
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Management.Automation.Internal
using namespace System.Reflection
using namespace System.Text

class ScriptBuilder {
    # Properties

    [String] $IndentCharacters = ' '

    Hidden [Int32] $indentCount = 0

    Hidden [String] $line = ''

    Hidden [StringBuilder] $stringBuilder = (New-Object StringBuilder)

    # Public methods

    [ScriptBuilder] Append([String]$String) {
        $this.line += $String

        return $this

    [ScriptBuilder] AppendFormat([String]$String, [Object]$Value) {
        return $this.AppendFormat($String, @($Value))

    [ScriptBuilder] AppendFormat([String]$String, [Object]$Value1, [Object]$Value2) {
        return $this.AppendFormat($String, @($Value1, $Value2))

    [ScriptBuilder] AppendFormat([String]$String, [Object[]]$Values) {
        $this.line += $String -f $Values

        return $this

    [ScriptBuilder] AppendLine() {
        return $this.AppendLine('')

    [ScriptBuilder] AppendLine([String]$String) {
        $this.line += $String

        if ($this.line[-1] -in ')', '}' -and $this.ShouldChangeIndent()) {

        $this.stringBuilder.AppendFormat('{0}{1}', ($this.IndentCharacters * $this.indentCount), $this.line).

        if ($this.line[-1] -in '(', '{' -and $this.ShouldChangeIndent()) {

        $this.line = ''

        return $this

    [ScriptBuilder] AppendLines([String[]]$Lines) {
        foreach ($scriptLine in $Lines) {

        return $this

    [ScriptBuilder] AppendScript([String]$Script) {
        foreach ($scriptLine in $Script -split '\r?\n') {

        return $this

    [String] ToString() {
        return $this.stringBuilder.ToString()

    # Private methods

    Hidden [Int32] CountCharacter([String]$String, [Char]$Character) {
        $count = 0
        foreach ($char in $String.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($char -eq $Character) {
        return $count

    Hidden [Char] GetCompliment([Char]$Character) {
        $value = switch ($Character) {
            '('     { ')' }
            ')'     { '(' }
            '{'     { '}' }
            '}'     { '{' }
            default { $null }
        return $value

    Hidden [Boolean] ShouldChangeIndent() {
        if ($this.CountCharacter($this.line, $this.line[-1]) -gt $this.CountCharacter($this.line, $this.GetCompliment($this.line[-1]))) {
            return $true

        return $false

function GetRequiredType {
        Gets the list of types required by a set of commands.
        The list of required types includes:
            Types defined for parameters attached to PowerShell commands.
            Types required to satisfy exposed public properties.
            Types required to satisfy Create or Parse methods.
        Type list expansion is limited to two levels. The second level of classes (not directly required by a parameter) will have type names assigned to members rewritten.
        Change log:
            11/05/2017 - Chris Dent - Created.

    param (
        # Resolve the list of types required by the specified command.

    begin {
        $primaryTypes = @{}

    process {
        foreach ($parameter in $CommandInfo.Parameters.Values) {
            if (-not $primaryTypes.Contains($parameter.ParameterType)) {
                $primaryTypes.Add($parameter.ParameterType, $null)
        foreach ($outputTypeAttribute in $CommandInfo.OutputType) {
            if ($outputTypeAttribute.Type -and -not $primaryTypes.Contains($outputTypeAttribute.Type)) {
                $primaryTypes.Add($outputTypeAttribute.Type, $null)
        # Replace array types
        $keys = $primaryTypes.Keys | ForEach-Object { $_ }
        foreach ($type in $keys) {
            if ($type.BaseType -eq ([Array])) {
                $elementType = $type.GetElementType()
                if (-not $primaryTypes.Contains($elementType)) {
                    $primaryTypes.Add($elementType, $null)

    end {
        # Remove types defined in native assemblies from the list
        $primaryTypes.Keys |
            Group-Object { $_.Assembly.FullName } |
            Where-Object { TestIsForeignAssembly $_.Name } |
            ForEach-Object { $_.Group } |
            Select-Object @{n='Type'; e={ $_ }},
                          @{n='IsPrimary'; e={ $true }} |
            Add-Member -TypeName 'StubTypeInfo' -PassThru

