function Convert-ExcelRangeToImage { [alias("Convert-XlRangeToImage")] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Path, $workSheetname = "Sheet1" , [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $range, $destination = "$pwd\temp.png", [switch]$show ) $extension = $destination -replace '^.*\.(\w+)$' ,'$1' if ($extension -in @('JPEG','BMP','PNG')) { $Format = [system.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]$extension } #if we don't recognise the extension OR if it is JPG with an E, use JPEG format else { $Format = [system.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat]::Jpeg} Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting $range of $workSheetname in $Path" -Status "Starting Excel" $xlApp = New-Object -ComObject "Excel.Application" Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting $range of $workSheetname in $Path" -Status "Opening Workbook and copying data" $xlWbk = $xlApp.Workbooks.Open($Path) $xlWbk.Worksheets($workSheetname).Select() $null = $xlWbk.ActiveSheet.Range($range).Select() $null = $xlApp.Selection.Copy() Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting $range of $workSheetname in $Path" -Status "Saving copied data" # Get-Clipboard came in with PS5. Older versions can use [System.Windows.Clipboard] but it is ugly. $image = Get-Clipboard -Format Image $image.Save($destination, $Format) Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting $range of $workSheetname in $Path" -Status "Closing Excel" $null = $xlWbk.ActiveSheet.Range("a1").Select() $null = $xlApp.Selection.Copy() $xlApp.Quit() Write-Progress -Activity "Exporting $range of $workSheetname in $Path" -Completed if ($show) {Start-Process -FilePath $destination} else {Get-Item -Path $destination} } <# del demo*.xlsx $workSheetname = 'Processes' $Path = "$pwd\demo.xlsx" $myData = Get-Process | Select-Object -Property Name,WS,CPU,Description,company,startTime $excelPackage = $myData | Export-Excel -KillExcel -Path $Path -WorkSheetname $workSheetname -ClearSheet -AutoSize -AutoFilter -BoldTopRow -FreezeTopRow -PassThru $workSheet = $excelPackage.Workbook.Worksheets[$workSheetname] $range = $workSheet.Dimension.Address Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $workSheet -Range "b:b" -NumberFormat "#,###" -AutoFit Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $workSheet -Range "C:C" -NumberFormat "#,##0.00" -AutoFit Set-ExcelRange -Worksheet $workSheet -Range "F:F" -NumberFormat "dd MMMM HH:mm:ss" -AutoFit Add-ConditionalFormatting -Worksheet $workSheet -Range "c2:c1000" -DataBarColor Blue Add-ConditionalFormatting -Worksheet $workSheet -Range "b2:B1000" -RuleType GreaterThan -ConditionValue '104857600' -ForeGroundColor "Red" -Bold Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $excelPackage -WorkSheetname $workSheetname Convert-ExcelRangeToImage -Path $Path -workSheetname $workSheetname -range $range -destination "$pwd\temp.png" -show #> #Convert-ExcelRangeToImage -Path $Path -workSheetname $workSheetname -range $range -destination "$pwd\temp.png" -show |