function Get-HardwareReadiness { <# .SYNOPSIS Checks if the current system meets Windows 11 hardware requirements. .DESCRIPTION Performs a comprehensive check of system hardware to determine Windows 11 compatibility. Returns results in an easily consumable object format. .EXAMPLE Get-HardwareReadiness Checks system compatibility and returns structured results. .OUTPUTS [PSCustomObject] with the following properties: - IsCapable: Boolean indicating if system meets requirements - Result: Overall status (CAPABLE, NOT CAPABLE, etc.) - Reason: Detailed reason if not capable - Details: Comprehensive check results - ReturnCode: Status code (0=success, 1=failure, -1=error) #> [CmdletBinding()] param() try { [string]$jsonResult = Get-HardwareReadinessJSON if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($jsonResult)) { throw "No result returned from hardware check" } $resultObject = $jsonResult | ConvertFrom-Json return [PSCustomObject]@{ IsCapable = $resultObject.returnResult -eq 'CAPABLE' Result = $resultObject.returnResult Reason = $resultObject.returnReason Details = $resultObject.logging ReturnCode = $resultObject.returnCode } } catch { return [PSCustomObject]@{ IsCapable = $false Result = 'ERROR' Reason = $_.Exception.Message Details = '' ReturnCode = -1 } } } |