        # Generate a list of secondary types
        $secondaryTypes = @{}
        $primaryTypes.Keys | ForEach-Object {
            $type = $_

            $instanceMembers = $type.GetMembers([BindingFlags]'Public,Instance') |
                Where-Object MemberType -in 'Field', 'Constructor', 'Property'

            foreach ($member in $instanceMembers) {
                switch ($member.MemberType) {
                    'Field'       { $member.FieldType }
                    'Constructor' { $member.GetParameters().ParameterType }
                    'Property'    { $member.PropertyType }
            $staticMethods = $type.GetMethods([BindingFlags]'Public,Static') |
                Where-Object { $_.Name -in 'Create', 'Parse' -and $_.ReturnType.Name -eq $type.Name }

            foreach ($method in $staticMethods) {
        } | ForEach-Object {
            if ($_.BaseType -eq [Array]) {
            } else {
        } | Where-Object { $_ -and -not $primaryTypes.Contains($_) -and -not $secondaryTypes.Contains($_) } | ForEach-Object {
            $secondaryTypes.Add($_, $null)
        $secondaryTypes.Keys |
            Group-Object { $_.Assembly.FullName } |
            Where-Object { TestIsForeignAssembly $_.Name } |
            ForEach-Object { $_.Group } |
            Select-Object @{n='Type'; e={ $_ }},
                          @{n='IsPrimary'; e={ $false }} |
            Add-Member -TypeName 'StubTypeInfo' -PassThru

function GetTypeName {
        Get the full name of a type.
        Get the full name of a type.
        Change log:
            31/05/2017 - Chris Dent - Created.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    process {
        if ($Type.IsNestedPublic) {
            $Type.FullName.Replace('+', '.')
        } elseif ($Type.IsGenericType) {
            $genericTypeName = $Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition().FullName -replace '`\d+'
            '{0}<{1}>' -f $genericTypeName, (($Type.GenericTypeArguments | GetTypeName) -join ',')
        } else {

function TestIsForeignAssembly {
        Test whether or not the assembly can be considered native.
        This command compares a named assembly with a list of assemblies in a text file.
        The comparison is used to determine whether or not a given type needs to be recreated in a stub using an empty class.
        The list is generated using:
            [AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FullName | Sort-Object
        Change log:
            07/04/2017 - Chris Dent - Improved use of script level variable.
            05/04/2017 - Chris Dent - Created.

    param (
        # The assembly name to test against the list.

        # A static list of assemblies read from var\assemblyList.
        [String[]]$AssemblyList = $Script:assemblyList

    if ($null -eq $AssemblyList) {
        $AssemblyList = $Script:assemblyList = Get-Content "$psscriptroot\var\assemblyList.txt"

    if ($AssemblyList -contains $AssemblyName) {
        return $false
    return $true

function New-StubCommand {
        Create a new partial copy of a command.
        New-StubCommand recreates a command as a function with param block and dynamic param block (if used).
        New-StubCommand Test-Path
        Create a stub of the Test-Path command.
        Get-Command -Module AppLocker | New-StubCommand
        Create a stub of all commands in the AppLocker module.
        Change log:
            10/05/2017 - Chris Dent - Added automatic help insertion.
            03/04/2017 - Chris Dent - Created.

    # This command does not change state.
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'FromPipeline')]
    param (
        # Generate a stub of the specified command name.
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'FromString')]

        # Generate a stub of the specified command.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'FromPipeline')]

        # Request generation of type statements to satisfy parameter binding.

        # Allow population of generated stub command with a custom function body.
            if ($null -ne $_.Ast.ParamBlock -or $null -ne $_.Ast.DynamicParamBlock) {
                throw (New-Object ArgumentException ("FunctionBody scriptblock cannot contain Param or DynamicParam blocks"))
            } else {$true}

    begin {
        if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromString') {
            $null = $PSBoundParameters.Remove('CommandName')
            Get-Command $CommandName | New-StubCommand @PSBoundParameters
        } else {
            $commonParameters = ([CommonParameters]).GetProperties().Name
            $shouldProcessParameters = ([ShouldProcessParameters]).GetProperties().Name

    process {
        if ($pscmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'FromPipeline') {
            try {
                $script = New-Object ScriptBuilder

                if ($IncludeTypeDefinition) {
                    $null = $script.AppendLine((GetRequiredType -CommandInfo $CommandInfo | New-StubType))

                $null = $script.AppendFormat('function {0} {{', $CommandInfo.Name).

