
function Write-HawkInvestigationSummary {
        Outputs a summary of a Hawk investigation session.
        Creates and displays a summary report of a Hawk investigation session, including
        the time range, investigation type, and if applicable, the users investigated.
        This summary helps track and document investigation scope and parameters.
    .PARAMETER StartTime
        The UTC start time of the investigation period.
    .PARAMETER EndTime
        The UTC end time of the investigation period.
    .PARAMETER InvestigationType
        The type of investigation performed. Valid values include "Tenant" and "User".
    .PARAMETER UserPrincipalName
        For user investigations, an array of user principal names that were investigated.
        Not required for tenant-wide investigations.
        PS C:\> Write-HawkInvestigationSummary -StartTime "2024-01-01" -EndTime "2024-01-31" -InvestigationType "Tenant"
        Outputs a summary of a tenant-wide investigation covering January 2024.
        PS C:\> Write-HawkInvestigationSummary -StartTime "2024-01-01" -EndTime "2024-01-31" -InvestigationType "User" -UserPrincipalName ""
        Outputs a summary of a user investigation for a specific user during January 2024.
        This function should be called at the end of investigation sessions to document
        the scope and parameters of the investigation.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateSet('User', 'Tenant')]


    # Calculate total duration
    $duration = $EndTime - $StartTime
    # Create a more readable duration string with labels
    $durationParts = @()
    if ($duration.Hours -gt 0) {
        $durationParts += "{0} hours" -f $duration.Hours
    if ($duration.Minutes -gt 0) {
        $durationParts += "{0} minutes" -f $duration.Minutes
    if ($duration.Seconds -gt 0 -or $durationParts.Count -eq 0) {
        $durationParts += "{0} seconds" -f $duration.Seconds
    $durationStr = $durationParts -join ", "

    Write-Output ""
    Out-LogFile "=========================================================================" -Information
    # Output different message based on investigation type
    if ($InvestigationType -eq 'Tenant') {
        Out-LogFile "Tenant Investigation complete for tenant: $($Hawk.TenantName)" -Information
    } else {
        # Handle user investigation output
        if ($UserPrincipalName.Count -eq 1) {
            # Single user case
            if ($UserPrincipalName[0] -is [PSCustomObject]) {
                $upn = $UserPrincipalName[0].UserPrincipalName
            } else {
                $upn = $UserPrincipalName[0]
            Out-LogFile "User Investigation complete for user: '$upn'" -Information
        } else {
            # Multiple users case
            Out-LogFile "User Investigation complete for users:" -Information
            foreach ($user in $UserPrincipalName) {
                if ($user -is [PSCustomObject]) {
                    $upn = $user.UserPrincipalName
                } else {
                    $upn = $user
                Out-LogFile "* $upn" -Information
    Out-LogFile "Total run time: $durationStr" -Information
    Out-LogFile "Please review investigation files at: $($Hawk.FilePath)" -Information
    # Only show the additional investigation message for tenant investigations
    if ($InvestigationType -eq 'Tenant') {
        Out-LogFile "To investigate specific users, run: Start-HawkUserInvestigation" -Information
    Out-LogFile "=========================================================================" -Information
    Write-Output ""