
function New-ConditionalText {
        Creates an object which describes a conditional formatting rule for single valued rules
        Some Conditional formatting rules don't apply styles to a cell (IconSets and Databars)
        Some take two parameters (Between)
        Some take none (ThisWeek , containsErrors, AboveAverage etc.)
        The others take a single paramter (top, BottomPercent, GreaterThan, Contains etc)
        This command creates an object to describe the last two categories, which can be passed to Export-Excel
      .PARAMETER Range
        The range of cells that the conditional format applies to; if none is specified the range will be apply to all the data in the sheet
      .PARAMETER ConditionalType
        One the supported rules by default - "ContainsText" is selected
      .PARAMETER Text
        The text (or other value) to use in the rule. Not that Equals, GreaterThan/LessThan rules require text to wrapped in double quotes
      .PARAMETER ConditionalTextColor
        The font color for the cell - by default: Dark red
      .PARAMETER BackgroundColor
        The fill color for the cell - by default: light pink
      .PARAMETER PatternType
        The Background pattern for the cell - by deault: Solid
        $ct = New-ConditionalText -Text 'Ferrari'
        Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $excel -ConditionalTest $ct -show
        The first line creates a definition object which will highlight the word "Ferrari" in any cell.
        and the secind uses Export-Excel with an open package to apply the format and save and open the file.
        $ct = New-ConditionalText -Text "Ferrari"
        $ct2 = New-ConditionalText -Range $worksheet.Names["FinishPosition"].Address -ConditionalType LessThanOrEqual -Text 3 -ConditionalTextColor Red -BackgroundColor White
        Export-Excel -ExcelPackage $excel -ConditionalText $ct,$ct2 -show
        This builds on the previous example, and specifies a condition of <=3 with a format of Red text on a white background; this applies to a named range "Finish Position"
        the range could be written "C:C" to specify a named column, or "C2:C102" to specify certain cells in the column.

            "LessThan",        "LessThanOrEqual",      "GreaterThan",    "GreaterThanOrEqual",
            "Equal",           "NotEqual",
            "Top",             "TopPercent",           "Bottom",         "BottomPercent",
            "ContainsText",    "NotContainsText",      "BeginsWith",     "EndsWith",
            "ContainsBlanks",  "NotContainsBlanks",    "ContainsErrors", "NotContainsErrors",
            "DuplicateValues", "UniqueValues",
            "Tomorrow",        "Today",                "Yesterday",      "Last7Days",
            "NextWeek",        "ThisWeek",             "LastWeek",
            "NextMonth",       "ThisMonth",            "LastMonth",
            "AboveAverage",    "AboveOrEqualAverage",  "BelowAverage",  "BelowOrEqualAverage"

    $obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Text                 = $Text
        ConditionalTextColor = $ConditionalTextColor
        ConditionalType      = $ConditionalType
        PatternType          = $PatternType
        Range                = $Range
        BackgroundColor      = $BackgroundColor
