
function Update-NPPPlugins
    Created by Andrej Licar, IIT
            Updates Notepad++ after updating to 7.6.x
            Updates the Notepad++ plugins' locations after application was updated to a version 7.6.x and deletes the leftover old plugins when a new version is already in place.
            Module name: Update-NPPPlugins
            Version: 1.0
            Author: Andrej Licar
            Contact: info@iit.si
            DateCreated: 2019-01-10
            LastUpdate: 2019-01-10
            1.0 : Initial release - 2019/01/10
            Takes a folder name where plugins of the Notepad++ are located.
    .Parameter Path
            Full Path to the plugins folder of the Notepad++ installation.
            Update-NPPPlugins "$($env:ProgramData)\Notepad++\Plugins"
            Updates the plugins in the ProgramData\Notepad++\Plugins folder.
            Update-NPPPlugins "$(${env:ProgramFiles(x86)})\Notepad++\Plugins"
            Updates the plugins in the \ProgramFiles(x86)\Notepad++\Plugins folder
            i.e. 32-bit Notepad++ installation on 64-bit computer
            Update-NPPPlugins "C:\Notepad++\Plugins"
            Updates the plugins in the literal path C:\Notepad++\Plugins folder

            HelpMessage="Notepad++ plugin path.",

        # test if we should really process the plugins
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Path, "Update plugins after updating Notepad++ version from 7.5.x to 7.6.x"))
                # fail-safe get the path object from the supplied path
                Get-Item -Path $Path | out-null
                # test if path object was ok and name is plugins
                if ($p.Name -eq "Plugins") {

                        # test if the nppPluginList.dll exists in the Config subfolder
                        Get-Item -Path "$($Path)\Config\nppPluginList.dll" | out-null
                        # get all dll files in the plugins folder and loop through the list
                        Get-Item -Path "$($Path)\*.dll" | ForEach-Object
                                # copy the item name to a variable (not necessary, but looks nicer :) )
                                $name = $_

                                        # create a new folder with the same name as the plugin DLL (without extension, hence the basename)
                                        $res = New-Item -Path $name.DirectoryName -Name $name.BaseName -ItemType Directory
                                        # don't nag, folder already exists -> probably a new version of plugin is already there
                                        # move the plugin dll to the newly created folder
                                        $res = Move-Item -Path $name -Destination "$($name.DirectoryName)\$($name.BaseName)\"

                                        # we can safely delete the old plugin dll, since the file already exists
                                        $res = Remove-Item -Path $name

New-Alias -Name "unppp" -Value "Update-NPPPlugins"

Export-ModuleMember -Function "Update-NPPPlugins" -Alias "unppp"