
Function Get-IDMCompliancePolicies {
    Get the compliance policies in Intune.
    This cmdlet retrieves the compliance policies in Intune.
    .PARAMETER PolicyId
    The ID of the compliance policy to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER Passthru
    Return the raw data from the Graph API.
    Get-IDMCompliancePolicies -PolicyId "b79cb75a-2dd7-496e-b9af-13f0e9e2bba0"
    Get-IDMCompliancePolicies -Passthru


    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies"
    # If the ID is set, get the specific profile
    if ($PolicyId) {
        $uri = "$Global:GraphEndpoint/$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$PolicyId"
    else {
        $uri = "$Global:GraphEndpoint/$graphApiVersion/$Resource"

    #Collect the results of the API call
    try {
        Write-Verbose ("Invoking API: {0}" -f $uri)
        $graphData = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri)
    catch {

    #detect if the response has a nextLink property
    if ($PolicyId) {
        $allPages += $graphData
    else {
        #add the first page of results to the array
        $allPages += $graphData.value

        #if there is a nextLink property, then there are more pages of results
        if ($graphData.'@odata.nextLink') {

            try {

                #loop through the pages of results until there is no nextLink property
                do {

                    $graphData = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $graphData.'@odata.nextLink')
                    $allPages += $graphData.value

                } until (

            catch {

    If($Null -ne $allPages){
            return $allPages
            return (ConvertFrom-GraphHashtable $allPages -ResourceUri $uri)


Function Update-IDMCompliancePolicyOSVersion{

    Set the compliance policies in Intune.
    This cmdlet sets the compliance policies in Intune.
    .PARAMETER PolicyId
    The ID of the compliance policy to set.
    .PARAMETER OSVersionType
    The Property of the compliance policy to update
    .PARAMETER Passthru
    The compliance policy to set.
    Update-IDMCompliancePolicyOSVersion -PolicyId "b79cb75a-2dd7-496e-b9af-13f0e9e2bba0" -OSVersionType "MinimumVersion" -OSVersion "10.0.19041.0"
    Update-IDMCompliancePolicyOSVersion -PolicyId "58aaee1b-9930-4c56-8135-722e7efa327f" -OSVersionType "MaximumVersion" -OSVersion "14"





    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "deviceManagement/deviceCompliancePolicies"

    $uri = "$Global:GraphEndpoint/$graphApiVersion/$Resource/$PolicyId"

    $Policy = Get-IDMCompliancePolicies -PolicyId $PolicyId

    If($Null -ne $Policy){
        #Update the OS version
                $Policy.osMinimumVersion = $OSVersion
                $Policy.osMaximumVersion = $OSVersion

        #Convert the hashtable to JSON
        $Payload = $Policy | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty uri,id,version  | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 10
        #Update the compliance policy
        try {
            Write-Verbose ("Invoking PATCH API: {0}" -f $uri)
            Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method Patch -Uri $uri -Body $Payload
        catch {
        Write-Error "Compliance Policy not found with ID: $PolicyId"
        Return $False

Function Get-IDMWindowsUpdateCatalog{
    Get the Windows Update Catalog.
    This cmdlet retrieves the Windows Update Catalog.
    .PARAMETER ProductName
    The name of the product to retrieve.
    .PARAMETER Passthru
    Return the raw data from the Graph API.
    Get-IDMWindowsUpdateCatalog -ProductName "Windows 10"
    Get-IDMWindowsUpdateCatalog -Passthru



    $graphApiVersion = "beta"
    $Resource = "admin/windows/updates/catalog/entries"

    # If the name is set, get the specific profile""
    if ($ProductName) {
        $uri = "$Global:GraphEndpoint/$graphApiVersion/$Resource`?`$filter=contains(displayName,'$($ProductName)')"
    else {
        $uri = "$Global:GraphEndpoint/$graphApiVersion/$Resource"

    #Collect the results of the API call
    try {
        Write-Verbose ("Invoking API: {0}" -f $uri)
        $graphData = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method Get -Uri $uri)
    catch {

    #detect if the response has a nextLink property
    if ($ProductName) {
        $allPages += $graphData
    else {
        #add the first page of results to the array
        $allPages += $graphData.value

        #if there is a nextLink property, then there are more pages of results
        if ($graphData.'@odata.nextLink') {

            try {

                #loop through the pages of results until there is no nextLink property
                do {

                    $graphData = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $graphData.'@odata.nextLink')
                    $allPages += $graphData.value

                } until (

            catch {

    If($Null -ne $allPages){
            return $allPages
            return (ConvertFrom-GraphHashtable $allPages -ResourceUri $uri)


Function Get-IDMCompliancePolicyOSRelease{
    Get the latest OS release for a specific platform.
    This cmdlet retrieves the latest OS release for a specific platform.
    .PARAMETER Platform
    The platform to retrieve the latest OS release for.
    .PARAMETER Latest
    Get the latest OS release.
    .PARAMETER Passthru
    Return the raw data from the Graph API.
    Get-IDMCompliancePolicyOSRelease -Platform Windows11
    Get-IDMCompliancePolicyOSRelease -Platform iOS -Latest
    Get-IDMCompliancePolicyOSRelease -Platform Windows10 -Passthru




    #Get the OS version
            #get latest OS version for Windows 11
            $url = ""
            Write-Verbose ("Invoking GET URL: {0}" -f $url)
            $OSRelease  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json | Where-Object releaseLabel -like "11*"
            $property = 'latest'
            #get latest OS version for Windows 10
            $url = ""
            Write-Verbose ("Invoking GET URL: {0}" -f $url)
            $OSRelease  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json | Where-Object releaseLabel -like "10*"
            $property = 'latest'
            #get latest OS version for iOS
            $url = ""
            Write-Verbose ("Invoking GET URL: {0}" -f $url)
            $OSRelease  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
            $property = 'latest'
            #get latest OS version for Android
            $url = ""
            Write-Verbose ("Invoking GET URL: {0}" -f $url)
            $OSRelease  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
            $property = 'cycle'
            #get latest OS version for macOS
            $url = ""
            Write-Verbose ("Invoking GET URL: {0}" -f $url)
            $OSRelease  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
            $property = 'latest'
            #get latest OS version for Ubuntu
            $url = ""
            Write-Verbose ("Invoking GET URL: {0}" -f $url)
            $OSRelease  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
            $property = 'latest'
            #get latest OS version for RHEL
            $url = ""
            Write-Verbose ("Invoking GET URL: {0}" -f $url)
            $OSRelease  = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Get -UseBasicParsing | ConvertFrom-Json
            $property = 'latest'


        $OSRelease = $OSRelease | Select -First 1

        return $OSRelease
        return $OSRelease.$property