
#region prefix code
#region content of file Classes
enum Scope {

enum NotSaved {

enum Untitled {

class ISEPesterConfiguration {

    ISEPesterConfiguration () {
        $this.InvokeScope = [Scope]::ParentScope
        $this.ActionNotSaved = [NotSaved]::RunFromDisk
        $this.ActionUntitled = [Untitled]::Ignore

    [ISEPesterConfiguration] Clone () {
        return [ISEPesterConfiguration]@{
            InvokeScope = $this.InvokeScope
            ActionNotSaved = $this.ActionNotSaved
            ActionUntitled = $this.ActionUntitled
#region content of file ImportModule
try {
    Import-Module -Name Pester -MinimumVersion 5.0 -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
    Write-Error -Message "Failed to import module Pester - can't continue. Error: $_"
#region content of file InternalVariables
$script:outputConfiguration = [Pester.OutputConfiguration]::Default
$script:isePesterConfiguration = [ISEPesterConfiguration]::new()
#region private functions
#region content of file Get-psISE
function Get-psISE {
        Helper function that returns psISE object (needed for testing /mocking)
        $psISE automatic variable is read-only and can't be replaced inside ISE.
        To prevent not being able to test module inside that host - adding simple function that returns this object.
        $test = Get-psISE
        Saves value of psISE object into variable test.

    param ()

#region public functions
#region content of file Invoke-ISECurrentTest
function Invoke-ISECurrentTest {
        Function to run tests based on cursor location in editor file.
        PowerShell ISE allows to see current location of the cursor in editor tab.
        Using that information makes it possible to run a test based on that location.
        Logic is:
        - if the cursor is on the line with container name (It, Context, Describe) that block is called.
        - if the cursor is on the line inside any `It` block - that block only would be called.
        Runs test on the line where cursor in the current file is located.

    param (
        # Verbosity of output

        # Verbosity of stack trace

        # The CI format of error output in build logs

        # The scope where scripts should run

        # Behavior for files that were not saved

        # Behavior for filest that are untitled/ not saved to disk yet

    $currentIsePesterConfig = $script:isePesterConfiguration.clone()

    foreach (
        $key in @(
    ) {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($key)) {
            $currentIsePesterConfig.$key = $PSBoundParameters.$key

    try {
        $ise = Get-psISE
    } catch {
        Write-Warning -Message 'Command designed to use in PowerShell ISE'

    if (-not (Get-Module -Name Pester)) {
        try {
            Import-Module -Name Pester -MinimumVersion 5.0 -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Write-Warning -Message "Failed to import Pester module - $_"

    $tempFile = $null

    if (
        ($file = $ise.CurrentFile) -and
        ($line = $file.Editor.CaretLineText) -and
        ($lineNumber = $file.Editor.CaretLine)
    ) {
        if ($file.IsSaved) {
            $testFilePath = $file.FullPath
        } else {
            if ($file.IsUntitled) {
                if ($currentIsePesterConfig.ActionUntitled -eq [Untitled]::Ignore) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "File not saved and ISEPester configure to ignore Untitled files - can't continue"
                } else {
                    $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() |
                        Get-Item |
                        Rename-Item -NewName { '{0}.Tests.ps1' -f $_.Name } -PassThru
                    Set-Content -Path $tempFile.FullName -Value $file.Editor.Text
                    $testFilePath = $tempFile.FullName
            } else {
                if ($currentIsePesterConfig.ActionNotSaved -eq [NotSaved]::RunFromDisk) {
                    Write-Warning -Message "File $($file.FullPath) is not saved - working on current copy on disk!"
                    $testFilePath = $file.FullPath
                } else {
                    $tempFile = [IO.Path]::GetTempFileName() |
                        Get-Item |
                        Rename-Item -NewName { '{0}.Tests.ps1' -f $_.Name } -PassThru
                    Set-Content -Path $tempFile.FullName -Value $file.Editor.Text
                    $testFilePath = $tempFile.FullName

        $config = [PesterConfiguration]@{
            Run = @{
                Path = $testFilePath

        foreach (
            $parameter in @(
        ) {
            if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($parameter)) {
                $config.Output.$parameter = $PSBoundParameters.$parameter
            } else {
                $config.Output.$parameter = $script:outputConfiguration.$parameter
        $parsedTestFile = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile($testFilePath, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)
        $filter = ''
        if ($line -match '\s*(Describe|Context|It)') {
            # lets make sure this is not a comment...
            $myBlock = $parsedTestFile.FindAll(
                    param (
                    $Ast.CommandElements -and
                    $Ast.CommandElements[0].Value -in 'It', 'Context', 'Describe' -and
                    $Ast.Extent.StartLineNumber -eq $lineNumber
            if ($myBlock) {
                $filter = '{0}:{1}' -f $testFilePath, $lineNumber
        if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($filter)) {
            $myItBlock = $parsedTestFile.FindAll(
                    param (
                    $Ast.CommandElements -and
                    $Ast.CommandElements[0].Value -eq 'It' -and
                    $Ast.Extent.StartLineNumber -le $lineNumber -and
                    $Ast.Extent.EndLineNumber -ge $lineNumber
            if ($myItBlock) {
                $filter = '{0}:{1}' -f $testFilePath, $myItBlock[0].Extent.StartLineNumber
            } else {
                Write-Warning -Message "Line '$line' at $lineNumber is not inside It block - perhaps $($file.FullPath) is not a test file?"

        $config.Filter.Line = $filter
        if ($currentIsePesterConfig.InvokeScope -eq [Scope]::ParentScope) {
            Invoke-Pester -Configuration $config
        } else {
            & {
                Invoke-Pester -Configuration $config
        if ($tempFile) {
            $tempFile | Remove-Item -Force
    } else {
        Write-Warning -Message 'Not able to figure out cursor position - giving up.'
#region content of file Set-ISEPesterConfiguration
function Set-ISEPesterConfiguration {
        Function to configure the way Pester tests run in the ISE.
        Functions allows to configure how tests in context of ISE will behave. It includes:
        - output options
        - scoping (to prevent polluting current scope)
        Set-ISEPesterConfiguration -Verbosity Detailed -StackTraceVerbosity Filtered
        Changes outpuf of pester calls to:
        - display detailed results
        - show filter view for stack trace
        Set-ISEPesterConfiguration -Invoke ChildScope
        Configures command to run in the child scope to prevent polluting parent scope.

    param (
        # Verbosity of output

        # Verbosity of stack trace

        # The CI format of error output in build logs

        # The scope where scripts should run

        # Behavior for files that were not saved

        # Behavior for filest that are untitled/ not saved to disk yet

    foreach (
        $key in @(
    ) {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($key)) {
            $script:outputConfiguration.$key = $PSBoundParameters.$key

    foreach (
        $key in @(
    ) {
        if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($key)) {
            $script:isePesterConfiguration.$key = $PSBoundParameters.$key
#region sufix
#region content of file ISEAddOn
try {
    $null = $psise.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus.Add(
        'Run in Pester',
        { Invoke-ISECurrentTest },
} catch {
    Write-Warning -Message "Failed to add shortcut - $_"