
function Set-IWDAppInfo{
        Adds applications to a repository and, if desired, creates IntuneWin packages.

        This function allows you to add applications to a repository, either using Chocolatey or Winget as the package manager.
        It provides an interactive selection process for adding applications and optionally creating IntuneWin packages.

    .PARAMETER AppPackage
        An array of application to add.

    .PARAMETER type
        Specifies the package manager to use, either "choco" for Chocolatey or "winget" for Winget.

        Author: Florian Salzmann (@FlorianSLZ)
        Version: 1.0
        Date: 2023-09-12


    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "An array of application to add.")]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Specifies the package manager to use, either 'choco' for Chocolatey or 'winget' for Winget.")]
        [ValidateSet("choco", "winget")]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "Local Repo Path where the Apps and template are stored")]
        [string]$RepoPath = "$([Environment]::GetFolderPath("MyDocuments"))\IntuneWin32Deployer"

        $AppInfo_file = "$RepoPath\$($AppPackage.displayName)\AppInfo.json"
        $AppInfo = Get-Content $AppInfo_file -Raw | ConvertFrom-Json

        switch ($Type) {
            "choco"  {

                $AppInfo.displayName    = $AppPackage.displayName
                $AppInfo.Version        = $AppPackage.Version
                $AppInfo.Platform       = $AppPackage.Platform
                $AppInfo.Channel        = $AppPackage.Channel
                $AppInfo.Ring           = $AppPackage.Ring
                $AppInfo.Release        = $AppPackage.Release
                $AppInfo.Architecture   = $AppPackage.Architecture
                $AppInfo.Type           = $AppPackage.Type
                $AppInfo.Language       = $AppPackage.Language


            default {Write-Error "Something went wrong. Unsuported type."; break}

        $AppInfo | ConvertTo-Json | Out-File $AppInfo_file -Force 

        Write-Error "Error while processing $($AppInfo.displayName) `n$_"
