function ConvertTo-PesterTest { param( [parameter(Mandatory)] $XlFilename, $WorksheetName = 'Sheet1' ) $testFileName = "{0}.tests.ps1" -f (Get-date).ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") $records = Import-Excel $XlFilename $params = @{} $blocks = $(foreach ($record in $records) { foreach ($propertyName in $record.psobject.properties.name) { if ($propertyName -notmatch 'ExpectedResult|QueryString') { $params.$propertyName = $record.$propertyName } } if ($record.QueryString) { $params.Uri += "?{0}" -f $record.QueryString } @" it "Should have the expected result '$($record.ExpectedResult)'" { `$target = '$($params | ConvertTo-Json -compress)' | ConvertFrom-Json `$target.psobject.Properties.name | ForEach-Object {`$p=@{}} {`$p.`$_=`$(`$target.`$_)} Invoke-RestMethod @p | Should -Be '$($record.ExpectedResult)' } "@ }) @" Describe "Tests from $($XlFilename) in $($WorksheetName)" { $($blocks) } "@ | Set-Content -Encoding Ascii $testFileName [PSCustomObject]@{ TestFileName = (Get-ChildItem $testFileName).FullName } } function Show-PesterResult { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName, Mandatory)] $TestFileName ) Begin { $xlfilename = ".\test.xlsx" Remove-Item $xlfilename -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $ConditionalText = @() $ConditionalText += New-ConditionalText -Range "Result" -Text failed -BackgroundColor red -ConditionalTextColor black $ConditionalText += New-ConditionalText -Range "Result" -Text passed -BackgroundColor green -ConditionalTextColor black $ConditionalText += New-ConditionalText -Range "Result" -Text pending -BackgroundColor gray -ConditionalTextColor black $xlParams = @{ Path = $xlfilename WorkSheetname = 'PesterTests' ConditionalText = $ConditionalText PivotRows = 'Result', 'Name' PivotData = @{'Result' = 'Count'} IncludePivotTable = $true AutoSize = $true AutoNameRange = $true AutoFilter = $true Show = $true } } End { $(foreach ($result in (Invoke-Pester -Script $TestFileName -PassThru -Show None).TestResult) { [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{ Description = $result.Describe Name = $result.Name Result = $result.Result Messge = $result.FailureMessage StackTrace = $result.StackTrace } }) | Export-Excel @xlParams } } |