#Requires -Modules Pester $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path Import-Module $here -Force $WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' Function Test-isNumeric { Param ( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline)]$x ) Return $x -is [byte] -or $x -is [int16] -or $x -is [int32] -or $x -is [int64] ` -or $x -is [sbyte] -or $x -is [uint16] -or $x -is [uint32] -or $x -is [uint64] ` -or $x -is [float] -or $x -is [double] -or $x -is [decimal] } $fakeData = [PSCustOmobject]@{ Property_1_Date = (Get-Date).ToString('d') # US '10/16/2017' BE '16/10/2107' Property_2_Formula = '=SUM(G2:H2)' Property_3_String = 'My String' Property_4_String = 'a' Property_5_IPAddress = '' Property_6_Number = '0' Property_7_Number = '5' Property_8_Number = '007' Property_9_Number = (33).ToString('F2') # US '33.00' BE '33,00' Property_10_Number = (5/3).ToString('F2') # US '1.67' BE '1,67' Property_11_Number = (15999998/3).ToString('N2') # US '5,333,332.67' BE '5.333.332,67' Property_12_Number = '1.555,83' Property_13_PhoneNr = '+32 44' Property_14_PhoneNr = '+32 4 4444 444' Property_15_PhoneNr = '+3244444444' } $Path = 'Test.xlsx' Describe 'Export-Excel' { in $TestDrive { Describe 'Number conversion' { Context 'numerical values expected' { #region Create test file $fakeData | Export-Excel -Path $Path $Path = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($Path) $Excel = New-Object OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage $Path $Worksheet = $Excel.Workbook.WorkSheets[1] #endregion it 'zero' { $fakeData.Property_6_Number | Should -BeExactly '0' $Worksheet.Cells[2, 6].Text | Should -BeExactly $fakeData.Property_6_Number $Worksheet.Cells[2, 6].Value | Test-isNumeric | Should -Be $true } It 'regular number' { $fakeData.Property_7_Number | Should -BeExactly '5' $Worksheet.Cells[2, 7].Text | Should -BeExactly $fakeData.Property_7_Number $Worksheet.Cells[2, 7].Value | Test-isNumeric | Should -Be $true } It 'number starting with zero' { $fakeData.Property_8_Number | Should -BeExactly '007' $Worksheet.Cells[2, 8].Text | Should -BeExactly '7' $Worksheet.Cells[2, 8].Value | Test-isNumeric | Should -Be $true } It 'decimal number' { # US '33.00' BE '33,00' $fakeData.Property_9_Number | Should -BeExactly (33).ToString('F2') $Worksheet.Cells[2, 9].Text | Should -BeExactly '33' $Worksheet.Cells[2, 9].Value | Test-isNumeric | Should -Be $true # US '1.67' BE '1,67' $fakeData.Property_10_Number | Should -BeExactly (5/3).ToString('F2') $Worksheet.Cells[2, 10].Text | Should -BeExactly $fakeData.Property_10_Number $Worksheet.Cells[2, 10].Value | Test-isNumeric | Should -Be $true } It 'thousand seperator and decimal number' { # US '5,333,332.67' BE '5.333.332,67' # Excel BE '5333332,67' $fakeData.Property_11_Number | Should -BeExactly (15999998/3).ToString('N2') $Worksheet.Cells[2, 11].Text | Should -BeExactly $fakeData.Property_11_Number $Worksheet.Cells[2, 11].Value | Test-isNumeric | Should -Be $true } } } } } |