                # Write help
                $helpContent = Get-Help $CommandInfo.Name -Full
                if ($helpContent.Synopsis) {
                    $null = $script.AppendLine('<#').
                                    AppendFormat(' {0}', $helpContent.Synopsis.Trim()).

                    foreach ($parameter in $CommandInfo.Parameters.Keys) {
                        if ($parameter -notin $commonParameters -and $parameter -notin $shouldProcessParameters) {
                            $parameterHelp = ($helpcontent.parameters.parameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $parameter }).Description.Text
                            if ($parameterHelp) {
                                $paragraphs = $parameterHelp.Split("`n", [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)

                                $null = $script.AppendFormat('.PARAMETER {0}', $parameter).

                                foreach ($paragraph in $paragraphs) {
                                    $null = $script.AppendFormat(' {0}', $paragraph).
                    $null = $script.AppendLine('#>').

                # Write CmdletBinding
                if ($cmdletBindingAttribute = [ProxyCommand]::GetCmdletBindingAttribute($CommandInfo)) {
                    $null = $script.AppendLine($cmdletBindingAttribute)

                # Write OutputType
                foreach ($outputType in $CommandInfo.OutputType) {
                    $null = $script.Append('[OutputType(')
                    if ($outputType.Type) {
                        $null = $script.AppendFormat('[{0}]', $outputType.Type)
                    } else {
                        $null = $script.AppendFormat("'{0}'", $outputType.Name)
                    $null = $script.AppendLine(')]')

                # Write param
                if ($CommandInfo.CmdletBinding -or $CommandInfo.Parameters.Count -gt 0) {
                    $null = $script.Append('param (')

                    if ($param = [ProxyCommand]::GetParamBlock($CommandInfo)) {
                        foreach ($line in $param -split '\r?\n') {
                            $null = $script.AppendLine($line.Trim())
                    } else {
                        $null = $script.Append(' ')

                    $null = $script.AppendLine(')')

                # Write dynamic params
                if ($dynamicParams = New-StubDynamicParam $CommandInfo) {
                    $null = $script.AppendScript($dynamicParams)

                # Insert function body, if specified
                if ($null -ne $FunctionBody) {
                    if ($null -ne $FunctionBody.Ast.BeginBlock) {
                        $null = $script.AppendLine(($FunctionBody.Ast.BeginBlock))

                    if ($null -ne $FunctionBody.Ast.ProcessBlock) {
                        $null = $script.AppendLine(($FunctionBody.Ast.ProcessBlock))

                    if ($null -ne $FunctionBody.Ast.EndBlock) {
                        if ($FunctionBody.Ast.EndBlock -imatch '\s*end\s*{') {
                            $null = $script.AppendLine(($FunctionBody.Ast.EndBlock))
                        } else {
                            # Simple scriptblock does not explicitly specify that code is in end block, so we add the block decoration
                            $null = $script.AppendLine('end {')
                            $null = $script.AppendLine(($FunctionBody.Ast.EndBlock))
                            $null = $script.AppendLine('}')

                # Close the function

                $null = $script.AppendLine('}')

            } catch {
                Write-Error -ErrorRecord $_

function New-StubDynamicParam {
        Creates a new script representation of a set of dynamic parameters.
        Creates a new script representation of a set of dynamic parameters.
        The dynamic parameter set includes any attributes bound to individual parameters.
        Get-Command Get-Item | New-StubDynamicParam
        Creates a copy of the dynamic param block used by Get-Item.
        Change log:
            04/04/2017 - Chris Dent - Created.

