using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Management.Automation; using System.Management.Automation.Provider; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace IntelliTect.Management.Automation.UnitTesting { public abstract partial class PSProviderTestBase<TProvider, TDriveInfo> where TProvider : CmdletProvider { private static PowerShell _PowerShell; public static PowerShell PowerShell { get { return _PowerShell; } set { if ( _PowerShell != null ) { _PowerShell.Dispose(); } _PowerShell = value; } } public virtual TestContext TestContext { get; set; } public static TProvider Provider { get; set; } public static string ProviderName { get { CmdletProviderAttribute cmdletProviderAttribute = (CmdletProviderAttribute) typeof(TProvider).GetCustomAttributes( typeof(CmdletProviderAttribute), false ).First(); return cmdletProviderAttribute.ProviderName; } } /// <summary> /// Invokes the command within the PowerShell session. /// </summary> /// <param name="commandFormat"> /// A command expressed as a composite format string /// (see into which the args /// can be embedded (e.d. New-Item {0}" /// </param> /// <param name="args">An object array that contains zero or more objects to format.</param> /// <returns></returns> public ICollection<PSObject> PowerShellInvoke( string commandFormat, params object[] args ) { commandFormat = string.Format( commandFormat, args ); return PowerShellInvoke( commandFormat, false, TestContext ); } /// <summary> /// Invokes the command within the PowerShell session. /// </summary> /// <param name="ignoreErrors">set to true to ignore errors</param> /// <param name="commandFormat"> /// A command expressed as a composite format string /// (see into which the args /// can be embedded (e.d. New-Item {0}" /// </param> /// <param name="args">An object array that contains zero or more objects to format.</param> /// <returns></returns> public ICollection<PSObject> PowerShellInvoke( bool ignoreErrors, string commandFormat, params object[] args ) { commandFormat = string.Format( commandFormat, args ); return PowerShellInvoke( commandFormat, ignoreErrors, TestContext ); } public static ICollection<PSObject> PowerShellInvoke( string command, bool ignoreErrors, TestContext testContext = null ) { TestContextWriteLine( testContext, command ); PowerShell.AddScript( command ); string errorText = null; ICollection<PSObject> results = PowerShell.Invoke(); //TestContextWriteLine(testContext, "HistoryString: " + PowerShell.HistoryString); PowerShell.Commands.Clear(); foreach ( PSObject item in results ) { TestContextWriteLine( testContext, "{0}", item ); } foreach ( DebugRecord record in PowerShell.Streams.Debug.ReadAll() ) { TestContextWriteLine( testContext, "DEBUG: {0}", record ); } foreach ( VerboseRecord record in PowerShell.Streams.Verbose.ReadAll() ) { TestContextWriteLine( testContext, "VERBOSE: {0}", record ); } foreach ( WarningRecord record in PowerShell.Streams.Warning.ReadAll() ) { TestContextWriteLine( testContext, "WARNING: {0}", record ); } if ( !ignoreErrors ) { // Used to allow caller to read the errors. IEnumerable<ErrorRecord> errors = PowerShell.Streams.Error.ReadAll(); errorText = string.Join( Environment.NewLine, errors ); foreach ( ErrorRecord record in errors ) { TestContextWriteLine( testContext, "ERROR: {0}", record ); } Assert.IsFalse( PowerShell.HadErrors, errorText ); } return results; } private static void TestContextWriteLine( TestContext testContext, string commandFormat, params object[] args ) { string command; if ( args == null || !args.Any() ) { command = commandFormat; } else { command = string.Format( commandFormat, args ); } if ( testContext != null ) { testContext.WriteLine( "Command: {0}", command ); } else { Console.WriteLine( "Command: {0}", command ); } } public static TProvider ImportModule( TestContext testContext ) { TProvider provider = null; ProviderEventArgs<TProvider>.OnNewInstance += ( sender, eventArgs ) => provider = eventArgs.Provider; string psProviderPath = typeof(TProvider).Assembly.Location; PowerShell.AddCommand( "Set-ExecutionPolicy" ) .AddArgument( "Unrestricted" ) .AddParameter( "Scope", "Process" ); PowerShell.Invoke(); string command = @"if(test-path variable:module) {{ remove-module $module -Verbose; }}; $module=(import-module '{0}' -PassThru -Verbose); #Write-Output $module"; command = string.Format( command, new FileInfo(psProviderPath).Directory.Parent.Parent.Parent.FullName + "\\IntelliTect.PSDropbin.psd1" ); PowerShellInvoke( command, false, testContext ); Assert.IsNotNull( provider ); return provider; } public static TDriveInfo NewDrive( string driveName = "DropboxTestDrive", TestContext testContext = null ) { // TODO: Change to dynamically determine New-PSDrive parameters. string command = @"if(!