


.GUID 972a6d04-f905-4347-98b1-6bf00d8ce204

.AUTHOR dmcanady













function Set-Computers {
    param (

    if ($AuditSelection -eq "Storage")
    { #Start Storage If
        #Storage audit parameters
        $RecordData = @{
            "Filter"     = @(@("install_status", "-eq", "16"), "and", @("location", "-eq", $script:Office.Code), "and", @("u_type", "-in", "Laptop, Mac_Laptop, Tablet"));
            "Sort"       = @("model", "asc");
            "Table"      = "alm_hardware";
            "First"      = 300;
            "Properties" = @("u_last_physical_inventory_date", "serial_number", "display_name", "sys_id");

        # Gets a list of all computers, info with ID that are in storage
        $script:Computers = Get-ServiceNowRecord @RecordData |
        % { $counter = 0 } { $counter++; $_ | Add-Member -Name ID -Value $counter -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru } |
        % { $_ | Add-Member -Name AuditStatus -Value "NotScanned" -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru }
    }#end Storage If
    elseif ($AuditSelection -eq "Repair")
    {#start Repair If
        $RecordData = @{
            "Filter"     = @(@("cat_item", "-eq", "cd13f3032b7892001235717bf8da1580"), "and", @("u_depot_location", "-eq", $script:Office.Code) , "and", @("state", "-in", "2, 1, 11"), "or", @("u_substate", "-eq", "c4b3f3702b3c9200258f89efe8da1504"));
            "Sort"       = @("state", "asc");
            "Table"      = "u_computer_support"; 
            "First"      = 150;
            "Properties" = @("number", "u_asset", "cat_item", "state", "u_substate", "u_depot_location", "u_serial_number", "u_wi_primary_tech");
        # Gets a list of all computers, info with ID for acitve or ready for pickup repairs
        $script:Computers = Get-ServiceNowRecord @RecordData |
        % { $counter = 0 } { $counter++; $_ | Add-Member -Name ID -Value $counter -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru } | 
        % { $_ | Add-Member -Name AuditStatus -Value "NotScanned" -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru } | 
        % { $_ | Add-Member -Name Serial -Value "" -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru }
    }#end Repair If
    elseif ($AuditSelection -eq "Assignment")
    {#start Assignment If
        $RecordData = @{
            "Filter"     = @(@("cat_item", "-in", "e604f7032b7892001235717bf8da153c, a6b3bfcf2b3892001235717bf8da1530"), "and", @("u_depot_location", "-eq", $script:Office.Code) , "and", @("state", "-in", "2, 1, 11"), "or", @("u_substate", "-eq", "c4b3f3702b3c9200258f89efe8da1504"));
            "Sort"       = @("state", "asc");
            "Table"      = "u_computer_support"; 
            "First"      = 150;
            "Properties" = @("number", "u_asset", "cat_item", "state", "u_substate", "u_depot_location", "u_serial_number", "u_wi_primary_tech");
        # Gets a list of all computers, info with ID for Assignments and LCMs
        $script:Computers = Get-ServiceNowRecord @RecordData |
        % { $counter = 0 } { $counter++; $_ | Add-Member -Name ID -Value $counter -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru } | 
        % { $_ | Add-Member -Name AuditStatus -Value "NotScanned" -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru } | 
        % { $_ | Add-Member -Name Serial -Value "" -MemberType NoteProperty -PassThru }
    }#end Assignment If