    # This command does not change state.
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        # Generate a dynamic param block for the specified command.
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]

    process {
        $script = New-Object ScriptBuilder

        $dynamicParams = $CommandInfo.Parameters.Values.Where{ $_.IsDynamic }
        if ($dynamicParams.Count -gt 0) {
            $null = $script.AppendLine().
                            AppendLine('dynamicparam {').
                            AppendLine('$parameters = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary').

            foreach ($dynamicParam in $dynamicParams) {
                $null = $script.AppendFormat('# {0}', $dynamicParam.Name).
                                AppendLine('$attributes = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[Attribute]').

                foreach ($attribute in $dynamicParam.Attributes) {
                    $ctor = $attribute.TypeId.GetConstructors()[0]

                    $null = $script.AppendFormat('$attribute = New-Object {0}', $attribute.TypeId.FullName)

                    $arguments = foreach ($parameter in $ctor.GetParameters()) {
                        if ($null -ne $attribute.($parameter.Name)) {
                            switch ($parameter.ParameterType) {
                                ([String])      { "'{0}'" -f $attribute.($parameter.Name) }
                                ([String[]])    { "'" + ($attribute.($parameter.Name) -join "', '") + "'" }
                                ([ScriptBlock]) { "{{{0}}}" -f $attribute.($parameter.Name) }
                                default         { $attribute.($parameter.Name) }

                    if ($null -eq $arguments) {
                        $null = $script.AppendLine()
                    } else {
                        $null = $script.AppendFormat('({0})', $arguments -join ', ').

                    # Parameter named parameter handler
                    if ($attribute.TypeId.Name -eq 'ParameterAttribute') {
                        $default = New-Object Parameter
                        foreach ($property in $attribute.PSObject.Properties) {
                            if ($property.Value -ne $default.($property.Name)) {
                                $value = switch ($property.TypeNameOfValue) {
                                    'System.String'  { '"{0}"' -f $property.Value }
                                    'System.Boolean' { '${0}' -f $property.Value.ToString() }
                                    default          { $property.Value }

                                $null = $script.AppendFormat('$attribute.{0} = {1}', $property.Name, $value).

                    # ValidatePattern named parameter handler
                    if ($attribute.TypeId.Name -eq 'ValidatePatternAttribute') {
                        if ($attribute.Options -ne 'IgnoreCase') {
                            $null = $script.AppendFormat('$attribute.Options = "{0}"', $attribute.Options.ToString()).

                    $null = $script.AppendLine('$attributes.Add($attribute)').
                $null = $script.AppendFormat('$parameter = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter("{0}", [{1}], $attributes)', $dynamicParam.Name, $dynamicParam.ParameterType.ToString()).
                                AppendFormat('$parameters.Add("{0}", $parameter)', $dynamicParam.Name).

            $null = $script.AppendLine('return $parameters').

        return $script.ToString()

function New-StubModule {
        Create a new stub module.
        A stub module contains:
            All exported commands provided by a module.
            A copy of any enumerations used by the module from non-native assemblies.
            A stub of any .NET classes consumed by the module from non-native assemblies.
        New-StubModule -FromModule DnsClient
        Create stub of the DnsClient module.
        Change log:
            05/04/2017 - Chris Dent - Created.

    # This command does not change state.
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        # The name of a module to recreate.

        # Save the new definition in the specified directory.

        # Allow population of generated stub command with a custom function body. Every function in the module will have the same body.
            if ($null -ne $_.Ast.ParamBlock -or $null -ne $_.Ast.DynamicParamBlock) {
                throw (New-Object ArgumentException ("FunctionBody scriptblock cannot contain Param or DynamicParam blocks"))
            } else {$true}

    try {
        $erroractionpreference = 'Stop'

        if (Test-Path $FromModule) {
            $FromModule = Import-Module $FromModule -PassThru |
                Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name

        # Support wildcards in the FromModule parameter.
        Get-Command -Module $FromModule | Group-Object Source | ForEach-Object {
            $moduleName = $_.Name

            if ($psboundparameters.ContainsKey('Path')) {
                $filePath = Join-Path $Path ('{0}.psm1' -f $moduleName)
                $null = New-Item $filePath -ItemType File -Force

