#Get rid of pre-exisiting sheet $path = "$Env:TEMP\test.xlsx" remove-item -Path $path -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue #Create simple pages for 3 stores with product ID, Product Name, quanity price and total @" ID,Product,Quantity,Price,Total 12001,Nails,37,3.99,147.63 12002,Hammer,5,12.10,60.5 12003,Saw,12,15.37,184.44 12010,Drill,20,8,160 12011,Crowbar,7,23.48,164.36 "@ | ConvertFrom-Csv| Export-Excel -Path $path -WorkSheetname Oxford @" ID,Product,Quantity,Price,Total 12001,Nails,53,3.99,211.47 12002,Hammer,6,12.10,72.60 12003,Saw,10,15.37,153.70 12010,Drill,10,8,80 12012,Pliers,2,14.99,29.98 "@ | ConvertFrom-Csv| Export-Excel -Path $path -WorkSheetname Abingdon @" ID,Product,Quantity,Price,Total 12001,Nails,20,3.99,79.80 12002,Hammer,2,12.10,24.20 12010,Drill,11,8,88 12012,Pliers,3,14.99,44.97 "@ | ConvertFrom-Csv| Export-Excel -Path $path -WorkSheetname Banbury #define a pivot table with a chart to show a sales by store, broken down by product $ptdef = New-PivotTableDefinition -PivotTableName "Summary" -PivotRows "Store" -PivotColumns "Product" -PivotData @{"Total"="SUM"} -IncludePivotChart -ChartTitle "Sales Breakdown" -ChartType ColumnStacked -ChartColumn 10 #Join the 3 worksheets. #Name the combined page "Total" and Name the column with the sheet names "store" (as the sheets 'Oxford','Abingdon' and 'Banbury' are the names of the stores #Format the data as a table named "Summary", using the style "Light1", put the column headers in bold #Put in a title and freeze to top of the sheet including title and colmun headings #Add the Pivot table. #Show the result Join-Worksheet -Path $path -WorkSheetName "Total" -Clearsheet -FromLabel "Store" -TableName "Combined" -TableStyle Light1 -AutoSize -BoldTopRow -FreezePane 2,1 -Title "Store Sales Summary" -TitleBold -TitleSize 14 -PivotTableDefinition $ptdef -show |