try {Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ImportExcel.psd1} catch {throw ; return} $file = "$env:Temp\sales.xlsx" Remove-Item $file -ErrorAction Ignore #Using -Passthru with Export-Excel returns an Excel Package object. $xlPkg = Import-Csv .\sales.csv | Export-Excel $file -PassThru #We add script properties to the package so $xlPkg.Sheet1 is equivalent to $xlPkg.Workbook.WorkSheets["Sheet1"] $ws = $xlPkg.Sheet1 #We can manipulate the cells ... $ws.Cells["E1"].Value = "TotalSold" $ws.Cells["F1"].Value = "Add 10%" #This is for illustration - there are more efficient ways to do this. 2..($ws.Dimension.Rows) | ForEach-Object { $ws.Cells["E$_"].Formula = "=C$_+D$_" $ws.Cells["F$_"].Formula = "=E$_+(10%*(C$_+D$_))" } $ws.Cells.AutoFitColumns() #You can call close-ExcelPackage $xlPkg -show, but here we will do the ssteps explicitly $xlPkg.Save() $xlPkg.Dispose() Invoke-Item $file |