try {Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\..\..\ImportExcel.psd1} catch {throw ; return} #Get rid of pre-exisiting sheet $xlSourcefile = "$env:TEMP\ImportExcelExample.xlsx" Write-Verbose -Verbose -Message "Save location: $xlSourcefile" Remove-Item $xlSourcefile -ErrorAction Ignore #Export disk volume, and Network adapter to their own sheets. Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_LogicalDisk | Select-Object -Property DeviceId,VolumeName, Size,Freespace | Export-Excel -Path $xlSourcefile -WorkSheetname Volumes -NumberFormat "0,000" Get-NetAdapter | Select-Object -Property Name,InterfaceDescription,MacAddress,LinkSpeed | Export-Excel -Path $xlSourcefile -WorkSheetname NetAdapters #Create a summary page with a title of Summary, label the blocks with the name of the sheet they came from and hide the source sheets Join-Worksheet -Path $xlSourcefile -HideSource -WorkSheetName Summary -NoHeader -LabelBlocks -AutoSize -Title "Summary" -TitleBold -TitleSize 22 -show |