try {Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ImportExcel.psd1} catch {throw ; return} #Get rid of pre-exisiting sheet $xlSourcefile = "$env:TEMP\ImportExcelExample.xlsx" Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Save location: $xlSourcefile" Remove-Item $xlSourcefile -ErrorAction Ignore #Export some sales data to Excel, format it as a table and put a data-bar in. For this example we won't create the pivot table during the export $excel = ConvertFrom-Csv @" Product, City, Gross, Net Apple, London , 300, 250 Orange, London , 400, 350 Banana, London , 300, 200 Orange, Paris, 600, 500 Banana, Paris, 300, 200 Apple, New York, 1200,700 "@ | Export-Excel -PassThru -Path $xlSourcefile -TableStyle Medium13 -tablename "RawData" -ConditionalFormat @{Range="C2:C7"; DataBarColor="Green"} #Add a pivot table, specify its address to put it on the same sheet, use the data that was just exported set the table style and number format. #Use the "City" for the row names, and "Product" for the columnnames, and sum both the gross and net values for each City/Product combination; add grand totals to rows and columns. # activate the sheet and add a pivot chart (defined in a hash table) Add-PivotTable -Address $excel.Sheet1.Cells["F1"] -SourceWorkSheet $Excel.Sheet1 -SourceRange $Excel.Sheet1.Dimension.Address -PivotTableName "Sales" -PivotTableStyle "Medium12" -PivotNumberFormat "$#,##0.00" ` -PivotRows "City" -PivotColumns "Product" -PivotData @{Gross="Sum";Net="Sum"}-PivotTotals "Both" -Activate -PivotChartDefinition @{ Title="Gross and net by city and product"; ChartType="ColumnClustered"; Column=11; Width=500; Height=360; YMajorUnit=500; YMinorUnit=100; YAxisNumberformat="$#,##0" LegendPosition="Bottom"} #Save and open in excel Close-ExcelPackage $excel -Show |