.VERSION 1.2 .GUID cb45bb07-b39b-4398-9903-4766c04c4cdf .AUTHOR steve.goldthorpe@hornbill.com .COMPANYNAME Hornbill .TAGS hornbill powershell intune azure automation workflow runbook .RELEASENOTES 1.2 - Removed dependency on PSIntuneAuth module #> <# .DESCRIPTION Azure Automation Runbook to retrieve mobile assets from Intune, and import them into your Hornbill instance CMDB. #> #Requires -Module @{ModuleVersion = '1.1.0'; ModuleName = 'HornbillAPI'} #Requires -Module @{ModuleVersion = '1.2.0'; ModuleName = 'HornbillHelpers'} # Define Intune Params $AutomationCred = "IntuneAutomation" $AutomationVar = "AppClientID" $Resource = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/deviceManagement/managedDevices?`$top=100" $TenantName = "YourTenantName.onmicrosoft.com" # Define Hornbill Params $APIKey = "APIKey" # Points to your Runbook variable that holds your Hornbill API Key $InstanceID = "Instance" # Points to your Runbook variable that holds your Hornbill instance ID $AssetClass = "mobileDevice" # Asset Class for Mobile Devices in your Hornbill instance $AssetType = "77" # Primary Key for the "Smart Phone" asset type in your Hornbill instance $AssetEntity = "AssetsMobileDevice" # Entity name of the Hornbill entity used to check for existing assets $AssetUniqueColumn = "h_serial_number" # Column in the above entity used to check for existing assets #Import required modules try { Import-Module -Name AzureAD -RequiredVersion -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction Stop Import-Module -Name HornbillAPI -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction silentlyContinue Import-Module -Name HornbillHelpers -MinimumVersion 1.2.0 -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction silentlyContinue } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Failed to import modules: $($_.Exception.Message)" } #Read Creds and Vars $Credential = Get-AutomationPSCredential -Name $AutomationCred $ClientID = Get-AutomationVariable -Name $AutomationVar $APIKey = Get-AutomationVariable -Name $APIKey $Instance = Get-AutomationVariable -Name $InstanceID # Create Hornbill instance details Set-HB-Instance -Instance $Instance -Key $APIKey $Headers = New-HB-GraphAccessToken -TenantName $TenantName -UserName $Credential.UserName -Password $Credential.Password -ClientID $ClientID $NewHeaders = @{"Authorization" = $Headers.Authorization; "Content-Type" = "application/json" }; #�Now get pages of assets, and update/create into Hornbill as appropriate $LastLoop = $false $AssetsProcessed = @{ "created" = 0 "primaryupdated" = 0 "relatedupdated" = 0 "found" = 0 "totalupdated" = 0 "skipupdateprimary" = 0 "skipupdaterelated" = 0 } while ($LastLoop -eq $false -and $Resource -ne "") { Write-Output -InputObject ("Retrieving devices from: " + $Resource) $ManagedDevices = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Resource -Method Get -Headers $NewHeaders $DeviceCount = 0 if ($ManagedDevices.PSobject.Properties.name -match "@odata.count") { $DeviceCount = $ManagedDevices."@odata.count" } $Resource = "" if ($ManagedDevices.PSobject.Properties.name -match "@odata.nextLink") { $Resource = $ManagedDevices."@odata.nextLink" } if ($DeviceCount -eq 0) { $LastLoop = $true } else { $DevicesArr = $ManagedDevices.Value if ($DevicesArr -ne $null) { foreach ($Device in $DevicesArr) { $AssetsProcessed.found++ #Set Date/Time $CurrDateTime = Get-Date -format "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss" #Does asset exist? $AssetIDCheck = Get-HB-AssetID $Device.serialNumber $AssetEntity $AssetUniqueColumn $ExistingAsset = $false if ($AssetIDCheck.AssetID -ne $null) { $ExistingAsset = $true Write-Output -InputObject ("Matched Hornbill asset record found, ID: " + $AssetIDCheck.AssetID) $UpdatedPrimary = $false $UpdatedRelated = $false #Asset Exists - Update Primary Entity Data First Add-HB-Param "application" "com.hornbill.servicemanager" Add-HB-Param "entity" "Asset" Add-HB-Param "returnModifiedData" "true" Open-HB-Element "primaryEntityData" Open-HB-Element "record" Add-HB-Param "h_pk_asset_id" $AssetIDCheck.AssetID Add-HB-Param "h_class" $AssetClass Add-HB-Param "h_asset_urn" ("urn:sys:entity:com.hornbill.servicemanager:Asset:" + $AssetIDCheck.AssetID) if ($Device.userDisplayName -ne $null -and $Device.userPrincipalName -ne $null) { $OwnerURN = "urn:sys:0:" + $Device.userDisplayName + ":" + $Device.userPrincipalName Add-HB-Param "h_owned_by" $OwnerURN Add-HB-Param "h_owned_by_name" $Device.userDisplayName } Add-HB-Param "h_name" $Device.deviceName Add-HB-Param "h_description" $Device.managedDeviceName Close-HB-Element "record" Close-HB-Element "primaryEntityData" $UpdateAsset = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "data" "entityUpdateRecord" if ($UpdateAsset.status -eq 'ok' -and $UpdateAsset.params.primaryEntityData.PSobject.Properties.name -match "record") { $UpdatedPrimary = $true $AssetsProcessed.primaryupdated++ Write-Output -InputObject ("Asset Primary Record Updated: " + $AssetIDCheck.AssetID) } else { $ErrorMess = $UpdateAsset.error if ($UpdateAsset.params.primaryEntityData.PSobject.Properties.name -notmatch "record") { Write-Output ("There are no primary entity values to update for asset with primary key: " + $AssetIDCheck.AssetID) $AssetsProcessed.skipupdateprimary++ } else { Write-Warning ("Error Updating Primary Asset Record " + $AssetIDCheck.AssetID + ": " + $ErrorMess) $AssetsProcessed.skipupdateprimary++ Continue } } # Now update related record information Add-HB-Param "application" "com.hornbill.servicemanager" Add-HB-Param "entity" "Asset" Add-HB-Param "returnModifiedData" "true" Open-HB-Element "primaryEntityData" Open-HB-Element "record" Add-HB-Param "h_pk_asset_id" $AssetIDCheck.AssetID Close-HB-Element "record" Close-HB-Element "primaryEntityData" Open-HB-Element "relatedEntityData" Add-HB-Param "relationshipName" "AssetClass" Add-HB-Param "entityAction" "update" Open-HB-Element "record" Add-HB-Param "h_type" $AssetType Add-HB-Param "h_capacity" $Device.totalStorageSpaceInBytes Add-HB-Param "h_description" $Device.managedDeviceName Add-HB-Param "h_imei_number" $Device.imei Add-HB-Param "h_mac_address" $Device.wiFiMacAddress Add-HB-Param "h_manufacturer" $Device.manufacturer Add-HB-Param "h_model" $Device.model Add-HB-Param "h_name" $Device.deviceName Add-HB-Param "h_os_version" ($Device.operatingSystem + " " + $Device.osVersion) Add-HB-Param "h_phone_number" $Device.phoneNumber Add-HB-Param "h_serial_number" $Device.serialNumber Close-HB-Element "record" Close-HB-Element "relatedEntityData" $UpdateAssetRelated = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "data" "entityUpdateRecord" if ($UpdateAssetRelated.status -eq 'ok') { $UpdatedRelated = $true $AssetsProcessed.relatedupdated++ Write-Output -InputObject ("Asset Related Record Updated: " + $AssetIDCheck.AssetID) } else { if ($UpdateAssetRelated.params.relatedEntityData.PSobject.Properties.name -notmatch "record") { Write-Output ("There are no related entity values to update for asset with primary key: " + $AssetIDCheck.AssetID) $AssetsProcessed.skipupdaterelated++ } else { Write-Warning ("Error Updating Related Asset Record " + $AssetIDCheck.AssetID + ": " + $ErrorMess) $AssetsProcessed.skipupdaterelated++ Continue } } if ($UpdatedPrimary -eq $true -or $UpdatedRelated -eq $true) { $AssetsProcessed.totalupdated++ #Update Last Udated fields Add-HB-Param "application" "com.hornbill.servicemanager" Add-HB-Param "entity" "Asset" Open-HB-Element "primaryEntityData" Open-HB-Element "record" Add-HB-Param "h_pk_asset_id" $AssetIDCheck.AssetID Add-HB-Param "h_last_updated" $CurrDateTime Add-HB-Param "h_last_updated_by" "Azure Intune Import" Close-HB-Element "record" Close-HB-Element "primaryEntityData" $UpdateLastAsset = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "data" "entityUpdateRecord" if ($UpdateLastAsset.status -ne 'ok') { Write-Warning ("Asset updated but error returned updating Last Updated values: " + $UpdateLastAsset.error) } } } else { #Asset doesn't exist - Add Add-HB-Param "application" "com.hornbill.servicemanager" Add-HB-Param "entity" "Asset" Add-HB-Param "returnModifiedData" "true" Open-HB-Element "primaryEntityData" Open-HB-Element "record" Add-HB-Param "h_class" $AssetClass Add-HB-Param "h_type" $AssetType Add-HB-Param "h_last_updated" $CurrDateTime Add-HB-Param "h_last_updated_by" "Azure Intune Import" if ($Device.userDisplayName -ne $null -and $Device.userPrincipalName -ne $null) { $OwnerURN = "urn:sys:0:" + $Device.userDisplayName + ":" + $Device.userPrincipalName Add-HB-Param "h_owned_by" $OwnerURN Add-HB-Param "h_owned_by_name" $Device.userDisplayName } Add-HB-Param "h_name" $Device.deviceName Add-HB-Param "h_description" $Device.managedDeviceName Close-HB-Element "record" Close-HB-Element "primaryEntityData" Open-HB-Element "relatedEntityData" Add-HB-Param "relationshipName" "AssetClass" Add-HB-Param "entityAction" "insert" Open-HB-Element "record" Add-HB-Param "h_type" $AssetType Add-HB-Param "h_capacity" $Device.totalStorageSpaceInBytes Add-HB-Param "h_description" $Device.managedDeviceName Add-HB-Param "h_imei_number" $Device.imei Add-HB-Param "h_mac_address" $Device.wiFiMacAddress Add-HB-Param "h_manufacturer" $Device.manufacturer Add-HB-Param "h_model" $Device.model Add-HB-Param "h_name" $Device.deviceName Add-HB-Param "h_os_version" ($Device.operatingSystem + " " + $Device.osVersion) Add-HB-Param "h_phone_number" $Device.phoneNumber Add-HB-Param "h_serial_number" $Device.serialNumber Close-HB-Element "record" Close-HB-Element "relatedEntityData" $InsertAsset = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "data" "entityAddRecord" if ($InsertAsset.status -eq 'ok') { $AssetsProcessed.created++ Write-Output -InputObject ("Asset Imported: " + $InsertAsset.params.primaryEntityData.record.h_pk_asset_id) #Now update the asset with its URN Add-HB-Param "application" "com.hornbill.servicemanager" Add-HB-Param "entity" "Asset" Open-HB-Element "primaryEntityData" Open-HB-Element "record" Add-HB-Param "h_pk_asset_id" $InsertAsset.params.primaryEntityData.record.h_pk_asset_id Add-HB-Param "h_asset_urn" ("urn:sys:entity:com.hornbill.servicemanager:Asset:" + $InsertAsset.params.primaryEntityData.record.h_pk_asset_id) Close-HB-Element "record" Close-HB-Element "primaryEntityData" $UpdateAsset = Invoke-HB-XMLMC "data" "entityUpdateRecord" if ($UpdateAsset.status -eq 'ok') { } else { Write-Warning ("Error Updating Asset URN: " + $UpdateAsset.error) } } else { Write-Warning ("Error Creating Asset: " + $InsertAsset.error) } } } } } } "" "IMPORT COMPLETE" "" Write-Output -InputObject ("Assets Found:" + $AssetsProcessed.found) Write-Output -InputObject ("Assets Created:" + $AssetsProcessed.created) Write-Output -InputObject ("Assets Updated:" + $AssetsProcessed.created) "" Write-Output -InputObject ("* Primary Record Updated:" + $AssetsProcessed.primaryupdated) Write-Output -InputObject ("* Primary Record Update Skipped:" + $AssetsProcessed.skipupdateprimary) Write-Output -InputObject ("* Related Record Updated:" + $AssetsProcessed.relatedupdated) Write-Output -InputObject ("* Related Record Update Skipped:" + $AssetsProcessed.skipupdaterelated) |