


.GUID 972a6d04-f905-4347-98b1-6bf00d8ce204

.AUTHOR dmcanady













function Start-RepairAudit {

    Set-Computers -AuditSelection $script:AuditSelection #pull from ServiceNow

    $count = Get-Computers | Where-object AuditStatus -eq "NotScanned" | measure
    $remaining = $count.Count
    $script:format = @{"format" = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" }

    while ($true) {
        #output list of devices remaining to be scanned
        Get-Computers | Where-object AuditStatus -eq "NotScanned" | 
            Sort-Object @{expression='AuditStatus'; Descending = $True}, @{expression='ID'} | 
            Format-Table @{Label = 'CS Number'; Expression = 'number'}, Serial, @{Label = 'Technician'; Expression = 'u_wi_primary_tech'}, @{Label = 'State'; Expression = 'state'}, @{Label = 'Substate'; Expression = 'u_substate'}, @{Label = 'Audit Status'; Expression = 'AuditStatus'} -AutoSize  
        Write-host "IT HELPDESK REPAIR AUDIT - " $remaining " remaining `n"

        $scanned = Read-Host "Enter CS Number or 'exit' to complete audit"
        $scanned = ($scanned -replace '\s', '').ToLower()

        if ($scanned -ne "exit" -and $scanned -ne "" ) {
            $computer = Get-Computer -CS_number $scanned #checks if $scanned input matches any CS# from Computers list returns empty if not, returns with matching value if it does
            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($computer)) { #if input scanned is not found on the list of CS# from service now
                #attempt to add as bad scan
                Add-Computers -CS_numbers @($scanned) #sends scanned data to add computer to check if in Service now or not. If not in service now gets marked bad scan
            } # End If
            else { #if found on list
                $computer = Get-Computer -CS_number $scanned | select -First 1 #searches list of computers for matching CS#
                if ($computer.AuditStatus -eq "NotScanned") { #if found and auditstaus already equals scanned
                    Update-Computer -CS_number $scanned -Value @{"AuditStatus" = "Scanned"} #else mark device as scanned
                } # End If
                else {
                    New-Computer -InputObject $computer -Duplicate #it is marked as duplicate
                } # End Else
            } # End Else
        } # End If
        elseif($scanned -ne "exit") { #if input is "" null or empty
            Write-Host "Value Cannot be NULL"
        }#end else if
        else { #if input equals "exit" display computer list and break out/end script
            Get-AuditReport -ReportSelection $script:AuditSelection | Format-Table ID, @{Label = 'CS Number'; Expression = 'number'}, Serial, @{Label = 'Technician'; Expression = 'u_wi_primary_tech'}, @{Label = 'State'; Expression = 'state'}, @{Label = 'Substate'; Expression = 'u_substate'}, @{Label = 'Audit Status'; Expression = 'AuditStatus'} -AutoSize #write report to console

            #update ticket
            $ticket = Get-AuditTicket
            $RecordData = @{
                "Filter"     = @(@("number", "-eq", "$ticket"));
                "Table"      = "sc_req_item";
                "First"      = 1;
            } #set param for which ticket to update
            Get-ServiceNowRecord @RecordData  | Update-ServiceNowRecord -Values @{description = Get-AuditReport -ReportSelection $script:AuditSelection} #upload data to ticket

            Update-WorkNotes -AuditSelection $script:AuditSelection #updates the work notes for all scanned repair tickets
            Write-Host "Duplicate or Faulty Scan data: "
            Get-BadScans | Format-Table ID, number, Serial, u_wi_primary_tech, state, u_substate, AuditStatus -AutoSize
        } # End Else
    } # End While

}#end Start-ReturnAudit