            # Header

            '# Name: {0}' -f $moduleName
            '# Version: {0}' -f (Get-Module $moduleName).Version
            '# CreatedOn: {0}' -f (Get-Date -Format 'u')

            # Types

            $_.Group | GetRequiredType | New-StubType

            # Commands
            $StubCommandSplat = @{}
            if ($psboundparameters.ContainsKey('FunctionBody')) {
                $StubCommandSplat = @{FunctionBody = $FunctionBody}
            $_.Group | New-StubCommand @StubCommandSplat
        } | ForEach-Object {
            if ($psboundparameters.ContainsKey('Path')) {
                $_ | Out-File $filePath -Encoding UTF8 -Append
            } else {
    } catch {

function New-StubType {
        Generates a class or enum definition.
        Builds a type definition which represents a class or type which is used to constrain a parameter.
        New-Stubtype ([IPAddress])
        Create a stub representing the System.Net.IPAddress class.
        Change log:
            04/04/2017 - Chris Dent - Created.
            31/05/2017 - Chris Dent - Nested type handling.

    # This command does not change state.
    [System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        # Generate a stub of the specified type.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, ValueFromPipeline)]

        # If a type is flagged as secondary, member types are rewritten as object to end the type dependency chain.
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, DontShow)]
        [Boolean]$IsPrimary = $true,

        # Exclude the Add-Type wrapper statements.

    begin {
        $definedStubTypes = [Ordered]@{}

    process {
        if ($Type -and -not $definedStubTypes.Contains($Type)) {
            $stubType = [PSCustomObject]@{
                Type       = $Type
                Namespace  = $Type.Namespace
                Definition = $null

            $script = New-Object ScriptBuilder

            #if ($Type.Namespace -ne 'System' -and $Type.Namespace) {
            # $null = $script.AppendLine().
            # AppendFormat('namespace {0}', $Type.Namespace).
            # AppendLine().
            # AppendLine('{')

            if ($Type.MemberType -eq 'NestedType') {
                if ($definedStubTypes.Contains($Type.DeclaringType)) {
                    $parentClassDefinition = $definedStubTypes[$Type.DeclaringType].Definition
                } else {
                    $parentClassDefinition = New-StubType $Type.DeclaringType -ExcludeAddType

                # "Open" the parent class to allow the nested class to be injected (nested types are not automatically fabricated).
                $parentClassDefinition = $parentClassDefinition.Trim() -replace '\}$'

                $null = $script.AppendLines($parentClassDefinition.Split("`n"))

            if ($Type.BaseType -eq [Enum]) {
                if ($Type.CustomAttributes.Count -gt 0 -and $Type.CustomAttributes.Where{ $_.AttributeType -eq [FlagsAttribute] }) {
                    $null = $script.AppendLine('[System.Flags]')

                $underlyingType = [Enum]::GetUnderlyingType($Type)
                $typeName = switch ($underlyingType.Name) {
                    'Byte'   { 'byte' }
                    'SByte'  { 'sbyte' }
                    'Int16'  { 'short' }
                    'UInt16' { 'ushort' }
                    'Int32'  { 'int' }
                    'UInt32' { 'uint' }
                    'Int64'  { 'long' }
                    'UInt64' { 'ulong' }

                $null = $script.AppendFormat('public enum {0} : {1}', $Type.Name, $typeName).

                $values = [Enum]::GetValues($Type)
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $values.Count; $i++) {
                    $null = $script.AppendFormat('{0} = {1}', $values[$i].ToString(), [Convert]::ChangeType($values[$i], $underlyingType))
                    if ($i -ne $values.Count - 1) {
                        $null = $script.Append(',')
                    $null = $script.AppendLine()

                $null = $script.AppendLine('}')
            } else {
                $null = $script.AppendFormat('public class {0}', $Type.Name).

                if ($IsPrimary) {
                    $members = $Type.GetMembers([BindingFlags]'Public,Instance') |
                        Where-Object MemberType -in 'Field', 'Constructor', 'Property' |
                        Group-Object MemberType |
                        Sort-Object {
                            switch ($_.Name) {
                                'Field'       { 1 }
                                'Constructor' { 2 }
                                'Property'    { 3 }

                    foreach ($memberSet in $members) {
                        $null = $script.AppendFormat('// {0}', $memberSet.Name).

