if (-not $env:IdnProductionOrgName -or -not $env:IdnSandboxOrgName) { $Warning = "One or More Environmental Variables is missing for your Tenant's Organization names. " $Warning += "These variables are required to set your Production and Sandbox URLs for each function ithe IdnTools Module. " $Warning += "You will be prompted to provide the missing name(s) and select the scope for where to create them. " $Warning += "You will need to be running PowerShell as an Administrator to create a System (Machine) Variable." Write-Warning $Warning $Valid = $false while (-not $Valid) { $Answer = Read-Host -Prompt "Select the Scope to create the Environmental Variables for the IdentityNow Module`n`n1: User`n2: Machine`n`n" $Scope = switch ($Answer) { 1 { "User" ; $Valid = $true } 2 { "Machine" ; $Valid = $true } } } if ( -not $env:IdnProductionOrgName ) { $ProdName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the Org Name for your Production Tenant`n`n" [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable( "IdnProductionOrgName" , $ProdName , $Scope ) $env:IdnProductionOrgName = $ProdName } if ( -not $env:IdnSandboxOrgName ) { $SbName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the Org Name for your Sandbox Tenant`n`n" [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable( "IdnSandboxOrgName" , $SbName , $Scope ) $env:IdnSandboxOrgName = $SbName } } |