function global:Get-RandomPassword { <# .EXTERNALHELP HelperFunctions.psm1-Help.xml #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.String])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] [Int32]$Length, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 1)] [Boolean]$IncludeLCase, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 2)] [Boolean]$IncludeUCase, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 3)] [Boolean]$IncludeNumbers, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 4)] [Boolean]$IncludeSpecialChar, [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 5)] [Boolean]$NoSimilarCharacters ) Begin { # Validate our parameters If ($length -lt 10) { $exception = New-Object Exception "The minimum password length is 10" Throw $exception } If ($includeLCase -eq $false -and $includeUCase -eq $false -and $includeNumbers -eq $false -and $includeSpecialChar -eq $false) { $exception = New-Object Exception "At least one set of included characters must be specified" Throw $exception } } Process { #Available characters $CharsToSkip = [char]"i", [char]"l", [char]"o", [char]"1", [char]"0", [char]"I" $AvailableCharsForPassword = $null; $uppercaseChars = $null For ($a = 65; $a -le 90; $a++) { If ($noSimilarCharacters -eq $false -or [char][byte]$a -notin $CharsToSkip) { $uppercaseChars += ,[char][byte]$a } } $lowercaseChars = $null For ($a = 97; $a -le 122; $a++) { If ($noSimilarCharacters -eq $false -or [char][byte]$a -notin $CharsToSkip) { $lowercaseChars += ,[char][byte]$a } } $digitChars = $null For ($a = 48; $a -le 57; $a++) { If ($noSimilarCharacters -eq $false -or [char][byte]$a -notin $CharsToSkip) { $digitChars += ,[char][byte]$a } } $specialChars = $null $specialChars += [char]"=", [char]"+", [char]"_", [char]"?", [char]"!", [char]"-", [char]"#", [char]"$", [char]"*", [char]"&", [char]"@" $TemplateLetters = $null If ($includeLCase) { $TemplateLetters += "L" } If ($includeUCase) { $TemplateLetters += "U" } If ($includeNumbers) { $TemplateLetters += "N" } If ($includeSpecialChar) { $TemplateLetters += "S" } $PasswordTemplate = @() # Set password template, to ensure that required chars are included Do { $myPassTemplate = @() For ($loop = 1; $loop -le $length; $loop++) { $myPassTemplate += $TemplateLetters.Substring((Get-Random -Maximum $TemplateLetters.Length), 1) } } While (( (($includeLCase -eq $false) -or ($myPassTemplate -contains "L")) -and (($includeUCase -eq $false) -or ($myPassTemplate -contains "U")) -and (($includeNumbers -eq $false) -or ($myPassTemplate -contains "N")) -and (($includeSpecialChar -eq $false) -or ($myPassTemplate -contains "S"))) -eq $false ) #$PasswordTemplate now contains an array with at least one of each included character type (uppercase, lowercase, number and/or special) ForEach ($char In $myPassTemplate) { Switch ($char) { L { $Password += $lowercaseChars | Get-Random } U { $Password += $uppercaseChars | Get-Random } N { $Password += $digitChars | Get-Random } S { $Password += $specialChars | Get-Random } } } } End { Return $Password } } #End function Get-RandomPassword |