function New-ExcelChartDefinition { [Alias("New-ExcelChart")] #This was the former name. The new name reflects that we are defining a chart, not making one in the workbook. [CmdletBinding()] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '', Justification = 'Does not change system State')] param( $Title = "Chart Title", $Header, [OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart.eChartType]$ChartType = "ColumnStacked", [OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart.eTrendLine[]]$ChartTrendLine, $XRange, $YRange, $Width = 500, $Height = 350, $Row = 0, $RowOffSetPixels = 10, $Column = 6, $ColumnOffSetPixels = 5, [OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart.eLegendPosition]$LegendPosition, $LegendSize, [Switch]$LegendBold, [Switch]$NoLegend, [Switch]$ShowCategory, [Switch]$ShowPercent, $SeriesHeader, [Switch]$TitleBold, [Int]$TitleSize , [String]$XAxisTitleText, [Switch]$XAxisTitleBold, $XAxisTitleSize , [string]$XAxisNumberformat, $XMajorUnit, $XMinorUnit, $XMaxValue, $XMinValue, [OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart.eAxisPosition]$XAxisPosition , [String]$YAxisTitleText, [Switch]$YAxisTitleBold, $YAxisTitleSize, [string]$YAxisNumberformat, $YMajorUnit, $YMinorUnit, $YMaxValue, $YMinValue, [OfficeOpenXml.Drawing.Chart.eAxisPosition]$YAxisPosition ) if ( $Header ) { Write-Warning "The header parameter is ignored." } #Nothing was done with it when creating a chart. #might be able to do [PSCustomObject]$PsboundParameters, the defaults here match those in Add-Excel Chart [PSCustomObject]@{ Title = $Title ChartType = $ChartType ChartTrendLine = $ChartTrendLine XRange = $XRange YRange = $YRange Width = $Width Height = $Height Row = $Row RowOffSetPixels = $RowOffSetPixels Column = $Column ColumnOffSetPixels = $ColumnOffSetPixels LegendPosition = $LegendPosition LegendSize = $LegendSize Legendbold = $LegendBold NoLegend = $NoLegend -as [Boolean] ShowCategory = $ShowCategory -as [Boolean] ShowPercent = $ShowPercent -as [Boolean] SeriesHeader = $SeriesHeader TitleBold = $TitleBold -as [Boolean] TitleSize = $TitleSize XAxisTitleText = $XAxisTitleText XAxisTitleBold = $XAxisTitleBold -as [Boolean] XAxisTitleSize = $XAxisTitleSize XAxisNumberformat = $XAxisNumberformat XMajorUnit = $XMajorUnit XMinorUnit = $XMinorUnit XMaxValue = $XMaxValue XMinValue = $XMinValue XAxisPosition = $XAxisPosition YAxisTitleText = $YAxisTitleText YAxisTitleBold = $YAxisTitleBold -as [Boolean] YAxisTitleSize = $YAxisTitleSize YAxisNumberformat = $YAxisNumberformat YMajorUnit = $YMajorUnit YMinorUnit = $YMinorUnit YMaxValue = $YMaxValue YMinValue = $YMinValue YAxisPosition = $YAxisPosition } } |