function Remove-HaloAction { <# .SYNOPSIS Removes an action from the Halo API. .DESCRIPTION Deletes a specific action from Halo. .OUTPUTS A powershell object containing the response. #> [cmdletbinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $True, ConfirmImpact = 'High' )] [OutputType([Object])] Param( # The Action ID [Parameter( Mandatory = $True )] [int64]$ActionID, # The Ticket ID [Parameter( Mandatory = $True )] [int64]$TicketID ) Invoke-HaloPreFlightCheck try { $ObjectToDelete = Get-HaloAction -ActionID $ActionID -TicketID $TicketID if ($ObjectToDelete) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Action '$($' by '$($ObjectToDelete.who)'", 'Delete')) { $Resource = "api/actions/$($ActionID)?ticket_id=$($TicketID)" $ActionResults = New-HaloDELETERequest -Resource $Resource Return $ActionResults } } else { Throw 'Action was not found in Halo to delete.' } } catch { New-HaloError -ErrorRecord $_ } } |