
Function New-HaloTicketBatch {
            Creates multiple tickets via the Halo API.
            Function to send a batch of ticket creation requests to the Halo API
            Outputs an object containing the responses from the web requests.

    [CmdletBinding( SupportsShouldProcess = $True )]
    Param (
        # Array of objects containing properties and values used to create one or more new tickets.
        [Parameter( Mandatory = $True )]
        # How many objects to process at once before delaying. Default value is 100.
        # How long to wait between batch runs. Default value is 1 second.

    try {
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Tickets', 'Create')) {
            if ($Tickets -is [Array]) {
                $BatchParams = @{
                    Input = $Tickets
                    EntityType = 'Ticket'
                    Operation = 'New'
                if ($BatchSize) {
                    $BatchParams.Size = $BatchSize
                if ($BatchWait) {
                    $BatchParams.Wait = $BatchWait
                $BatchResults = Invoke-HaloBatchProcessor @BatchParams
                Return $BatchResults
            } else {
                throw 'New-HaloTicketBatch requires an array of tickets to create.'
    } catch {
        New-HaloError -ErrorRecord $_