#Requires -Version 4 #Requires -RunasAdministrator <#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.01 .GUID 08b38133-e4e5-4320-a767-068dc059ba80 .AUTHOR .COMPANYNAME Sam Boutros .COPYRIGHT Public Domain .TAGS FSRM Quota .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES Republished from .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION Script to get FSRM Quota settings from remote server This includes Quota Templates, Admin Options, and Quotas applied to folders Using dirquota instead of the PS module fileserverresourcemanager to provide backward compatibility Tested with source server 2008 R2, 2012, and 2012 R2 This script is designed to run on the destination server Assumes source and destination drive letters are the same Script by Sam Boutros - 9 June 2016 - v1.01 For more information see #> #region Input Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$SourceServer = 'FRMRFS02', # or $env:ComputerName for local computer.. [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)]$LogFile = "$((Get-Item .\).FullName)\logs\Import-FSRMQuota_$SourceServer-$(Get-Date -format yyyy-MM-dd_hh-mm-sstt).log" ) #endregion function Log { <# .Synopsis Function to log input string to file and display it to screen .Description Function to log input string to file and display it to screen. Log entries in the log file are time stamped. Function allows for displaying text to screen in different colors. .Parameter String The string to be displayed to the screen and saved to the log file .Parameter Color The color in which to display the input string on the screen Default is White Valid options are Black Blue Cyan DarkBlue DarkCyan DarkGray DarkGreen DarkMagenta DarkRed DarkYellow Gray Green Magenta Red White Yellow .Parameter LogFile Path to the file where the input string should be saved. Example: c:\log.txt If absent, the input string will be displayed to the screen only and not saved to log file .Example Log -String "Hello World" -Color Yellow -LogFile c:\log.txt This example displays the "Hello World" string to the console in yellow, and adds it as a new line to the file c:\log.txt If c:\log.txt does not exist it will be created. Log entries in the log file are time stamped. Sample output: 2014.08.06 06:52:17 AM: Hello World .Example Log "$((Get-Location).Path)" Cyan This example displays current path in Cyan, and does not log the displayed text to log file. .Example "$((Get-Process | select -First 1).name) process ID is $((Get-Process | select -First 1).id)" | log -color DarkYellow Sample output of this example: "MDM process ID is 4492" in dark yellow .Example log "Found",(Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -File).Count,"files in folder",(Get-Item .\).FullName Green,Yellow,Green,Cyan .\mylog.txt Sample output will look like: Found 520 files in folder D:\Sandbox - and will have the listed foreground colors .Link .Notes Function by Sam Boutros v1.0 - 08/06/2014 v1.1 - 12/01/2014 - added multi-color display in the same line #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true,ConfirmImpact='Low')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeLine=$true, ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] [String[]]$String, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] [ValidateSet("Black","Blue","Cyan","DarkBlue","DarkCyan","DarkGray","DarkGreen","DarkMagenta","DarkRed","DarkYellow","Gray","Green","Magenta","Red","White","Yellow")] [String[]]$Color = "Green", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=2)] [String]$LogFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=3)] [Switch]$NoNewLine ) if ($String.Count -gt 1) { $i=0 foreach ($item in $String) { if ($Color[$i]) { $col = $Color[$i] } else { $col = "White" } Write-Host "$item " -ForegroundColor $col -NoNewline $i++ } if (-not ($NoNewLine)) { Write-Host " " } } else { if ($NoNewLine) { Write-Host $String -ForegroundColor $Color[0] -NoNewline } else { Write-Host $String -ForegroundColor $Color[0] } } if ($LogFile.Length -gt 2) { "$(Get-Date -format "yyyy.MM.dd hh:mm:ss tt"): $($String -join " ")" | Out-File -Filepath $Logfile -Append } else { Write-Verbose "Log: Missing -LogFile parameter. Will not save input string to log file.." } } #region Initialize # Create logs subfolder if not exist if (-not (Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\logs")) { New-Item "$PSScriptRoot\logs" -Type Directory -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null } # Open PS session