(Test-Path Variable:\{0})) {{ ${0} = New-PSDrive -PSProvider {1} -Name {0} -Root ""/"" -Verbose }} Get-PSDrive ${0}"; command = string.Format( command, driveName, ProviderName ); TDriveInfo driveInfo = (TDriveInfo) PowerShellInvoke( command, false, testContext ).First().ImmediateBaseObject; return driveInfo; } public static bool TestPath( string path, TestContext testContext = null ) { return (bool) PowerShellInvoke( string.Format( "Test-Path {0}", path ), false, testContext ) .Single() .ImmediateBaseObject; } // TODO: Change to not use dynamic public static dynamic NewItem( string path, TestContext testContext = null ) { string itemType = "File"; if ( path.Trim().EndsWith( "\\" ) || path.Trim().EndsWith("/") || string.IsNullOrEmpty( Path.GetExtension( path ) ) ) { itemType = "Directory"; } return PowerShellInvoke( string.Format("New-Item {0} -ItemType {1} -verbose -Force", path, itemType ), false, testContext ).First().ImmediateBaseObject; } public static void RemoveItem( string path, bool ignoreMissingItem = false, TestContext testContext = null ) { //PowerShellInvoke(ignoreMissingItem, "Remove-Item {0} -verbose -recurse", path); PowerShellInvoke( string.Format( "Remove-Item {0} -verbose -recurse", path ), ignoreMissingItem, testContext ); } // TODO: Move to base class of TProvider protected virtual void CopyItem( string path, string destination ) { PowerShellInvoke( "Copy-Item {0} {1};", path, destination ); } protected virtual dynamic GetItem( string path ) { return PowerShellInvoke( "Get-Item {0};", path ); } protected virtual bool IsItemContainer( string path ) { return (bool) PowerShellInvoke( "Get-Item {0} | %{{ $_.PsIsContainer }}", path ) .Single() .ImmediateBaseObject; } protected virtual void CopyItemTest( string path, string destination ) { using ( new PSTempItem( path ) ) { using ( new PSTempItem( destination ) ) { // ReSharper disable PossibleMultipleEnumeration RemoveItem( destination ); IEnumerable<string> fileNames = Enumerable.Range( 0, 3 ).Select( count => "Item" + count + ".item" ); if ( path.EndsWith( "\\" ) ) { foreach ( string name in fileNames ) { NewItem( Path.Combine( path, name ) ); } } CopyItem( path, destination ); AttemptAssertion( () => TestPath( destination ) ); if ( path.EndsWith( "\\" ) ) { Assert.IsTrue( IsItemContainer( destination ) ); foreach ( string name in fileNames ) { Assert.IsTrue( TestPath( Path.Combine( destination, name ) ) ); } } // ReSharper restore PossibleMultipleEnumeration } } } // for when the first attempt may or may not work due to latency protected virtual void MoveItem( string path, string destination ) { PowerShellInvoke( "Move-Item {0} {1};", path, destination ); } protected void AttemptAssertion( Func<bool> assertion, bool expected = true, int pulses = 6 ) { // if we expect false, check for false Func<bool> modifiedAssertion = ( expected ) ? assertion : () => !assertion(); int count = 0; while ( !modifiedAssertion() && count < pulses ) { Thread.Sleep( 400 ); count++; } if ( expected ) { Assert.IsTrue( assertion() ); } else { Assert.IsFalse( assertion() ); } } protected virtual void MoveItemTest( string path, string destination ) { using ( new PSTempItem( path ) ) { using ( new PSTempItem( destination ) ) { // ReSharper disable PossibleMultipleEnumeration RemoveItem( destination ); IEnumerable<string> fileNames = Enumerable.Range( 0, 3 ).Select( count => "Item" + count + ".item" ); if ( path.EndsWith( "\\" ) ) { foreach ( string name in fileNames ) { NewItem( Path.Combine( path, name ) ); } } MoveItem( path, destination ); AttemptAssertion( () => TestPath( path ), false ); AttemptAssertion( () => TestPath( destination ) ); if ( path.EndsWith( "\\" ) ) { Assert.IsTrue( IsItemContainer( destination ) ); foreach ( string name in fileNames ) { Assert.IsFalse( TestPath( Path.Combine( path, name ) ) ); Assert.IsTrue( TestPath( Path.Combine( destination, name ) ) ); } } // ReSharper restore PossibleMultipleEnumeration } } } } } |