Describe 'Test-HawkInvestigationParameter' { BeforeAll { # Mock Test-Path to handle both -IsValid and normal path checks Mock Test-Path -ModuleName Hawk { param($Path) if ($Path -eq 'C:\ValidPath') { return $true } return $false } } Context 'When validating FilePath parameter' { It 'Should fail when FilePath is missing in non-interactive mode' { # Arrange $startDate = Get-Date $endDate = $startDate.AddDays(30) # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter ` -StartDate $startDate ` -EndDate $endDate ` -NonInteractive # Assert $result.IsValid | Should -BeFalse $result.ErrorMessages | Should -Contain 'FilePath parameter is required in non-interactive mode' } It 'Should fail when FilePath is invalid' { # Arrange $startDate = Get-Date $endDate = $startDate.AddDays(30) $invalidPath = "Z:\NonExistentPath\Invalid" # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter ` -StartDate $startDate ` -EndDate $endDate ` -FilePath $invalidPath ` -NonInteractive # Assert $result.IsValid | Should -BeFalse $result.ErrorMessages | Should -Contain "Invalid file path provided: $invalidPath" } It 'Should pass when all required parameters are valid in non-interactive mode' { # Arrange $currentDate = Get-Date $startDate = $currentDate.AddDays(-30) $endDate = $currentDate $validPath = "C:\ValidPath" # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter ` -StartDate $startDate ` -EndDate $endDate ` -FilePath $validPath ` -NonInteractive # Assert $result.IsValid | Should -BeTrue $result.ErrorMessages | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } } Context 'When validating in interactive mode' { It 'Should pass when valid dates are provided in interactive mode' { # Arrange $currentDate = Get-Date $startDate = $currentDate.AddDays(-30) $endDate = $currentDate $validPath = "C:\ValidPath" # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter ` -StartDate $startDate ` -EndDate $endDate ` -FilePath $validPath # Assert $result.IsValid | Should -BeTrue $result.ErrorMessages | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Should pass with DaysToLookBack in interactive mode' { # Arrange $validPath = "C:\ValidPath" # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter ` -DaysToLookBack 30 ` -FilePath $validPath # Assert $result.IsValid | Should -BeTrue $result.ErrorMessages | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } } Context 'When validating date parameters' { It 'Should fail when StartDate is after EndDate' { # Arrange $startDate = Get-Date $endDate = $startDate.AddDays(-30) $validPath = "C:\ValidPath" # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter ` -StartDate $startDate ` -EndDate $endDate ` -FilePath $validPath ` -NonInteractive # Assert $result.IsValid | Should -BeFalse $result.ErrorMessages | Should -Contain "StartDate must be before EndDate" } It 'Should fail when date range exceeds 365 days' { # Arrange: Ensure EndDate is within allowed bounds by setting it to tomorrow, # then choose a StartDate that makes the range 367 days (i.e. one day too long) $currentDate = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().Date $tomorrow = $currentDate.AddDays(1) $invalidStartDate = $tomorrow.AddDays(-367) # 367-day difference triggers error # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter -StartDate $invalidStartDate ` -EndDate $tomorrow ` -FilePath $validPath ` -NonInteractive # Assert: Expect the specific error message for a date range that is too long. $result.ErrorMessages | Should -Contain "Date range cannot exceed 365 days" } It 'Should fail when EndDate is more than one day in the future' { # Arrange $startDate = Get-Date $endDate = $startDate.AddDays(2) $validPath = "C:\ValidPath" # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter ` -StartDate $startDate ` -EndDate $endDate ` -FilePath $validPath ` -NonInteractive # Assert $result.IsValid | Should -BeFalse $result.ErrorMessages | Should -Contain "EndDate cannot be more than one day in the future" } It 'Should fail when DaysToLookBack is 0' { # Arrange $validPath = "C:\ValidPath" # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter ` -DaysToLookBack 0 ` -FilePath $validPath ` -NonInteractive # Assert $result.IsValid | Should -BeFalse $result.ErrorMessages | Should -Contain "Either StartDate or DaysToLookBack must be specified in non-interactive mode" } It 'Should fail when DaysToLookBack is 366' { # Arrange $validPath = "C:\ValidPath" # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter ` -DaysToLookBack 366 ` -FilePath $validPath ` -NonInteractive # Assert $result.IsValid | Should -BeFalse $result.ErrorMessages | Should -Contain "DaysToLookBack must be between 1 and 365" } } Context 'When validating parameter combinations' { It 'Should pass when DaysToLookBack is used with EndDate but no StartDate' { # Arrange $validPath = "C:\ValidPath" $endDate = Get-Date # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter ` -DaysToLookBack 30 ` -EndDate $endDate ` -FilePath $validPath ` -NonInteractive # Assert $result.IsValid | Should -BeTrue $result.ErrorMessages | Should -BeNullOrEmpty } It 'Should fail when DaysToLookBack is used with StartDate' { # Arrange $validPath = "C:\ValidPath" $startDate = Get-Date # Act $result = Test-HawkInvestigationParameter ` -DaysToLookBack 30 ` -StartDate $startDate ` -FilePath $validPath ` -NonInteractive # Assert $result.IsValid | Should -BeFalse $result.ErrorMessages | Should -Contain "EndDate must be specified when using StartDate in non-interactive mode" } } } |