to remote server if one is not open already log 'Connecting to source server',$SourceServer Green,Cyan $LogFile $PwdFile = "$PSScriptRoot\$env:USERNAME.txt" if (-not (Test-Path -Path $PwdFile)) { Read-Host "Enter the pwd for '$env:USERNAME'" -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $PwdFile } $Pwd = Get-Content $PwdFile | ConvertTo-SecureString $Cred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $env:USERNAME, $Pwd Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession # Close any old/open sessions try { $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $SourceServer -Credential $Cred -ErrorAction Stop log ($Session | Out-String) Green $LogFile } catch { log 'Failed to set a remote PS session with computer', $SourceServer Magenta,Yellow $LogFile break } #endregion #region Get Quota Templates from $SourceServer $QTemplates = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock { if (Test-Path "$env:windir\Quota1.xml") { Remove-Item "$env:windir\Quota1.xml" -Force -Confirm:$false } dirquota.exe template export /file:$env:windir\Quota1.xml } if ($QTemplates -match 'success') { $QTPath = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock { "$env:windir\Quota1.xml" } $QTPath = "\\$SourceServer\$($QTPath.Replace(':','$'))" log 'Exported FSRM templates to',$QTPath Green,Cyan } else { log 'Failed to export FSRM templates from', $SourceServer Magenta,Yellow $LogFile break } #endregion #region Import Quota Templates to this computer $Import = dirquota template import /file:$QTPath /overwrite if ($Import -match 'success') { log 'Imported FSRM templates to',$env:COMPUTERNAME Green,Cyan } else { log 'Failed to export FSRM templates to', $env:COMPUTERNAME Magenta,Yellow $LogFile break } #endregion #region Get Quota Admin Options from $SourceServer $AdminOptions = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock { dirquota.exe admin options } log 'Got Quota Admin Options from',$SourceServer Green,Cyan log ($AdminOptions | Out-String) Green $LogFile #endregion #region Import Quota Admin Options to this computer dirquota.exe admin options /SMTP:"$(($AdminOptions -match 'SMTP Server:').Replace('SMTP Server:','').Trim())" | Out-Null dirquota.exe admin options /From:"$(($AdminOptions -match 'Mail From:').Replace('Mail From:','').Trim())" | Out-Null dirquota.exe admin options /AdminEmails:"$(($AdminOptions -match 'Admin E-mail Recipients:').Replace('Admin E-mail Recipients:','').Trim())" | Out-Null dirquota.exe admin options /ScreenAudit:"$(($AdminOptions -match 'File Screen Auditing:').Replace('File Screen Auditing:','').Trim())" | Out-Null dirquota.exe admin options /Command:"$(($AdminOptions -match 'Command Notifications:').Replace('Command Notifications:','').Trim())" | Out-Null dirquota.exe admin options /RunLimitInterval:"M,"$(($AdminOptions -match 'E-mail:').Replace('E-mail:','').Replace('minutes','').Trim())"" | Out-Null dirquota.exe admin options /RunLimitInterval:"E,"$(($AdminOptions -match 'Event Log:').Replace('Event Log:','').Replace('minutes','').Trim())"" | Out-Null dirquota.exe admin options /RunLimitInterval:"C,"$(($AdminOptions -match 'Command:').Replace('Command:','').Replace('minutes','').Trim())"" | Out-Null dirquota.exe admin options /RunLimitInterval:"R,"$(($AdminOptions -match 'Report:').Replace('Report:','').Replace('minutes','').Trim())"" | Out-Null log 'Imported Quota Admin Options to',$env:COMPUTERNAME Green,Cyan log (dirquota.exe admin options | Out-String) Green $LogFile #endregion #region Get Quotas applied to folders from $SourceServer $QuotaFilePath = Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock { dirquota.exe quota list > $env:windir\Quota2.txt "$env:windir\Quota2.txt" } $QuotaFilePath = "\\$SourceServer\$($QuotaFilePath.Replace(':','$'))" log 'Exported Quotas applied to folders - file',$QuotaFilePath Green,Cyan $LogFile #endregion #region Import Quotas/apply to folders on this computer $NewQuota = $false Get-Content $QuotaFilePath | % { $Line = $_ if ($Line -match 'Quota Path:') { $NewQuota = $true $QuotaPath = $Line.Replace('Quota Path:','').Trim() } if ($NewQuota) { if ($Line -match 'Source Template:') { $NewQuota = $false $SourceTemplate = $Line.Replace('Source Template:','').Replace('(Matches template)','').Trim() dirquota quota add /path:$QuotaPath /sourcetemplate:$SourceTemplate /overwrite | Out-Null log 'Imported Quota to folder',$QuotaPath,'based on Template',$SourceTemplate Green,Cyan,Green,Cyan $LogFile } } } #endregion |