                        $null = switch ($memberSet.Name) {
                            'Field' {
                                foreach ($field in $memberSet.Group) {
                                    $script.AppendFormat('public {0} {1};', (GetTypeName $field.FieldType), $field.Name).
                            'Constructor' {
                                foreach ($constructor in $memberSet.Group) {
                                    $script.AppendFormat('public {0}', $Type.Name)
                                    $parameters = foreach ($parameter in $constructor.GetParameters()) {
                                        '{0} {1}' -f (GetTypeName $parameter.ParameterType), $parameter.Name
                                    $script.AppendFormat('({0}) {{ }}', $parameters -join ', ').
                            'Property' {
                                foreach ($property in $memberSet.Group) {
                                    $script.AppendFormat('public {0} {1}', (GetTypeName $property.PropertyType), $property.Name).
                                            Append(' { get; set; }').
                        $null = $script.AppendLine()

                    # Parse and Create static methods
                    [MethodInfo[]]$methods = $Type.GetMethods([BindingFlags]'Public,Static') |
                        Where-Object { $_.Name -in 'Create', 'Parse' -and $_.ReturnType.Name -eq $Type.Name }
                    if ($methods.Count -gt 0) {
                        $null = $script.AppendLine('// Static methods')
                        foreach ($method in $methods) {
                            $null = $script.AppendFormat('public static {0} {1}', (GetTypeName $method.ReturnType), $method.Name)
                            $parameters = foreach ($parameter in $method.GetParameters()) {
                                '{0} {1}' -f (GetTypeName $parameter.ParameterType), $parameter.Name
                            $null = $script.AppendFormat('({0})', $parameters -join ', ').
                                            AppendFormat('return new {0}();', $Type.Name).
                        $null = $script.AppendLine()

                    # If the type does not implement a constructor which does not require arguments
                    if (-not $Type.GetConstructor(@())) {
                        $null = $script.AppendLine('// Fabricated constructor').
                                        AppendFormat('private {0}() {{ }}', $Type.Name).
                        # Add a CreateTypeInstance static method
                        $null = $script.AppendFormat('public static {0} CreateTypeInstance()', $Type.Name).
                                        AppendFormat('return new {0}();', $Type.Name).
                } else {
                    $null = $script.AppendLine('public bool IsSecondaryStubType = true;').
                                    AppendFormat('public {0}() {{ }}', $Type.Name).

                $null = $script.AppendLine('}')

            if ($Type.MemberType -eq 'NestedType') {
                $null = $script.AppendLine('}')

            #if ($Type.Namespace -ne 'System' -and $Type.Namespace) {
            # $null = $script.AppendLine('}')

            $stubType.Definition = $script.ToString().Trim()

            if ($Type.MemberType -eq 'NestedType') {
                $definedStubTypes.($Type.DeclaringType) = $stubType
                $definedStubTypes.$Type = $null
            } else {
                $definedStubTypes.$Type = $stubType

    end {
        if ($definedStubTypes.Count -gt 0) {
            $script = New-Object ScriptBuilder

            if (-not $ExcludeAddType) {
                $null = $script.AppendLine("Add-Type -IgnoreWarnings -TypeDefinition @'")

            $definedStubTypes.Values | Group-Object Namespace | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object {
                if ($_.Name) {
                    $null = $script.AppendFormat('namespace {0}', $_.Name).
                $_.Group | Sort-Object { $_.Type.FullName } | ForEach-Object {
                    $null = $script.AppendLines($_.Definition -split '\r?\n').
                if ($_.Name) {
                    $null = $script.AppendLine('}').

            if (-not $ExcludeAddType) {
                $null = $script.AppendLine("'@")

            return $script.ToString()

function InitializeModule {
    Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-StubModule -ParameterName FromModule -ScriptBlock { Get-Module | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name }
    Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-StubCommand -ParameterName CommandName -ScriptBlock { Get-Command -CommandType Function, Cmdlet | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name }