<#PSScriptInfo .VERSION 1.0 .GUID f13a3f6d-1994-4d5a-bb1e-54093542dbe2 .AUTHOR Will Aftring .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT 2022 .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS Display http.sys relevent data or start http.sys specific ETW tracing. Run with no parameters displays configuration information. .DESCRIPTION A diagnostic script for the http.sys Windows component .PARAMETER StartTrace Starts a http.sys ETW tracing session .PARAMETER StopTrace Stops a http.sys ETW tracing session .PARAMETER InteractiveTrace Starts an interactive http.sys ETW tracing session .PARAMETER LogDir Output path for any data collection #> #Requires -runasadministrator [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Start")] [switch]$StartTrace, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Stop")] [switch]$StopTrace, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "Interactive")] [switch]$InteractiveTrace, [string]$LogDir = "C:\HttpDiag" ) #region GLOBALS $Script:LogPath = $LogDir $Script:Version = "1.0" $Script:EventLogs = @( "Microsoft-Windows-HttpService/Log!HttpService.evtx" "Microsoft-Windows-HttpService/Trace!HttpService-Trace.evtx" "Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2/Operational!CAPI2.evtx" ) #endregion # This is just a wrapper function function Get-HttpConfig { # Component information Write-Host "Service Information:" Get-Service Http | Format-List | Out-String | Write-Host Write-Host "Component Versions:" (Get-Item "C:\Windows\System32\httpapi.dll", "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\http.sys").VersionInfo | Select-Object -Property FileName, ProductVersion, FileVersion | Out-String | Write-Host Get-HttpRequestQueues Get-HttpReservedUrls Write-Host "Registry Information:" Get-Item HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP, HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HTTP\Parameters\ | Out-String | Write-Host } function Get-HttpRequestQueues { Write-Debug "Enter Get-HttpConfig" $HttpConfigList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::New() $RawRequestQueues = Invoke-Expression -Command 'netsh http show servicestate view="req"' $RequestQueueLines = $RawRequestQueues | Select-String "^Request queue name" $RequestQueueLines | ForEach-Object { $offset = 2 $HttpObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ Processes = $null Active = $false NumProcesses = 0 NumUrls = 0 RegisteredUrls = $null } $LineNumber = $_.LineNumber - 1 $HttpObj.Active = $RawRequestQueues[$LineNumber + $offset].Trim() -eq "State: Active" $offset += 3 $HttpObj.NumProcesses = $RawRequestQueues[$LineNumber + $offset].Trim().Split(" ")[-1] $offset += 2 $Processes = "" for ($i = 0; $i -lt $HttpObj.NumProcesses; $i++) { $ID = $RawRequestQueues[$LineNumber + $offset + $i].Trim().Split(" ")[1].Replace(",", "") $Proc = Get-Process -Id $ID $Processes += ("$($Proc.Name)($($Proc.Id)) ") } $HttpObj.Processes = $Processes $offset += $i + 9 $HttpObj.NumUrls = $RawRequestQueues[$LineNumber + $offset].Trim().Split(" ")[-1] $offset += 2 $HttpObj.RegisteredUrls = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::New() for ($j = 0; $j -lt $HttpObj.NumUrls; $j++) { # Silencing the add result [void]$HttpObj.RegisteredUrls.Add($RawRequestQueues[$LineNumber + $offset + $j].Trim()) } # Silencing the Add result [void]$HttpConfigList.Add($HttpObj) } Write-Host "Configured Request Queues:" $HttpConfigList | Sort-Object -Property NumUrls, NumProcesses -Descending | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String | Write-Host Write-Debug "Exit Get-HttpConfig" } function Get-HttpReservedUrls { Write-Debug "Enter Get-HttpReservedUrls" $ReservedUrlsList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::New() $RawReservedUrls = Invoke-Expression -Command "netsh http show urlacl" $ReservedUrls = $RawReservedUrls | Select-String "Reserved URL" $ReservedUrls | ForEach-Object { $UrlObj = [PSCustomObject]@{ User = "Unknown" Url = "" } $LineNumber = $_.LineNumber - 1 $UrlObj.Url = $RawReservedUrls[$LineNumber].Trim().Split(" ")[-1] if ($RawReservedUrls[$LineNumber + 1] -like "*User*") { $UrlObj.User = $RawReservedUrls[$LineNumber + 1].Trim().Split(" ")[-1] } [void]$ReservedUrlsList.Add($UrlObj) } Write-Host "Reserved Urls" $ReservedUrlsList | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String | Write-Host Write-Debug "Exit Get-HttpReservedUrls" } function Invoke-HttpTrace { param( [switch]$Start, [switch]$Stop ) Write-Debug "Enter Invoke-HttpTrace Start: $Start Stop: $Stop" $Pktmon = Get-Command pktmon -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($Start) { Invoke-Expression -Command "netsh trace start overwrite=yes capture=yes scenario=InternetServer_dbg maxsize=4096 persistent=yes report=disable tracefile=$Script:LogPath\HttpTrace.etl" if ($Pktmon -ne $null) { Invoke-Expression -Command "pktmon start --capture -f $Script:LogPath\Pktmon.etl -s 4096" } Enable-HttpLogs } elseif ($Stop) { Invoke-Expression -Command "netsh trace stop" if ($Pktmon -ne $null) { Invoke-Expression -Command "pktmon stop" Invoke-Expression -Command "pktmon list -a > $Script:LogPath\Pktmon-list.txt" Get-HttpTraceData } } Write-Debug "Exit Invoke-HttpTrace" } function Enable-HttpLogs { Write-Debug "Enter Enable-HttpLogs" foreach ($EventLog in $Script:EventLogs) { $Params = $EventLog.Split("!") $LogName = $Params[0] Invoke-Expression -Command "wevtutil sl `"$LogName`" /enabled:true /quiet:true" } Write-Debug "Exit Enable-HttpLogs" } function Get-HttpTraceData { Write-Debug "Enter Get-HttpTraceData" Invoke-Expression -Command "ipconfig /all > $Script:LogPath\ipconfig.txt" Invoke-Expression -Command "systeminfo > $Script:LogPath\systeminfo.txt" foreach ($EventLog in $Script:EventLogs) { $Params = $EventLog.Split("!") $LogName = $Params[0] $OutFile = $Params[1] Invoke-Expression -Command "wevtutil epl `"$LogName`" `"$Script:LogPath\$OutFile`" /overwrite:true" } Write-Debug "Exit Get-HttpTraceData" } #region main if (-not (Test-Path $Script:LogPath)) { New-Item $Script:LogPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null } if ($InteractiveTrace -or $StopTrace) { Start-Transcript -Path "$Script:LogPath\Transcript.log" | Out-Null } Write-Host "HttpDiag vers: $Script:Version`n" if ($StartTrace -or $InteractiveTrace) { Invoke-HttpTrace -Start } if ($InteractiveTrace) { Read-Host -Prompt "Press enter to stop the capture" } if ($StopTrace -or $InteractiveTrace) { Invoke-HttpTrace -Stop } if (-not $StartTrace) { Get-HttpConfig } if ($InteractiveTrace -or $Stop) { Stop-Transcript | Out-Null } #endregion |