check/Create dependency
                    # Publish App
                    $NewApp = Get-IWDLocalApp -displayName $winget_name -Meta
                    Publish-IWDWin32App -AppInfo $NewApp

                Write-Error "ID not found!"
        default {Write-Error "Something went wrong. Unsuported type."; break}

        Write-Error "Error while processing $AppName `n$_"
